
Сould I open account with a foreign bank?

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Сlients are becoming more and more  interested in opening an individual accounts with foreign banks. Someone could tell it can be done quite simply, while others claim that this process is very complicated. Both will be right.

The fact is that each of the clients choose a bank in their own way. Someone knows from the beginning what financial organization he/she needs, while others need more time to decide, because they want quick, convenient procedure, and the reliable bank. The bank can open an account in different ways – remotely or upon personal visit of the client.

In most cases, the client asks for assistance with account opening from a company that represents the client’s interests, or tries to do everything on his/her own that might lead to many mistakes, which then have to be corrected. In the first case, no special efforts are required from the client and as a result, he/she does not have any difficulties. In the second case, the procedure becomes really complicated and long.

Why do you need a foreign bank account?

If you have an account in a foreign bank, it will give you the opportunity to purchase real estate in this country, to receive salary and dividends, to pay for foreing  accommodation during the trip, etc. However, usually, the purpose of obtaining a foreign account is much simpler – to save and increase client’s own capital.

Before opening an account in a foreign bank, you should determine the purpose. A representative of a financial organization will definitely ask about it.

If a person lives and works in another country and needs a bank account there only to receive a salary, then there may not be any additional questions. If a person has other plans, he will have to answer various related questions:

  • why do you need the account?
  • where will the funds come from?
  • what are the sources of income?
  • for what purposes will the funds be used?
  • what is the relation of a person to a country where the desired bank located?

In addition, it will be necessary to provide a package of documents (tax declaration, documents confirming that the person is the owner of the company, contract for the sale of real estate and other property, etc.).

What jurisdiction to choose?

Banks opening accounts for non-residents are divided into four types:

  • European – reliable, prestigious, but quite demanding, in particular regarding the identification of the person and the origin of funds;
  • The CIS and Turkey are more loyal, have more acceptable tariffs, but require relation to respective country;
  • USA and Asia – respectable, stable, confidentiality is at a high level. The main focus is to save money and develop business;
  • offshore – undemanding, low-tax or tax-free.

What bank to choose?

The choice depends on the goal and desire of the client, in particular, on the primary reason for which the account is needed, e.g.: 

  • to receive a salary, choose the banks of the employer’s country;
  • for investment (suitable for wealthy people), it is better to give preference to the banks of Luxembourg, Liechtenstein and Switzerland;
  • banks of Macedonia, Cyprus, Poland Georgia, will be suitable for operational activities;
  • you can take into account the official prestige and reliability ratings of financial organizations;
  • if you have evidence of the sources of origin of funds, it is possible to look banks in Macedonia, Cyprus, Poland;

There are many options for opening an account in a foreign bank by an individual. And not only for a businessman, but also for an investor and for an ordinary person.

Also, it is necessary to study bank’s requirements and conditions:

  • minimum deposit amount;
  • the cost of opening and maintaining of an account;
  • the possibility of remote account opening (in some financial institutions, the personal presence of the client is a mandatory condition);
  • interest rate on the deposit;
  • the term of a bank account opening;
  • compliance requirements;
  • whether it is needed to confirm the connection with the selected country (relocation, business, work);
  • level of confidentiality;
  • availability of Russian-speaking employees in the bank, etc.

All above points are important, so you need to consider them well. If you don’t want to go through all these subtleties, you can give the process  to the specialists.

What types of personal accounts exist?

Based on the purpose of bank account, they could be classified as follows: 

  • current (for all financial transactions);
  • card (for payment, only with a plastic card to make it more convenient for the use);
  • savings (for saving capital and its accumulation);
  • investment (for wealth management via investments in bonds, shares, precious metals, investment funds, etc.).

Not all foreign banks offer the opening of current bank accounts for transactions on a daily basis. Two types of accounts are more common – investment and savings accounts.

