
Where is Gambling Illegal?

Inteliumlaw » Gambling » Where is Gambling Illegal?
Picture of Yevhenii Yatsyshin, Senior Associate, Inteliumlaw

Yevhenii Yatsyshin, Senior Associate, Inteliumlaw

Yevhenii Yatsyshin, Senior Associate at Inteliumlaw: Your Trusted Legal Advisor. With a wealth of experience in legal practice, Yevhenii brings invaluable insights and expertise to our team

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Gambling, up to now, is an enormous industry that brings a great number of profits to the business engaged in it. But on the other hand, it is a risky industry that can get out of control and cause gambling addiction among players, that can influence the latter’s productivity, wellbeing, health conditions, etc. Consequently, certain jurisdictions recognized gambling activities unbeneficial for their population and prohibited them justifying it for different social, cultural and religious, or political reasons.

In this article, our legal team will give some insights on separate countries where gambling is illegal.

Trends in gambling legislation

Globally, the gambling industry brings a lot of economic value to different countries since an enormous funds flow creates growth of state economy through increasing volume of paid taxes. In that matter, many states have prohibited gambling activities on their territory without local license and have implemented a set of tools which strive to overcome illegal gambling service provided by foreign operator without such license. Also, there are many countries that plan to ban gambling without local license since the economic effect of such restriction is huge.

On the other hand, gambling has a negative impact on countries’ population, like gambling addiction, significant deterioration of players’ welfare, etc., and countries strive to address measures that may lessen such impact.  In order to lessen the negative impact gambling industry poses on individuals, different states issue licenses and establish regulations governing gambling activities. A key focus for governments still remains the protection of users – particularly children – against online harms. Many jurisdictions either have adopted or would plan to enact different regulations, laws, etc., that obligates gambling businesses to establish different mechanisms for identification of individual, preventing uncontrolled gaming, security measures for proper functionating of the platform. Additionally, different jurisdictions can impose some requirements regarding the advertising of separate gambling products, that concern its content, target auditory, etc.

In that matter, gambling businesses need to invest now in compliance to ensure they can keep up with the new expectations regulators are placing on them across the world. Largely, it means that gambling companies need to map laws and regulations that apply in different jurisdictions and continue to build and refine their frameworks to meet the requirements of regimes they operate in.

At the same time, there are many jurisdictions that may simply prohibit gambling to avoid the possible negative impact, like public condemnation of breaching religion core principles, etc.

Countries where gambling is illegal

There are approximately 70 states that partially or wholly banned gambling activities. Nevertheless, some of them allow players to visit offshore platforms (or don’t bother prosecuting them if they do), and others punish players who are caught visiting foreign gambling sites (players can face prosecution). In that matter, let’s have a glance at some countries where online gambling is illegal.


Japan is one of the world’s leading economic, but, at the same time this jurisdiction generally prohibits gambling activities. Penal Code of Japan criminalizes gambling, habitual gambling, running a place for gambling and sale of lottery tickets. But on the other hand, this jurisdiction has an exclusion from this general rule, as there is a mechanism of granting a license for land-based casinos under the Integrated Resort (IR) Promotion Law and the IR Implementation Law.

United Arab Emirates

  • Since the United Arab Emirates is an Islamic country, that has strong anti-gambling legislative approach and, consequently, bans and penalizes all forms of gambling. The Federal Law by Decree No. (31) of 2021 Promulgating the Crimes and Penalties Law contains punishments for playing gambling and for who opening, running a place for gambling or organizing any game of gambling in a public place or a place opened for the public. At the same time, the government of UAE can in the near future legitimize some types of the gambling activities, as millions of tourists that visits this country may bring an enormous amount of profit to the UAE budged.


Since Wahhabi Sunni Islam is the official state religion of Qatar, and sharia is defined as “a main source” of legislation, sharia instructions forbid all kinds of gambling, and consequently that influenced the ratification of the country’s anti-gambling laws.

Qatar’s Law No. 11 of 2004 make gambling a criminal activity. Under articles 274 and 275, any form of gambling is punishable by 3 months of imprisonment and a 3,000 Qatari Riyals fine.

