
Bank and merchant accounts opening

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Bank Account for Business

Inteliumlaw has a developed network of foreign banks and non-banking financial institutions, as well as payment aggregators around the world to offer our clients tailored Payment Solutions for Business. We help our clients with the selection of an institution for opening an account that meets their goals and wishes and fully support the account opening process, including bank compliance stage. We provide services for opening personal and corporate, current, savings and wealth management accounts, merchant accounts, accounts in crypto-processing, which allow our clients to accept payments in crypto-currencies.

Corporate accounts

well-functioning Corporate Bank Account is an important element for any type of businesses, regardless of jurisdiction or industry. Company exists only on paper if it does not have a bank account. It could not be a fully-functional market participant, conduct its activities, accept incoming and make outgoing payments, accumulate earned funds, and distribute profits. Even working with cryptocurrencies, in order to organize transparent activity of your business, increase economical substance, etc. your company will need a bank account, as well as solutions allowing processing of crypto-payments on your web-site and conversion of cryptocurrencies into fiat.

Based on the analysis of your business, our firm will advise you on payment solutions the most suitable for your business needs and help you to Open Bank Account with a Foreign Bank. It could be a traditional account with a foreign bank and/or account with non-banking financial institutions (Electronic Money Institutions, Payment Institutions), integration with payment aggregator or crypto processing.

Process of opening accounts in banking institutions is becoming an increasingly complex. Banks are ready to consider the most transparent businesses with a low-risk level, in particular traditional offline businesses. The nexus approach becomes more popular, as a result just limited number of banks accept foreign companies (not incorporated in/tied to the country of bank location).

Given all the difficulties with opening accounts in traditional banking institutions, accounts in non-banking financial institutions (EMI or PI) are considered as solutions for online businesses – software companies, eCommerce, digital marketing, online gambling and others. At the same time, it should be noted that due to the tightening of global legislation in the field of combating the financing of terrorism and money laundering, passing the Know Your Client (KYC) procedure during the acceptance of clients has become more difficult not only in banks but also in non-banking financial institutions.

To open an account, it will be important for the client to show the business plan for the project / business, justify the source of wealth for the business and beneficiaries, ideally, disclose the experience in the chosen business field, the planned first contracts with clients, and so on. Inteliumlaw will be happy to assist you with selection of a relevant payment solution for your business, support the process of account opening and make it to the extent possible smooth and easy. If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact our specialists.

Personal bank account

Opening personal accounts in reliable banking jurisdictions for the placement of distributed profit, saving and disposing of personal funds is a matter of particular importance that every business owner faces. The choice of a bank in this case can significantly affect the level of asset protection.

Depending on the goals pursued by the client, it is possible to open two types of accounts: current account and savings account.

It should be note that today only few banks are ready to consider foreign clients for the purpose of current accounts opening. In this regard, accounts in non-banking payment institutions (Electronic Money Institutions, Payment Institutions) are becoming increasingly popular, which, due to their functionality, can fully replace ordinary banks.

Savings accounts

It should be note that today only few banks are ready to consider foreign clients for the purpose of current accounts opening. In this regard, accounts in non-banking payment institutions (Electronic Money Institutions, Payment Institutions) are becoming increasingly popular, which, due to their functionality, can fully replace ordinary banks.

Today, the process of personal account opening is no less complicated than the process of opening a corporate account. Banks carefully check the candidacy of potential clients within the KYC procedure. Among others, the key aspects of the research are the source of origin of clients’ funds, its history, reputation, etc.

If you are interested in opening of a personal current or savings account, please contact our specialists, we will be happy to help you with your query.

