
Crypto Friendly Countries: 10 Best Country for Cryptocurrency

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Picture of Elena Sadovskaya, Managing Partner, Inteliumlaw

Elena Sadovskaya, Managing Partner, Inteliumlaw

Elena Sadovskaya, Managing Partner at Inteliumlaw: Your Trusted Legal Advisor. With years of expertise, Elena leads our team in delivering top-notch legal solutions

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Cryptocurrencies are digital assets that operate on decentralized networks, free from the control or interference of any central authority. They offer a new form of individual empowerment, innovation, and financial inclusion. However, not all countries share the same vision or enthusiasm for the crypto industry. In the dynamic landscape of cryptocurrency, the world is witnessing an evolution that involves regulators, investors, and businesses. This innovative sphere has garnered attention, sparking reactions from countries worldwide. When exploring crypto-friendly countries, it is easy to notice how differen could be approach of countries to this new sphere. Some nations are welcoming this financial revolution with open arms, some adopting a neutral stance, and others proceeding with caution or imposing restrictions or outright bans. In this article we will go through the crypto landscape of most crypto friendly countries, where nations navigate this transformative wave with highest perspectives and friendly approaches.

What does it mean for a country to be "crypto-friendly"?

The term “crypto-friendly” means a country’s positive disposition and supportive ecosystem for the development and utilization of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. Such nations typically exhibit several key characteristics:


  • Clear and Favorable Legislative Regulations: countries with crypto friendly regulations that provide legal certainty and protection for both cryptocurrency businesses and users are commonly consider as crypto friendly countri This legal clarity fosters a conducive environment for the growth of the crypto industry.
  • Low or No Taxation on Crypto Transactions: crypto-friendly countries often have low or no taxation on crypto transactions and profits, or they may offer incentives for engaging in crypto-related activities. This encourages businesses and individuals to participate in the crypto market without undue financial burden. However, this criteria is not mandatory. Sometimes countries with high tax rates are also among top crypto friendly countries, because of the general welcoming approach to crypto.
  • Active Cryptocurrency Community: A vibrant and active cryptocurrency community is a hallmark of so called “best country for cryptocurrency”. This community comprises investors, traders, developers, entrepreneurs, educators, and enthusiasts who contribute to the ecosystem’s dynamism and growth.
  • High Rates of Cryptocurrency Integration and Adoption: Crypto-friendly countries witness high levels of cryptocurrency integration and adoption, not only within the public and private sectors but also among the general population. This widespread acceptance contributes to the mainstreaming of cryptocurrencies.
  • Availability of Crypto Infrastructure: The presence of a significant number of Bitcoin ATMs and other crypto services is indicative of “best countries for crypto”. This infrastructure facilitates easy and convenient access to the crypto market for users.
  • Robust Security Measures: To mitigate risks associated with the crypto industry, crypto friendly countries implement robust security measures and best practices. These measures aim to prevent cyberattacks, fraud, theft, and other potential threats to ensure the safety of participants in the crypto ecosystem.

Crypto-friendly countries are often recognized as pioneers and innovators in the global economy. By embracing the potential of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, these countries position themselves to create new opportunities, solutions, and value. Additionally, they benefit from the increased competitiveness, efficiency, transparency, and inclusiveness that the crypto industry brings to their economic landscape.

While a countries’ crypto friendly status is significant, choosing the best country for crypto for your specific business requires careful consideration of various factors. InteliumLaw offers specialized expertise to help you navigate the complexities of crypto regulations and choose the most suitable environment for your project.