If the offender gambled in public, imprisonment is extended to 6 months. They will also be fined 6,000 Qatari Riyals.


Since the Republic of Iran is an autocratic Islamic theocracy, the rules of the Shia Islam religion determine the country’s rules as divine guidance. This religion recognizes gambling as one of the major sins. Consequently, any gambling activities is generally prohibited in Iran. Gambling and betting are explicitly stated as void and illegal. Gambling and betting are presented as void transactions in Section 12 Article 654 of the Civil Code of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Causes and consequences of gambling bans

In most cases, the countries that ban gambling justify it for different social, cultural and religious, or political reasons. Let’s have a more precious glance at these reasons.

Social: There is a high risk that the person will become gambling addict that may end up developing alcohol and substance dependence. Also, once a person becomes addicted to gambling, they are prone to gambling harms like:

  • racking up debts;
  • reduced budget on essentials like food;
  • decreased productivity for work or school;
  • selling belongings to fund their betting habits;

The above ultimately contributes to a higher incidence of criminal activities, risking citizens’ lives. To protect the residents from these damages, authorities make gambling illegal. 

Cultural and religious reasons
: Most anti-gambling laws are driven by morality and religion. Those societal institutions and norms consider gambling a sin, for instance Quran condemns gambling because it is unnecessary and causes harm to society. 

When a country is highly religious and conservative, doing activities that oppose beliefs is shameful. To avoid any temptations, authorities ban gambling. 

Political reasons
: When countries expand gambling activities and establish more facilities, they raise additional and significant revenue. However, there is a risk that the spike in revenue is only short-lived, since many gambling addicted persons may cause necessity to distribute additional funds for eliminating of negative impact imposed or caused to them. 

Depending on the country prohibiting gambling, the penalty for conducting it may differ. Most states criminalize gambling, however there are some that can launch administrative proceedings for illegal gambling.

But on the other hand, prohibition of gambling activities has some consequences that deprive countries of some benefits, like:

Tourism and economic development
: The legalization of gambling in different regions has led to the development of tourism and the strengthening of the local economy. Casinos and gambling houses began to attract tourists from all over the world, which contributed to the economic growth of different regions.

Technological Advancement
: Over time, gambling has also evolved to include technological innovations. The emergence of online casinos and online betting has opened a new era in the gambling industry, making them accessible to a wide range of people.

At the same time, countries where gambling is illegal may have the following negative impact on their internal affairs:

Strengthening Coordinated Illegal Actions
: The prohibition of gambling may lead to the creation and development of underground gambling activities that are mostly organized by separate criminal groups.

Impact on Legislation and Law Enforcement
: Attempts to control gambling can lead to increased legislation and enforcement efforts regarding gambling, that require investing in combating gambling more and much more resources.


Therefore, different countries may ban gambling by using different means, like a strict regulation, state monopoly, under direct provision of law and combining it with strict law enforcement practice, but some countries, like UAE and any other, in future can review their position regarding gambling since it is billions of lost revenues and investments for them. If you have any questions related to conducting gambling business in any state feel free to contact us and we can help you to receive some legal insights regarding any jurisdiction, carry out risk estimations and consult you on matters of licensing.


What types of gambling activities are usually prohibited?

Each country separately defines which types of gambling it prohibits, for instance, in most of Islamic states each type of gambling is banned since the Quran condemns gambling. Also, countries may indirectly prohibit gambling when it formally is allowed, for instance, via creating a state monopoly or strict enforcement of laws concerning granting gambling licenses.

On most occasions, cash games, betting and casino can be banned, nevertheless, scope of prohibited gambling activities depends on the states’ policy and legislation.

How do governments enforce laws against illegal gambling?

Strictness of law enforcement differs from state to state, but Islamic countries and jurisdiction establishing strict rules for gambling business criminalize gambling and strictly enforce their laws. In addition to that, states may effectively prosecute individuals that gamble, also seize their assets, sentence them, or use technical measures to block operators’ web resources, etc.

Do you need a license to start a crypto exchange?