Opening an account in a foreign bank with assistance of Intellium Law

The specialists of our company know the specifics of banks worldwide and the list of conditions and requirements in most institutions. Our most professional tax consultants and lawyers will be happy to assist you during the process.

The process of account opening will go in the following way: 

  • first we analyze your requirements to the bank and purposes of account opening;
  • then we are looking for the bank that will meet your requirements within more than sixty countries;
  • further, we provide assistance with account opening in the bank of your choice, i.e. gathering and preparing necessary documents, communicating with bank specialists and compliance. etc. You will have support at all stages.

Our company works closely with banks of Slovakia, Serbia, Georgia, Switzerland, Hungary, Armenia, Portugal, Macedonia, Austria, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Bulgaria, Hong Kong, payment systems of Latvia, Lithuania, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Singapore and Spain.

Our lawyers will do our best to reach the required target. Working with us, you will easily achieve your goal.


You can open an account in a foreign bank yourself, but it is usually a very complicated process. Many people have difficulties already at the initial stage, when it is necessary to analyze the banks in different jurisdictions. The difficulties might appear later, at the stage of documents preparation and passing bank compliance. So, it is better to use professional assistance to achieve the desired results.

Can I get a second to myself

The most popular question in the sphere of gambling: “Where I can operate legally?”

Gambling regulations all around the world are quite complex. When answering this question lots of factors should be considered. First of all, you need to take into account regulation in the country where your business is licensed and then go to the analysis of foreign regulation in each particular country you plan to target. For our brief review we propose to apply the above approach based on the example of Curacao as one of the most demanded “licensing” jurisdiction, among the gambling start-ups. For the simplicity of understanding we will divide the analyzed markets into groups. Group 1 The Curaçao’s legislation itself does not provide for a list of markets where you can operate. Instead, you have a list of prohibited countries, which we allocate to the Group 1. These markets are completely closed by Curacao’s license rules: USA, Netherlands, France, Dutch West Indies and Curacao itself. It means that in no case should your web-site be accessible from these countries, otherwise you might lose your license and become subject to fines. Group 2  Here we include the list established based on practical developments. We put here so called “not recommended” countries. These countries are more active than others with their claims against illegal gambling addressed to Curacao authorities and master license holders. As recent examples we can name here Australia and Turkey. Your license might be under the risk in case Curacao master license holder tracks your activity there. Group 3 It is worth to mention here such category of countries as “closed by a particular provider”. Each provider of gaming content, gambling technology (platform provider) has its own list of prohibited or restricted jurisdictions – Evolution has one, Pragmatic has other, Nuxgame has the third and so on. You can see these lists in the respective agreements. Group 4 Other countries: upon discretion of the operator (its management and legal department) on case-by-case basis. One should rely on both local legislation of targeted market and enforcement practice. There could be many possible variants: The jurisdiction can have legislation allowing all forms of gambling and not preventing foreign entities to operate within. The jurisdiction can have legislation either regulating only land-based gambling (leaving online gambling unregulated) or not regulating gambling at all so the legality of online gambling is under question mark. Countries in this section are often considered as “grey markets”. The jurisdiction could formally ban all gambling activities by its law but takes no action to actually prevent illegal gambling activity or punish players/operators (especially when the offshore operator is concerned). Such jurisdiction also could be referred as “grey markets”. The jurisdiction could ban only certain types of gambling activities and actively enforce the such bans. We believe an example is the US, with its state-wide legislation on gambling. The jurisdiction can require a local license to operate within the country and, in the meantime, ban any foreign businesses trying to reach the market (for example, by blacklisting unauthorized domains). The most common example in this category is the UK – you can only operate in this market if you have a local UK license (or its equivalent officially recognized by the UK under special procedure). Otherwise, the website domain is to be eventually found by UK Gambling Commission and blocked. It is important to note that in some countries, where any gambling or locally unauthorized gambling is prohibited, criminal legislation could be interpreted in a way formally making any person, either individual or business, wherever located, subject to criminal penalties if such person organizes of offers illegal gambling services in the country concerned. Although it is not yet widespread practice for countries (where gambling is prohibited) to initiate cross-border criminal procedures aiming to somehow make foreign persons subject to criminal investigations and penalties, these risks could not be fully excluded and shall be analyzed prior to entering any markets. To summarize, case-by-case legal analysis is required with regard to each market in this category to keep you business in compliance and avoid any legal troubles. Specialists of Inteliumlaw will be happy to assist you with your requests in this regard and dispel your concerns. Please open our web-site and leave your inquiries on the raised topic there.