The 10 Best Countries for Cryptocurrency

El Salvador

Pioneering Financial Inclusion: El Salvador made history in September 2021 by becoming the first country to adopt bitcoin as legal tender. This made El Salvador one of the most bitcoin friendly countries. The government aimed to promote financial inclusion by encouraging citizens to use cryptocurrencies. Despite facing challenges in implementation and acceptance, El Salvador's move showcased a bold approach to embracing decentralized currencies. The government offered financial incentives to citizens, and a dedicated cryptocurrency app was introduced to popularize and regularize bitcoin use.. Strategic Citizenship through Bitcoin "Donations": In December 2023, El Salvador's Congress approved a migration law that grants expedited citizenship to foreigners making bitcoin "donations" to government social and economic development programs. This innovative strategy further emphasizes El Salvador's commitment to leveraging cryptocurrency not only for national economic strategies but also for global collaboration and development efforts. Thus, it could be ranked among the best crypto friendly countries. Ongoing Challenges and Opportunities: While El Salvador's endeavor to embrace cryptocurrencies has garnered attention, there are challenges in achieving widespread adoption. Not all businesses comply with the requirement to accept bitcoin, and the country faces the task of overcoming barriers to implementation. The ongoing developments in El Salvador provide an intriguing case study for countries considering similar approaches, illustrating the complexities, benefits, and potential pitfalls of integrating cryptocurrencies into the fabric of a nation's economic system of best crypto countries.


Blockchain Regulatory Haven: Malta has strategically positioned itself as a global hub for blockchain and cryptocurrencies, and therefore one of the most crypto friendly countries. The Virtual Financial Assets (VFA) Act provides a robust regulatory framework, distinguishing between various virtual assets. Malta's regulatory environment fosters innovation while ensuring consumer protection and market integrity. The country's commitment to blockchain regulation has made it an attractive destination for numerous crypto-related businesses, including exchanges and wallet providers. With membership in the European Union, Malta aligns its regulations with international standards, exemplified by its adherence to the Market in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MICAR). Diverse Classification of Virtual Assets: Malta's VFA Act classifies virtual assets into categories such as utility tokens, electronic money tokens, financial instruments or security tokens, and VFAs (Virtual Financial Assets). This clear classification provides legal clarity for businesses and investors, setting a precedent for other jurisdictions. Given that it might be named as one of the “best country for cryptocurrency”. Continued Alignment with International Standards: Malta's proactive regulatory stance continues to evolve, with an eye on international developments. As of April 2024, member states are expected to transpose the new Market in Crypto-Assets Regulation into national law. Malta's alignment with these regulations positions it as a leader in the global crypto regulatory landscape.


Regulatory Evolution in Estonia: Estonia, once considered a favorable regulatory environment for virtual currency service providers, underwent significant changes in its regulatory landscape. Licensing for virtual currency service providers was overseen by the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) since November 2017. However, amendments in the MLTFPA (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Act) in March 2022 imposed stricter conditions and requirements. The transition to these amendments required providers to amend their licenses, with a subsequent transfer of licensing and supervision to the Financial Supervision Authority (FSA). Estonia's regulatory developments reflect an evolving landscape, responding to both local and international considerations. Adapting to MiCA Requirements: Estonia, anticipating the regulatory changes introduced by the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA), is preparing for a transition period. While this may lead to enhanced supervision, it also offers clarity and potentially smoother processes for service providers. Navigating Regulatory Transitions: Estonia's regulatory journey, marked by changes in response to evolving EU standards, underscores the dynamic nature of crypto regulations. The regulatory landscape's fluidity, coupled with the nation's commitment to compliance, creates an environment where crypto businesses can navigate transitions effectively. This regulatory clarity makes Estonia a very crypto firnedly country.


Balanced Regulatory Approach in Singapore: Singapore's government adopts a pragmatic and cautious approach to cryptocurrencies, recognizing their economic and social potential. While fostering a conducive regulatory environment, the government also acknowledges and manages risks associated with consumer protection and anti-money laundering (AML)/counter-financing of terrorism. Cryptocurrencies are not treated as equivalent to traditional currency, with classification based on their characteristics, such as being a capital markets product, e-money, or a digital payment token (DPT). MAS's Role in Regulation: The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), the central bank, plays an important role in regulating crypto-related activities. The Payment Services Act (PSA), introduced in January 2020, establishes a comprehensive regulatory structure for both traditional and crypto exchanges. The act outlines licensing requirements and AML compliance for cryptocurrency business operators. To address money laundering and terror financing risks, MAS issued the Crypto Travel Rule, providing guidelines for DPT service providers. Clear Distinction and Forward-Looking Framework: Singapore's regulatory framework ensures a clear distinction between entities involved in building blockchain innovations and those engaged in market-making activities. The alignment with global standards, coupled with the forward-looking approach of MAS, positions Singapore as a model nation in adopting balanced and effective regulations for cryptocurrencies and related services and therefore as the one among best countries for crypto .