There may be some changes regarding legitimizing gambling in UAE. According to the publicly available information, the UAE introduced a new regulatory body called the General Commercial Gaming Regulatory Authority (GCGRA), which is supposed to oversee all types of commercial gaming. But such insight should be checked by the time since up to now the GCGRA is not functioning. Also, Brazil tries to officially establish license regime for fixed-odds sports betting provided by foreign operators, and it cannot be excluded that soon this country will also regulate other prohibited gambling activities.

How they make success happen

How to open an IT company abroad?

Table of contents Information technology is one of the leading business sectors today. Each person actively uses dozens of different services every day. The need for new affordable IT services is growing year by year. Therefore, starting a business in the IT field is a very productive decision. Many entrepreneurs are interested in how to open an IT company in 2022, avoiding typical mistakes and bureaucratic problems. How To Open An IT Company?​ First you need to solve a number of key issues. Your company must have a unique name. This requirement is relevant regardless of the country in which you plan to do business. If it is not fulfilled, the system will indicate plagiarism and the entrepreneur will be denied registration. Our company performs business registration abroad on optimal terms. Professionals will analyze your company’s activities and select the state with the best conditions. At the same time, they necessarily take into account all the wishes of the customer and the peculiarities of local legislation. How to choose a jurisdiction for an IT company? The countries of the European Union and the USA are the most popular among those wishing to open their own business today. Each state offers its own advantages for IT companies. The entrepreneur makes the final decision, taking into account all the nuances of work and personal preferences. First, you should decide on the key features of the activity: whether it is planned to attract investments; how many owners and business partners participate in the project; how the company’s activities are taxed; whether the activity will be carried out locally within the country or whether services and products are planned to be sold around the world; what will happen to dividends and royalties. Operating conditions in different jurisdictions When it comes to opening your own company in one of the EU countries, you need to take into account that investors prefer cooperation with local companies. First of all, an entrepreneur needs to know about tax rates and the availability of benefits for IT business. Jurisdiction comparison for IT Open table How to open an IT company in Ukraine? Technologies are quite widespread in Ukraine, because it is considered an IT hub. Therefore, opening should begin with thorough analysis of competitiveness and creation of unique offers. From a legal point of view, starting a company is not difficult. It is enough to decide on the registration form. The most popular are FOP and LLC. The last option is suitable if the involvement of several founders and high turnover are expected. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the pitfalls of this form of ownership. For example, the need to create a charter and documents regulating the rights of share owners and options for exit. Ukraine now offers a special mode of operation for Diya City IT companies. The regime provides preferential rules for the taxation of labor remuneration with personal income tax and social contribution, the possibility to choose a system of corporate taxation – ordinary income tax of 18% or tax on withdrawn capital of 9%. The main requirements: income from a qualified activity of at least 90%, no negative factors, the average number of employees and gig specialists of the company is at least 9 people, the average monthly remuneration of the employees and gig specialists of the company is at least 1,200 euros in hryvnia equivalent. How to open your IT company easily and quickly? The registration procedure is quite complicated and involves many nuances. Not every entrepreneur can go the entire process and to Open It Company Abroad without making mistakes. Especially if he does not have the necessary skills. The only way to simplify this procedure is to contact qualified lawyers. Our lawyers specialize in this area as well. We will carry out a thorough analysis of the planned business activity, take into account all your requirements and priorities and select the most favorable jurisdiction. Our specialists are able to perform all the necessary actions for incorporation, in particular, prepare the relevant documents and organize the entire process. As a result, you will have a company registered under the current legislation of the chosen country, which will meet all the goals and requirements you have set.