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Ongoing Legal Support

The activities of any company must comply with the current legislation. It is difficult to imagine all processes without legal business support. The specialists of Intellium Law know all the peculiarities of work and legal regulation of various areas of business and have extensive experience in legal support of IT, gambling, e-commerce, cryptocurrency business, production, trade, restaurant business, telecommunications business, investment business, real estate business and other areas. This allows our specialists to provide high-quality business legal support services to companies of any size and form of ownership. Legal support and business protection: what is it? Complex legal support of business involves a whole series of measures aimed at supporting business in compliance with the necessary regulations. It also allows you to prevent and reduce legal and tax risks, protect the capital and interests of the owners of the company/group. The procedure involves legal management of operational activities, verification of counterparties, agreements and documentation. By agreement, legal support may include participation in the company’s litigation, which, in most cases, is not included in the usual package. Many business owners prefer to have an in-house lawyer. But subscription legal business support from law firms offers more advantages. Here are the most famous of them: Cost reduction. Usually, the services of a third-party firm are cheaper than paying the salary of an in-house lawyer on an ongoing basis. Collective support. One specialist will not be able to perfectly understand all the nuances of each process. A team of professionals will cope with any tasks much better. Diligence. One lawyer cannot always cope with a high workload and keep track of all changes in legislation. Speed. The team will be able to cope with a much larger volume of work in a shorter period of time than one specialist. Quality. Usually, in law firms, any task goes through several levels of review from a junior to a senior specialist and final approval by partners. In what cases are business legal support services required? Running a business without subscription legal service and support is a very risky activity. After all, the company carries out activities with a constant risk of violating the current law and is legally unprotected. Therefore, it should be emphasized that legal support of small businesses, medium and large enterprises is a daily necessity. The service of legal support for business purchase and sale agreements and investment projects is also very popular. In this case, the buyer has confidence that the company’s activities comply with the current laws and the criteria stated by the seller, and that the investment asset is properly registered and will not create any legal/tax risks for the investor. Leave Us A Message And we wil get back to you Contact Us Other services Leave a request for a service The accumulated experience and tracking of future changes in this area allow us to be proactivefor our clients and develop the most adapted business structures to modern conditions. By submitting this form, you hereby authorize Inteliumlaw to process your information for the purpose of addressing your inquiry. You retain the right to revoke this consent at any point. For further details, please review our Privacy Policy.

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Legal Due Diligence

Due Diligence and Transaction Structuring

Legislation in the country is constantly changing. New concepts are added, existing norms are changed and obsolete ones are removed. Businesses do not always have time to keep track of changes. After all, it is important for entrepreneurs to carry out activities strictly in the legal field. Keeping an experienced lawyer on staff who monitors the compliance of the company’s activities with changes made to the legislation is not always profitable and expedient. It is often much more efficient to entrust this procedure to third-party companies. Our experts perform a legal due diligence with the following recommendations to address the identified issues. What does a legal audit examine? A legal audit of an enterprise is a set of measures that allow checking the compliance of a certain company’s activities with the current legislation of the country in which it operates. During the inspection, the following is studied: Why do you need legal business consulting? A legal audit of an enterprise is a set of measures that allow checking the compliance of a certain company’s activities with the current legislation of the country in which it operates. During the inspection, the following is studied: availability of necessary documents and their correctness; compliance of the legal side of the activity with the legislation; probability of bringing employees to justice for improper documentation; document flow. Due Diligence is complicated However, the legal audit of the company is not limited to the research of only one area. This is a large-scale system audit that covers all aspects of the company’s operations. Specialists analyze compliance of each aspect with legal norms and established corporate standards. The key purpose of this procedure is to identify errors, inconsistencies, inaccuracies and deficiencies. In addition, lawyers develop recommendations to eliminate identified shortcomings. All actions are aimed at eliminating the risks of unplanned losses. Due to the timely conduct of a legal audit of a business, it will be possible to avoid fines and sanctions from the tax service and other regulatory bodies. The audit minimizes the risks of losses associated with incorrect actions of counterparties. It also allows you to avoid the possible costs of court proceedings in the case of prosecution of employees or managers of the company. When are legal audit services needed? Usually, Legal Due Diligence is conducted before the merger of two companies. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to assess the legality and truthfulness of the information provided by partners. It is also important to carry out the procedure for attracting investors. This makes it possible to understand the expediency of investing funds and significantly improves the company’s reputation. This procedure is often carried out before the sale of the company. In this way, the real state of affairs in the company is shown to the potential buyer. The best option is to conduct an audit from the time the company was founded. And you need to do it regularly. After all, thanks to this, the entrepreneur will be able to avoid possible penalties from the regulatory authorities. Depending on the customer’s requirements, a complex audit or an inspection of a separate field of activity is carried out. Our company provides legal audit services in the following areas: checking the corporate situation; audit of commercial activity; management and personnel systems; contractual activity; real estate and assets of the company. During the audit, specialists perform extensive and painstaking work. In addition to primary analytics, they perform a review of each area of activity. They have to check literally every document and business process. The audit involves studying the following: company assets; financial flows; sources of funds; requirements for partners; tax issues; statutory documentation. Legal audit services Our company offers services for conducting legal audits of businesses/projects in various countries of the world. Highly qualified specialists will carefully and quickly perform all the necessary analytics. At the same time, our work will in no way interfere with the activities of your company/project. That is, the customer/object of inspection will not have to lose his profit during the inspection of the business. Trusting our specialists, you invest in the future of your business and its stable operation. Leave Us A Message And we wil get back to you Contact Us Other services Leave a request for a service The accumulated experience and tracking of future changes in this area allow us to be proactivefor our clients and develop the most adapted business structures to modern conditions. By submitting this form, you hereby authorize Inteliumlaw to process your information for the purpose of addressing your inquiry. You retain the right to revoke this consent at any point. For further details, please review our Privacy Policy.