Hong Kong

Emergence as a Crypto Hub: Hong Kong, despite lacking a clear regulatory framework in the past, has emerged as a significant player in the global crypto market. Its strategic location and conducive regulatory environment have attracted numerous investors and businesses as the one among top crypto friendly countries. In response to concerns about investor protection and market stability, Hong Kong's Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) introduced a licensing regime for crypto exchanges in November 2021, setting a precedent for regulatory oversight in Asia. Strategic Initiatives and Government Support: Hong Kong's government actively supports the development of Web3 and the digital assets ecosystem, signaling a commitment to becoming a crypto hub. Initiatives like "Project Dunbar" and the establishment of a task force dedicated to promoting Web3 development demonstrate Hong Kong's efforts to attract crypto companies and traditional financial institutions. The government's collaboration with the Bank for International Settlements Innovation Hub and its support for tokenized notes issuance underscore its strategic embrace of the digital assets industry. Potential Shift in Financial Landscape: Hong Kong's proactive approach, including the acceptance of crypto trading platform license applications and collaboration with global financial institutions, indicates a potential shift in the financial landscape.


Proactive Regulation and Regulatory Framework: Gibraltar has positioned itself as a favorable destination for blockchain and cryptocurrency businesses (crypto friendly country) through proactive regulatory measures. The enactment of the Financial Services (Distributed Ledger Technology) Regulations (DLT Regs) established a comprehensive regulatory framework, making Gibraltar the first jurisdiction to provide clear guidelines for blockchain and crypto-related businesses. Blockchain-Friendly Environment: The regulatory approach in Gibraltar focuses on providing regulatory certainty without stifling innovation, attracting blockchain companies to set up operations in the territory. The sector-specific legislation, coupled with a business-friendly environment and a competitive tax regime, has contributed to Gibraltar's appeal for companies operating in the blockchain and digital currency space. Government's Engagement and Technological Development: Gibraltar's government, while taking a positive stance on blockchain and crypto regulations, has not issued its own cryptocurrency. However, it engaged in creating a private government blockchain to integrate blockchain technology into the eGov system, aiming to enhance citizen-government interactions.

United Kingdom (UK)

Adherence to International Standards: The United Kingdom (UK) has aligned its crypto regulations with the EU's 5AMLD and 6AMLD, setting identity requirements for crypto businesses. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) oversees anti-money laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC) regulations, treating crypto businesses similarly to traditional financial entities. The UK's regulatory landscape reflects a commitment to maintaining financial standards and preventing illicit activities within the crypto space. Ambition to Become a Global Crypto Hub: There is a vision for the UK to become a global hub for cryptoasset technology, best country for crypto. The UK's ambition to foster innovation in the crypto sector aligns with its historical legacy of embracing new ventures and pushing boundaries. Phased Regulatory Implementation: The UK's phased plan involves pulling crypto issuers, exchanges, and service providers under the same financial regulations as banks. The government's commitment to regulatory clarity and the establishment of the UK as a crypto center relies on key milestones in 2024, including deadlines for compliance with marketing rules and input on stablecoin regulations.