Crypto Friendly Countries: 10 Best Country for Cryptocurrency

Table of contents Cryptocurrencies are digital assets that operate on decentralized networks, free from the control or interference of any central authority. They offer a new form of individual empowerment, innovation, and financial inclusion. However, not all countries share the same vision or enthusiasm for the crypto industry. In the dynamic landscape of cryptocurrency, the world is witnessing an evolution that involves regulators, investors, and businesses. This innovative sphere has garnered attention, sparking reactions from countries worldwide. When exploring crypto-friendly countries, it is easy to notice how differen could be approach of countries to this new sphere. Some nations are welcoming this financial revolution with open arms, some adopting a neutral stance, and others proceeding with caution or imposing restrictions or outright bans. In this article we will go through the crypto landscape of most crypto friendly countries, where nations navigate this transformative wave with highest perspectives and friendly approaches. What does it mean for a country to be “crypto-friendly”? The term “crypto-friendly” means a country’s positive disposition and supportive ecosystem for the development and utilization of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. Such nations typically exhibit several key characteristics:   Clear and Favorable Legislative Regulations: countries with crypto friendly regulations that provide legal certainty and protection for both cryptocurrency businesses and users are commonly consider as crypto friendly countri This legal clarity fosters a conducive environment for the growth of the crypto industry. Low or No Taxation on Crypto Transactions: crypto-friendly countries often have low or no taxation on crypto transactions and profits, or they may offer incentives for engaging in crypto-related activities. This encourages businesses and individuals to participate in the crypto market without undue financial burden. However, this criteria is not mandatory. Sometimes countries with high tax rates are also among top crypto friendly countries, because of the general welcoming approach to crypto. Active Cryptocurrency Community: A vibrant and active cryptocurrency community is a hallmark of so called “best country for cryptocurrency”. This community comprises investors, traders, developers, entrepreneurs, educators, and enthusiasts who contribute to the ecosystem’s dynamism and growth. High Rates of Cryptocurrency Integration and Adoption: Crypto-friendly countries witness high levels of cryptocurrency integration and adoption, not only within the public and private sectors but also among the general population. This widespread acceptance contributes to the mainstreaming of cryptocurrencies. Availability of Crypto Infrastructure: The presence of a significant number of Bitcoin ATMs and other crypto services is indicative of “best countries for crypto”. This infrastructure facilitates easy and convenient access to the crypto market for users. Robust Security Measures: To mitigate risks associated with the crypto industry, crypto friendly countries implement robust security measures and best practices. These measures aim to prevent cyberattacks, fraud, theft, and other potential threats to ensure the safety of participants in the crypto ecosystem. Crypto-friendly countries are often recognized as pioneers and innovators in the global economy. By embracing the potential of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, these countries position themselves to create new opportunities, solutions, and value. Additionally, they benefit from the increased