How to create a cryptocurrency exchange: Ultimate Guide

Table of contents What is a cryptocurrency exchange? Cryptocurrency exchanges are essential platforms in the digital asset ecosystem, enabling users to trade various cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Tether. Like traditional stock and commodities exchanges, crypto exchanges operate as platforms where users can buy, sell, and trade digital assets. Accessible through mobile apps or desktop interfaces, these exchanges function akin to e-brokerages, offering users a diverse array of trading and investment tools to navigate the dynamic crypto market. As the popularity of cryptocurrency continues to surge, with over 295 million users worldwide and approximately 33 new cryptocurrencies created every week, the demand for crypto exchanges is on the rise. Binance, a leading exchange platform, witnesses users trading over $14.39 billion worth of cryptocurrency daily, highlighting the substantial trading volume in the crypto market. Moreover, with Bitcoin reaching a record-high closing price of $69,044.77 and crypto investment funds managing assets exceeding $59.6 billion, the crypto landscape presents vast opportunities for investors and businesses alike. Despite the rapid growth and adoption of cryptocurrencies, less than 1 in 5 Americans currently own any form of crypto, indicating significant room for expansion. While adoption rates are particularly high in Southeast Asia, cryptocurrencies face regulatory challenges in over 20% of countries worldwide. Nevertheless, the global cryptocurrency market holds over $1 trillion in value, underscoring its growing significance in the global financial landscape. With the increasing interest in cryptocurrencies and the need for seamless conversion between crypto and fiat currencies, “how to start a crypto exchange” has become as an important question. Starting a crypto exchange is emerged a lucrative venture. Entrepreneurs keen on entering this burgeoning market often seek guidance on how to start a cryptocurrency exchange and capitalize on the burgeoning crypto economy. Types of cryptocurrency exchanges Prior to considering “how to create a crypto exchange” it is important to know that there could be different types of these platforms. Centralized, Decentralized, and Hybrid are the three primary types of cryptocurrency exchanges, each with its unique characteristics and functionalities. Centralized Centralized Exchanges (CEX): Centralized exchanges (CEX) are the most common type of cryptocurrency exchange and operate on a centralized platform owned and managed by a single entity. These exchanges act as intermediaries between buyers and sellers, facilitating trades through order matching and providing liquidity. Users on centralized exchanges deposit their funds into the exchange’s wallet, allowing the platform to manage the trading process. While centralized exchanges offer high liquidity, user-friendly interfaces, and advanced trading features, they are also susceptible to hacking, security breaches, and regulatory scrutiny due to their centralized nature. Decentralized Decentralized Exchanges (DEX): Decentralized exchanges (DEX) operate on decentralized blockchain networks, allowing users to trade directly with one another without the need for intermediaries. DEX platforms utilize smart contracts to automate order matching and execute trades in a peer-to-peer manner, ensuring greater security, privacy, and control over funds. Users retain custody of their assets at all times, reducing the risk of hacking and theft associated with centralized exchanges. However, decentralized exchanges often suffer from lower liquidity, slower transaction speeds, and less intuitive user interfaces compared to their centralized counterparts. Hybrid Hybrid Exchanges: Hybrid exchanges combine elements of both centralized and decentralized exchanges, offering users the benefits of both models. These platforms typically feature a centralized order book and matching engine for fast and efficient trading, while also incorporating decentralized elements such as non-custodial wallets and decentralized settlement mechanisms to enhance security and user control. Hybrid exchanges strive to strike a balance between liquidity, security, and user experience, catering to a wide range of traders and investors. Each type of cryptocurrency exchange has its advantages and drawbacks for building a crypto exchange, and the choice between them depends on factors such as trading preferences, security priorities, and regulatory considerations. As the crypto market continues to evolve, new types of exchanges may emerge, providing innovative solutions to meet the needs of users and stakeholders in the digital asset ecosystem. Key features and functions of a cryptocurrency exchange A cryptocurrency exchange serves as the foundation of the digital asset ecosystem, enabling seamless trading of cryptocurrencies for users globally. These platforms offer an array of features and functions, enhancing user experience, ensuring market integrity, and providing liquidity access. It is very important to consider these features when you wish to build a cryptocurrency exchange. From user onboarding and trade matching to advanced trading options and portfolio analytics, each feature plays a substantial role in shaping the exchange’s performance and user satisfaction. In this section, we’ll explore the essential features and functions of a cryptocurrency exchange, analyzing their significance and impact on the trading landscape for each who is interested in creating a cryptocurrency exchange. User Onboarding Process: The user onboarding process is crucial for attracting and retaining users on a cryptocurrency exchange platform when you create a cryptocurrency exchange. It involves seamless account creation, email verification, and KYC (Know Your Customer) verification to ensure compliance with regulatory standards. A user-friendly onboarding process enhances user experience and encourages active participation in trading activities. Do not miss this point when you start a crypto exchange. Trade Matching Mechanism: The trade matching mechanism is the core functionality of a cryptocurrency exchange platform. It matches buy and sell orders from users in real-time, ensuring efficient and accurate order execution for you. A robust trade matching mechanism is essential for maintaining market integrity, liquidity, and fair trading conditions for users. So, please take this into account when build a crypto exchange. Secure Crypto Wallet Integration: A secure crypto wallet integration allows users to store, send, and receive cryptocurrencies safely on the exchange platform. It provides users with secure storage for their digital assets and enables seamless fund management. Advanced security features such as two-factor authentication (2FA) and cold storage integration enhance the safety of crypto wallets, providing users with peace of mind. Interactive Trading Charts: Interactive trading charts are essential tools for technical analysis and decision-making in cryptocurrency trading. They display price movements, trading volume, and various technical indicators