United States of America (USA)

Multi-Agency Oversight: The United States leads the way in crypto regulation, with various agencies, including the Department of Treasury, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), actively participating in discussions. The regulatory approach involves addressing financial crime, ensuring transparency, and defining digital assets' legal status. It makes USA a crypto friendly country, but does not prevent a danger of fines or criminal proceedings due to breaches of the “crypto regulation”. Diverse Regulatory Perspectives: Different U.S. agencies view cryptocurrencies differently; for instance, the SEC treats them as securities, while the IRS classifies them as property, subject to capital gains taxes. The diversity in regulatory perspectives aims to cover aspects such as investor protection, taxation, and preventing illicit activities. The Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) plays a role in classifying cryptocurrencies as commodities, allowing their trade on public derivatives markets. Recordkeeping and Compliance: Cryptocurrency owners in the USA are required to maintain detailed records for tax purposes, reflecting transactions, receipts, and fair market values. Regulatory efforts focus on consumer education, robust enforcement, and coordination across government agencies to ensure a comprehensive approach to digital asset governance.


Global Financial Center Embracing Crypto: Switzerland, renowned as one of the world's leading banking and financial centers, has been at the forefront of promoting cryptocurrencies since 2016. The country's commitment to innovation within cryptographic technology positions it as a the one among best countries for crypto, welcoming space for blockchain and crypto businesses. Proactive Regulatory Authority: The Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) governs virtual currency regulations and digital asset services. Switzerland's embrace of cryptocurrency exchanges and the issuance of different crypto licenses demonstrates a commitment to fostering a secure and well-regulated environment for crypto-related activities. The country's regulatory approach accommodates different types of crypto licenses based on the nature of blockchain projects. Dynamic Crypto Ecosystem: Switzerland actively promotes the use of cryptocurrencies for transactions, and its vibrant ecosystem connects with international blockchain centers. The country's pro-crypto laws and emphasis on compliance with anti-money laundering regulations contribute to Switzerland's status as one of the most crypto-friendly countries for investors and entrepreneurs.

United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Regulatory Milestones in UAE: The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has achieved significant regulatory milestones, including Federal Cabinet Decision No. 111 of 2022 on the regulation of virtual assets and their service providers. The issuance of this decision marked a significant moment in regulating virtual assets and related services within the UAE. Establishment of Virtual Asset Regulatory Authority: Dubai Law No. 4 of 2022 created the Dubai Virtual Asset Regulatory Authority (VARA), providing wide-ranging regulatory powers. VARA regulates and licenses issuers, exchanges, and custodial services related to virtual assets. The Virtual Assets Law prohibits virtual asset activities without a license from VARA, ensuring a structured and regulated environment for virtual currencies within onshore Dubai. UAE's Leadership in Digital Asset Regulation: The UAE's commitment to becoming a global innovation and technology hub is evident in its proactive approach to digital asset regulation. The region has emerged as a thought leader in adapting swiftly to challenges and opportunities presented by the digital asset ecosystem.

Choosing the right crypto-friendly country involves considering regulatory nuances, compliance requirements, and the evolving global landscape. Each of these countries provides a unique environment for crypto businesses, and navigating this landscape requires expert guidance. InteliumLaw offers tailored advice and support to ensure your crypto venture aligns with the regulatory frameworks of your chosen jurisdiction.

Countries with Complete Prohibitions on Cryptocurrency

  • In contrast to best countries for crypto, certain jurisdictions had imposed complete or significant prohibitions on cryptocurrency activities, among them are the following:

    Algeria: The use, holding, purchase, and sale of cryptocurrencies are banned in Algeria.

    Morocco: The use and trade of cryptocurrencies are subject to strict restrictions and are effectively prohibited in Morocco.

    Bangladesh: Bangladesh has imposed a ban on the use of cryptocurrencies for financial transactions.

    Bolivia: Bolivia has explicitly prohibited the use of any type of cryptocurrency.

    Ecuador: Ecuador has banned the use of decentralized digital currencies, including major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

    Nepal: The use of cryptocurrencies is restricted in Nepal, and the central bank has declared them illegal.

    Macedonia: The National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia has issued warnings against the use of cryptocurrencies, and their legal status is uncertain.

    Saudi Arabia: Cryptocurrencies are not recognized as legal tender, and the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority has warned against their use.

    Iran: While not a complete ban, Iran has imposed restrictions on cryptocurrency trading, and the central bank does not recognize digital currencies.