competitiveness, efficiency, transparency, and inclusiveness that the crypto industry brings to their economic landscape. While a countries’ crypto friendly status is significant, choosing the best country for crypto for your specific business requires careful consideration of various factors. InteliumLaw offers specialized expertise to help you navigate the complexities of crypto regulations and choose the most suitable environment for your project. The 10 Best Countries for Cryptocurrency El Salvador Pioneering Financial Inclusion: El Salvador made history in September 2021 by becoming the first country to adopt bitcoin as legal tender. This made El Salvador one of the most bitcoin friendly countries. The government aimed to promote financial inclusion by encouraging citizens to use cryptocurrencies. Despite facing challenges in implementation and acceptance, El Salvador’s move showcased a bold approach to embracing decentralized currencies. The government offered financial incentives to citizens, and a dedicated cryptocurrency app was introduced to popularize and regularize bitcoin use.. Strategic Citizenship through Bitcoin “Donations”: In December 2023, El Salvador’s Congress approved a migration law that grants expedited citizenship to foreigners making bitcoin “donations” to government social and economic development programs. This innovative strategy further emphasizes El Salvador’s commitment to leveraging cryptocurrency not only for national economic strategies but also for global collaboration and development efforts. Thus, it could be ranked among the best crypto friendly countries. Ongoing Challenges and Opportunities: While El Salvador’s endeavor to embrace cryptocurrencies has garnered attention, there are challenges in achieving widespread adoption. Not all businesses comply with the requirement to accept bitcoin, and the country faces the task of overcoming barriers to implementation. The ongoing developments in El Salvador provide an intriguing case study for countries considering similar approaches, illustrating the complexities, benefits, and potential pitfalls of integrating cryptocurrencies into the fabric of a nation’s economic system of best crypto countries. Malta Blockchain Regulatory Haven: Malta has strategically positioned itself as a global hub for blockchain and cryptocurrencies, and therefore one of the most crypto friendly countries. The Virtual Financial Assets (VFA) Act provides a robust regulatory framework, distinguishing between various virtual assets. Malta’s regulatory environment fosters innovation while ensuring consumer protection and market integrity. The country’s commitment to blockchain regulation has made it an attractive destination for numerous crypto-related businesses, including exchanges and wallet providers. With membership in the European Union, Malta aligns its regulations with international standards, exemplified by its adherence to the Market in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MICAR). Diverse Classification of Virtual Assets: Malta’s VFA Act classifies virtual assets into categories such as utility tokens, electronic money tokens, financial instruments or security tokens, and VFAs (Virtual Financial Assets). This clear classification provides legal clarity for businesses and investors, setting a precedent for other jurisdictions. Given that it might be named as one of the “best country for cryptocurrency”. Continued Alignment with International Standards: Malta’s proactive regulatory stance continues to evolve, with an eye on international developments. As of April 2024, member states are expected to transpose the new Market in Crypto-Assets Regulation into national law. Malta’s alignment with these regulations