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Сould I open account with a foreign bank?

Table of contents Сlients are becoming more and more  interested in opening an individual accounts with foreign banks. Someone could tell it can be done quite simply, while others claim that this process is very complicated. Both will be right. The fact is that each of the clients choose a bank in their own way. Someone knows from the beginning what financial organization he/she needs, while others need more time to decide, because they want quick, convenient procedure, and the reliable bank. The bank can open an account in different ways – remotely or upon personal visit of the client. In most cases, the client asks for assistance with account opening from a company that represents the client’s interests, or tries to do everything on his/her own that might lead to many mistakes, which then have to be corrected. In the first case, no special efforts are required from the client and as a result, he/she does not have any difficulties. In the second case, the procedure becomes really complicated and long. Why do you need a foreign bank account? If you have an account in a foreign bank, it will give you the opportunity to purchase real estate in this country, to receive salary and dividends, to pay for foreing  accommodation during the trip, etc. However, usually, the purpose of obtaining a foreign account is much simpler – to save and increase client’s own capital. Before opening an account in a foreign bank, you should determine the purpose. A representative of a financial organization will definitely ask about it. If a person lives and works in another country and needs a bank account there only to receive a salary, then there may not be any additional questions. If a person has other plans, he will have to answer various related questions: In addition, it will be necessary to provide a package of documents (tax declaration, documents confirming that the person is the owner of the company, contract for the sale of real estate and other property, etc.). What jurisdiction to choose? Banks opening accounts for non-residents are divided into four types: What bank to choose? The choice depends on the goal and desire of the client, in particular, on the primary reason for which the account is needed, e.g.:  There are many options for opening an account in a foreign bank by an individual. And not only for a businessman, but also for an investor and for an ordinary person. Also, it is necessary to study bank’s requirements and conditions: All above points are important, so you need to consider them well. If you don’t want to go through all these subtleties, you can give the process  to the specialists. What types of personal accounts exist? Based on the purpose of bank account, they could be classified as follows:  Not all foreign banks offer the opening of current bank accounts for transactions on a daily basis. Two types of accounts are more common – investment and savings accounts. Opening an account in a foreign bank with assistance of Intellium Law The specialists of our company know the specifics of banks worldwide and the list of conditions and requirements in most institutions. Our most professional tax consultants and lawyers will be happy to assist you during the process. The process of account opening will go in the following way:  Our company works closely with banks of Slovakia, Serbia, Georgia, Switzerland, Hungary, Armenia, Portugal, Macedonia, Austria, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Bulgaria, Hong Kong, payment systems of Latvia, Lithuania, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Singapore and Spain. Our lawyers will do our best to reach the required target. Working with us, you will easily achieve your goal. Conclusions You can open an account in a foreign bank yourself, but it is usually a very complicated process. Many people have difficulties already at the initial stage, when it is necessary to analyze the banks in different jurisdictions. The difficulties might appear later, at the stage of documents preparation and passing bank compliance. So, it is better to use professional assistance to achieve the desired results.