    Iraq: The Central Bank of Iraq has prohibited the use of cryptocurrencies.

    It’s crucial to check for the latest updates on cryptocurrency regulations in these countries, as the legal landscape can evolve.


Which are the most crypto-friendly countries?

In our article we provided review of UAE, Malta, Estonia, Singapore, Hong Kong, UK, USA, Al Salvador, Gibraltar as top crypto friendly countries.

Why are some countries considered more crypto-friendly than others?

Countries are considered more crypto-friendly when they have clear and favorable regulations, low or no taxes on crypto transactions, active crypto communities, high rates of crypto adoption, and supportive measures for security. These factors contribute to a conducive environment for crypto-related activities.

How do cryptofriendly countries regulate cryptocurrencies?

Crypto-friendly countries typically regulate cryptocurrencies by providing legal clarity, establishing frameworks for exchanges and businesses, implementing reasonable tax policies, and promoting innovation in the crypto space. Regulation may involve AML (Anti-Money Laundering) and KYC (Know Your Customer) compliance

Is it legal for foreigners to invest in cryptocurrencies in crypto-friendly countries?

In most crypto-friendly countries, it is legal for foreigners to invest in cryptocurrencies. However, specific regulations may vary, and it's essential for investors to be aware of and comply with local laws and requirements.

Where Can You Find the Lowest Taxes on Cryptocurrency?

Countries with comparatively low taxes on cryptocurrency transactions include jurisdictions like UAE, Malta, Estonia, Switzerland. Please contact our experts for more detailed advice. 