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Incorporation of Companies Abroad

Business registration abroad

The main task of every entrepreneur is the development of his business. And the main condition for the realization of this goal has always been an increase in sales. A successful solution will be to increase profitability thanks to entering the foreign market. And for this, an entrepreneur must understand how to open his own company abroad so that it fully meets the requirements of the local legislation. Advantages of registering a company abroad Registering an enterprise in another country has many advantages. Many states care about attracting entrepreneurs from other countries. Therefore, the local government introduces special privileges and creates the most loyal conditions for the activities of foreign companies. The modern market dictates new conditions to entrepreneurs. One of the main trends in it is a very high level of competition. Therefore, company owners are often forced to enter foreign markets in order to be able to continue business development and increase profitability. Sometimes the choice of a foreign jurisdiction for conducting business may be determined by the specifics of the business itself and its regulation in the relevant state (for example, obtaining licenses). Among the main benefits for entrepreneurs, the following can be noted: selection of a jurisdiction with optimal conditions and legal basis for the company; an opportunity to attract more investors; increasing the number of buyers and clients; the ability to find markets with minimal competition; the opportunity to use benefits from the state; favorable taxation systems. When a business owner chooses a jurisdiction, it is important for him to consider all the nuances of the company’s activities. For some, the most important are the registration deadlines and the absence of bureaucratic complications. For others, the most important thing is a wide range of registration forms. Some businessmen are looking for opportunities to remotely manage and open virtual offices. For some, a loyal taxation system is a priority. Most often, favorable competitive conditions are offered in Asian countries. Incompletely developed markets make it possible to bring the company to a fairly high level of profitability in a short period of time. Also, in Asian countries, you can count on the provision of various grants and loans on preferential terms. Each Asian country offers different conditions. For example, in Malaysia, entrepreneurs will have the lowest costs for establishing and developing a business. In general, the costs of maintaining a company here are among the lowest. The markets of European countries are already fully developed. But businessmen in this region are most attracted by the stability of the country’s economy, protection by local legislation, as well as the jurisdiction’s reputation in the eyes of potential partners. How to quickly and easily open a company abroad? It is quite difficult to implement this task on your own. Help will be needed even at the initial stage – during the selection of a jurisdiction. After all, how efficiently your company will work in the future depends on this. Our company performs Incorporation of Companies Abroad on optimal terms. Professionals will analyze your company’s activities and select the state with the best conditions. At the same time, they necessarily take into account all the wishes of the customer and the peculiarities of local legislation. Our experienced lawyers know all the nuances of this procedure. Therefore, business owners do not have any problems with the preparation of documents or obtaining the necessary permits. By contacting our company, you will not only get a great opportunity to scale your business, increase profits and reduce costs, you will relieve yourself of troubles when performing these tasks. Our specialists will provide professional support and help you achieve the desired result. Leave Us A Message And we wil get back to you Contact Us Our cases Other services Leave a request for a service The accumulated experience and tracking of future changes in this area allow us to be proactivefor our clients and develop the most adapted business structures to modern conditions. By submitting this form, you hereby authorize Inteliumlaw to process your information for the purpose of addressing your inquiry. You retain the right to revoke this consent at any point. For further details, please review our Privacy Policy.

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The accumulated experience and tracking of future changes in this area allow us to be proactive
for our clients and develop the most adapted business structures to modern conditions.

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The accumulated experience and tracking of future changes in this area allow us to be proactive
for our clients and develop the most adapted business structures to modern conditions.

By submitting this form, you hereby authorize Inteliumlaw to process your information for the purpose of addressing your inquiry. You retain the right to revoke this consent at any point. For further details, please review our Privacy Policy.