Curaçao Gambling Іndustry 2024

Table of contents Overview of the Curaçao gambling industry Curaçao, a Dutch Caribbean Island operating as an integral country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, has been and till now remains a popular choice for startups and other companies to receive online gambling license due to it accessible regulatory thresholds, cost-efficiency, and simpleness of establishing a business. Nevertheless, this jurisdiction also cannot be apart from the need of legislative developments and up to now Curaçao’s government is in process of revising its gambling laws, encompassing online gaming, to meet global standards and combat unauthorized gambling activities. This revision entails the creation of the Curaçao Gaming Authority, an independent supervisory entity, and an overhaul of existing licensing classifications. Curaçao as a hub for online gambling operators Throughout the years Curaçao has approved itself as a premier hub for online gambling operators, drawing businesses around the globe seeking favorable regulatory conditions and operational flexibility. This jurisdiction has all chances to remain a premier hub for online gambling operators since the latter can receive the following benefits from existing licensing regime: All-in-One License: Curaçao offers a single that covers all forms of online gambling, including casinos, sports betting, and lotteries. However, this might change after enactment of National Ordinance on Games of Chance, as separate licenses for B2C and B2C activities are expected to be introduced. Cost-Efficient: The Curaçao gaming license is relatively affordable in terms of application, issuance, and maintenance fees. Global Reach: With a Curaçao gaming license, operators can cater to a global audience, although certain jurisdictions may be restricted. Tax Benefits: Curaçao boasts a beneficial tax regime for online gambling operators, typically offering a zero-tax rate on gaming revenues. Flexible Technical Requirements: While it is essential to ensure fairness and security, Curaçao’s technical requirements for gaming systems are more lenient than in some stricter jurisdictions.   Licensing of online gambling in Curaçao To understand the Curacao gaming license changes in full it is worth having insight on how licensing functions were transmitted among different Curaçao authorities and entities throughout near time periods. Preconditions to regulatory shift Before the commencement of the recent regulatory changes, Curaçao gambling licenses came in two forms: the master license and the sub-license. Holders of the master license had the authority to both offer a broad range of gambling services and bestow sub-licenses to others private companies. The license issuance is governed by the National Ordinance on Offshore Games of Hazard (Landsverordening buitengaatse hazardspelen, P.B. 1993, no. 63) (NOOGH). The sub-license allowed its holders to engage in a comprehensive suite of gambling activities, encompassing sports betting, slot machines, table games, and RNG-centric games. Its validity extends as long as the linked master license remains valid. There were, and currently are, four master license holders, who, since 1996, have received the government’s authorization to grant licenses:   Antillephone N.V. License #8048/JAZ Curacao Interactive Licensing N.V. (CIL) License #5536/JAZ Cyberluck Curacao N.V. (also known as Curacao-eGaming)License #1668/JAZ Gaming Curacao License #365/JAZ   The current state of Curaçao’s online gambling license Existing license framework can be named transitional between previous license conditions and renewed and strengthened license framework. This period can be described as preparation for the creation of the Curaçao Gaming Authority and new license requirements. Under this transitional framework gaming licenses can be issued only by Curaçao Gambling Control Board (GCB) and not by four master licenses holders as it was before. From November 15, 2023, the GCB started accepting and processing online gaming license applications from operators that wish to conduct their business under Curaçao offshore gaming license. Simultaneously, a significant number of operators – in practice referred to as sub-licensees – are currently operating under one of the licenses granted to four of the master license holders on the basis of the NOOGH and in order to continue their business under such license such operators must be registered through GCB portal. Any sub-licensee wishing to continue operating in Curacao but has not applied for a direct license prior to established period, can only continue operating under their sub-license until the master license expires or when the new license framework enters into force, whichever date is sooner. New license framework The government of Curaçao is currently in the process of realizing a complete reform and modernization of its (online) gambling legislation through a new law that will be named the National Ordinance on Games of Chance (Landsverordening op de kansspelen (LOK)). In anticipation of the entry into force of the LOK, the gaming license function were transferred to the GCB under condition that if operator obtained a direct license from the GCB under the current law, prior to the LOK entering into force will, according to the current draft of the LOK, such license will automatically be converted to a provisional license when the law enters into force. It is planned that the GCB will be granted some new powers and will continue to exercise its powers under a new name: the Curaçao Gaming Authority. Up to now LOK has been drafted and is at the stage of consideration and discussions within the legislative authority. Simultaneously, the Curaçao government is considering the possibility to temporarily exempt from the new legislation operators who, at the time that the new law enters into force, offer remote gaming under a license granted under the NOOGH so that they can temporarily continue to operate during this period without needing to apply for a license immediately. Regulatory framework Currently, the main Curacao gambling laws that establish rules for receiving a gambling license and conducting a gambling business under such a license are as follows:   National Ordinance on Offshore Games of Hazard (Landsverordening buitengaatse hazardspelen, P.B. 1993, no. 63) (NOOGH): NOOGH generally set forth the necessity of licensing to conduct offshore games of hazard business and defines the main state body responsible for issuance of gaming license or/and delegation of this function to other authorities. National Decree supervisor identification when rendering services gaming sector (Landsbesluit toezichthouder identificatie bij dienstverlening kansspelsector,