Obtaining A Gambling License: Key Challenges That May Arise

Table of contents Online gaming has become very popular. It attracts millions of players and generates significant revenue. Statistics show it will grow to over USD 426.02 billion by 2029.   Given these high stakes, regulatory bodies now mandate that gaming operators obtain licenses. This is to guarantee fair, transparent, and secure games. However, getting a license can be an uphill battle if you do not have the right information.   This blog will delve into the challenges you might face and help you better prepare to get your permit. Keep reading. What Is A Gambling License? A gambling permit is permission to operate gambling legally in an area. It ensures that gambling is done responsibly and sets standards for permit holders. These standards include measures to safeguard players and prevent crimes like money laundering. They also uphold the integrity of the gambling industry. Why Do You Need An Online Gaming License? Business Legitimacy Operating an online gaming business without a permit is illegal in many countries. A permit indicates that the gambling operation is legitimate. This builds trust and credibility with players, partners, and financial institutions. Protection From Legal Risks Obtaining a gaming permit involves meeting specific regulatory requirements and standards. This helps make sure that your business operates ethically by the law. Running a gambling business without a permit has legal consequences. They vary from getting fined, penalized, or even facing criminal charges. Player Protection Licensing authorities set rules that protect players. Examples include fair play, conflict resolution, and putting in place measures to encourage responsible gambling. Financial Transactions Many payment processors and banks require businesses to have a valid gambling permit. No transaction can be handled before this is produced. Market Access In many countries, having a valid permit is essential for entering the online gambling business. Growing Demand For Gambling Permits in Different Countries Many countries have seen the importance of licensed gambling. Because of that, there is a rush of applications. These are coming from investors who have seen the potentially profitable industry. Despite economic fluctuations, the gambling sector remains strong. A combination of factors fuels the growing demand. They include: Legalization Campaigns Many countries are legalizing or expanding gambling activities. They want to generate revenue and regulate an existing industry. Economic Benefits Governments are now seeing gambling’s economic potential. This includes job creation, boosting tourism, and increasing tax revenue. Player Protection Licensing protects the players. It ensures fair and responsible gaming. It also safeguards players from fraud and exploitation. Social Acceptance Gambling has gained social acceptance. This is happening the world over. It contributes to the greater demand for legal and regulated gambling options. Different types of online gaming permits   Online gaming licenses can vary in type and scope. This depends on the jurisdiction and the nature of the gaming activity. Here are some common types: Game Type Permits Casino This permit allows operators to provide various online casino games, such as Slots Table Games Live Dealer Games. Sports Betting Players place bets on various sports events and outcomes. This permit is used for online fantasy sports contests and competitions. Poker Players can participate in virtual cash games. Bingo These cater to traditional bingo variations and other bingo-related products. Lottery Used for the sale of lottery tickets and participation in lottery draws. Social Gaming Used for online games that promote social interaction and gameplay. Activity Type Permits Business To Business (B2B) They are given to companies that provide services and products to other gaming companies. Business To Customer (B2C) For companies that provide services and products directly to the customer. Gambling B2B Support Services For services supporting gambling operations. Key Challenges in Obtaining a Gambling Permit Getting a gambling permit is difficult. It involves careful planning, spending money, and following rules. Difficult Regulations Navigating tough regulations is like untangling red tape. It drains resources. The impact is high on smaller players. Each jurisdiction has its challenges. Bureaucratic processes move slower than molasses. With the help of experts like InteliumLaw, the process can be smooth. Strict Requirements To get a permit, you must meet strict rules set by regulators. This includes checking your background and financial records. It ensures you follow rules to stop money laundering and protect players. Meeting these rules can take a lot of time and money, especially for smaller businesses. Funding Getting a gambling permit costs a lot of money. You must pay fees to apply for the permit and spend money to ensure you follow the rules. This can be expensive, especially in places where the rules are strict or the fees are high. Legal and Compliance Risks The gambling industry is risky due to frequently changing regulations. Operators need to stay informed and comply with these rules to avoid legal issues. Reputation Management Having a good name is important in gambling. Operators must show they care about players and follow the rules to maintain a good reputation. Competition In the online gambling world, many operators are fighting for customers. However, getting one in popular places is tough because so many people want it. Limits Based on Location Operators might find it hard to get permits in certain areas because of the rules. How To Get A Gambling License Getting your gambling permit involves several steps. The process is different in every country. It also differs according to activities. Here is a general overview of the steps you might need to take: Step 1: Research the Rules Start by checking the regulations for getting a gambling permit where you want to operate. Look into the laws and procedures that apply to your type of gambling. Step 2: Choose the Right Country Decide where to apply for your permit. Some countries have tougher rules or higher costs. Consider factors like: Rules and regulations Licensing costs, Tax rates Market potential. Step 3: Develop a Business Plan Create a detailed business plan outlining Proposed Operations Types of games Target market Marketing strategies Financial projections Compliance measures. Step 4: Establish Your Company

How they make success happen

How to open an IT company abroad?

Table of contents Information technology is one of the leading business sectors today. Each person actively uses dozens of different services every day. The need for new affordable IT services is growing year by year. Therefore, starting a business in the IT field is a very productive decision. Many entrepreneurs are interested in how to open an IT company in 2022, avoiding typical mistakes and bureaucratic problems. How To Open An IT Company?​ First you need to solve a number of key issues. Your company must have a unique name. This requirement is relevant regardless of the country in which you plan to do business. If it is not fulfilled, the system will indicate plagiarism and the entrepreneur will be denied registration. Our company performs business registration abroad on optimal terms. Professionals will analyze your company’s activities and select the state with the best conditions. At the same time, they necessarily take into account all the wishes of the customer and the peculiarities of local legislation. How to choose a jurisdiction for an IT company? The countries of the European Union and the USA are the most popular among those wishing to open their own business today. Each state offers its own advantages for IT companies. The entrepreneur makes the final decision, taking into account all the nuances of work and personal preferences. First, you should decide on the key features of the activity: whether it is planned to attract investments; how many owners and business partners participate in the project; how the company’s activities are taxed; whether the activity will be carried out locally within the country or whether services and products are planned to be sold around the world; what will happen to dividends and royalties. Operating conditions in different jurisdictions When it comes to opening your own company in one of the EU countries, you need to take into account that investors prefer cooperation with local companies. First of all, an entrepreneur needs to know about tax rates and the availability of benefits for IT business. Jurisdiction comparison for IT Open table How to open an IT company in Ukraine? Technologies are quite widespread in Ukraine, because it is considered an IT hub. Therefore, opening should begin with thorough analysis of competitiveness and creation of unique offers. From a legal point of view, starting a company is not difficult. It is enough to decide on the registration form. The most popular are FOP and LLC. The last option is suitable if the involvement of several founders and high turnover are expected. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the pitfalls of this form of ownership. For example, the need to create a charter and documents regulating the rights of share owners and options for exit. Ukraine now offers a special mode of operation for Diya City IT companies. The regime provides preferential rules for the taxation of labor remuneration with personal income tax and social contribution, the possibility to choose a system of corporate taxation – ordinary income tax of 18% or tax on withdrawn capital of 9%. The main requirements: income from a qualified activity of at least 90%, no negative factors, the average number of employees and gig specialists of the company is at least 9 people, the average monthly remuneration of the employees and gig specialists of the company is at least 1,200 euros in hryvnia equivalent. How to open your IT company easily and quickly? The registration procedure is quite complicated and involves many nuances. Not every entrepreneur can go the entire process and to Open It Company Abroad without making mistakes. Especially if he does not have the necessary skills. The only way to simplify this procedure is to contact qualified lawyers. Our lawyers specialize in this area as well. We will carry out a thorough analysis of the planned business activity, take into account all your requirements and priorities and select the most favorable jurisdiction. Our specialists are able to perform all the necessary actions for incorporation, in particular, prepare the relevant documents and organize the entire process. As a result, you will have a company registered under the current legislation of the chosen country, which will meet all the goals and requirements you have set.

All good work requires self-revelation. Shot of a young mixed race businesswoman using tablet while

How to choose a good lawyer?

Table of contents Who is a lawyer? Lawyer is a Latin word. It means “to call for help”. The first lawyers, or rather orators who defended people, appeared during the time of the ancient Romans. They had stronACg oratorical skills and the ability to convey their thoughts to others. They were not paid for their work, but they had popularity and general recognition. For the first time, the term “lawyer” in the current sense of this word began to be used in the 18th century. Today, in general a lawyer is a person who has a higher legal education, the right to practice law and who is practising law. How to choose the right lawyer? Since the lawyer is needed when the disputes or other issues appears, the choice of such a specialist should be made very responsibly and carefully. It is not recommended to make a hasty choice based solely on publicly available information. An experienced lawyer can even during the first meeting gain the client’s trust, and the client may decide do not look for another specialist. Correct and convincing speech is a guarantee that the necessary information will be conveyed clearly and competently from a legal point of view when defending client’s interests. First, meet with your potential lawyer personally, because a telephone conversation will not allow you to get a full impression of a specialist. There should be a relationship of trust and mutual understanding between the client and the lawyer. Only in this case you can expect a positive result. If during the first meeting the lawyer instilled trust in you, descrive him what your problem is. Provide him with all the details without hiding anything. Then listen to his response: What do the ratings show? It worths to review the rating and reviews of the chosen lawyer. If there is not much information about the specialist on the Internet, on the one hand, it might raise doubts. On the other hand, this may indicate that the career of this lawyer is just starting or the lawyer does not need to promote his services. You could address the question about the ratings and experience to your lawyer directly, and then consider the information provided by him. If a lawyer is not within the rating lists, this does not mean he is unprofessional. Many competent specialists are just starting their careers or simply do not have time to submit relevant applications. If your lawyer is not in the ratings, his services may be cheaper and more accessible but at the same professional level or even better than from the lawyers in the ratings. When might you have doubts? You need to leave the lawyer’s office in the following cases: Conclusions In order not to look for a reliable lawyer for a long time, you can contact IntelliumLaw. Only the best lawyers and tax consultants work here. They provide services to both individuals and companies. Our specialists provide full legal support: Intellium Law specialists do their best to get your desired result. FAQ What is the cost of services? The final price depends on a number of factors, including the details of the case and the complexity of the problem, the availability of documents, and much more. Please contact us to receive a fee quote for your particular case.