
Company registration in Malta

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Advantages of choosing Malta for company formation and registration

Company registration in Malta offers several advantages, including:

These factors make the jurisdiction an attractive destination for Malta company formation, especially for businesses looking to expand within the EU and Mediterranean region.

Malta Company Registration Services

We can provide a wide range of services to assist businesses in registering a company in Malta. Here's a list:

By providing these services, we can greatly facilitate the process of setting up and running a business in Malta, helping to ensure compliance with local laws and optimizing for business success.

Types of Maltese companies

Below is the overview of company types available in Malta

Malta Company Formation Requirements

Malta company registration procedure entails several requirements that must be met. These include:

Malta Company Incorporation: Legal and Taxation Insights

Company formation in Malta offers a range of legal and taxation advantages, making it a favorable jurisdiction for business operations. Here are some key insights:

Legal Insights:

EU Compliance. As an EU member state, Maltese corporate law is harmonized with EU directives, ensuring a stable and predictable legal environment.

Types of Companies. The most common company forms are the private limited liability company (Ltd.) and the public limited liability company (plc). There are also options for partnerships.

Corporate Governance. Maltese law requires a minimum of one director for private companies and two for public companies. A company secretary is mandatory for all types.

Registration and Documentation. Companies must be registered with the Malta Business Registry, and key documents include the Memorandum and Articles of Association.

Flexibility in Company Structure. Malta offers flexibility in structuring a company, including the use of nominee shareholders and directors for confidentiality

Legal System. Malta’s legal system, based on both civil law and common law principles, is well-regarded for its robustness and fairness.

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Taxation Insights

Corporate Tax Rate. The standard corporate tax rate is 35%. However, effective rates can be significantly lower due to Malta’s full imputation system and tax refund system.

Tax Refund System. Shareholders of Maltese companies can be eligible for significant tax refunds on the tax paid by the company, potentially reducing the effective tax rate to between 5% and 10%.

No Withholding Taxes. Malta does not impose withholding taxes on dividends, interest, and royalties paid to non-residents, with some exceptions.

Double Taxation Relief. Malta has an extensive network of double taxation treaties with over 70 countries, minimizing tax liabilities for international businesses.

EU Parent-Subsidiary Directive. As an EU member, Malta applies the EU Parent-Subsidiary Directive, exempting dividends received from EU subsidiaries from Maltese tax.

Participation Exemption. Profits derived from a ‘participating holding’ (a shareholding in a non-resident company) are often exempt from Maltese tax.

VAT Compliance. Businesses must comply with Maltese VAT laws, which are aligned with EU directives. VAT registration is mandatory for certain thresholds of turnover.

Understanding these legal and taxation aspects is crucial for anyone considering incorporating a company in Malta. The country's favorable conditions offer compelling advantages for business, particularly for those looking to operate within the EU or seeking an efficient tax structure.

Ongoing Corporate Compliance and Governance

For a Maltese company, ongoing corporate compliance and governance involve adhering to local laws and regulations, maintaining accurate financial records, submitting annual returns and financial statements to the Malta Business Registry, holding annual general meetings, ensuring tax compliance, and upholding standards of corporate governance as per Maltese law. This ensures the company operates transparently, ethically, and in line with regulatory requirements.

Malta company formation process

If you want to register a company in Malta, you have to follow a determined process. The process of forming a company in Malta is relatively straightforward and involves several key steps:

Choosing a Company Type. As a first step within the Malta company formation process, you have to decide on the type of company to be formed, typically either a private limited liability company or a public limited company.

Company Name Reservation. Select a unique company name and get it approved by the Malta Business Registry. This ensures that no other company is registered under the same or a similar name.

Drafting the Memorandum and Articles of Association. As a part of the process of incorporation of company in Malta, you will have to prepare these key documents. The Memorandum must include details such as the company name, registered office in Malta, objectives of the company, share capital, and details of the shareholders. The Articles of Association outline the company’s internal regulations.

Minimum Share Capital. Deposit the minimum share capital in a bank account. For a private limited company, the minimum share capital is €1,165, with 20% paid up. For a public limited company, it's €46,588, with at least 25% paid up.

Registering the Company. Submit the Memorandum and Articles of Association, along with proof of share capital deposit and other documents, to the Malta Business Registry.

Appointment of Directors and Company Secretary. Appoint the required number of directors and a company secretary. Their details will be included in the company’s registration documents.

Registration Fee. Pay the necessary registration fee to the Malta Business Registry. The fee varies depending on the company’s share capital

Receiving the Certificate of Registration. Once the Malta Business Registry processes and approves the application, the company will be officially registered, and a Certificate of Registration will be issued.

Tax and VAT Registration. Register the company with the Maltese tax authorities for income tax and, where applicable, Value Added Tax (VAT).

Opening a Corporate Bank Account. Open a corporate bank account for business transactions.

Appointing an Auditor. Appoint an auditor after the company's registration.

Ongoing Compliance. Ensure ongoing compliance with Maltese corporate laws, including filing annual returns and financial statements, holding annual general meetings, and maintaining proper accounting records.

Additional Business Services in Malta

Except for company formation, we can help you with legal advice on corporate and tax structuring, compliance and regulatory matters, assist with opening a bank or other account for the Maltese company, and obtaining of a gaming license.

InteliumLaw's advantage in company registration in Malta

Expertise in Maltese Law

We have a deep understanding of Maltese corporate law, ensuring compliance and efficient handling of the registration process.

Streamlined Registration Process

We offer a streamlined and simplified company registration process, which can be particularly advantageous for foreign investors unfamiliar with local procedures.

Tailored Legal and Tax Advice

The firm could provide tailored legal and taxation advice, helping companies optimize their operations in line with Maltese laws and tax regimes.

Network and Connections

We have established networks within Malta’s business, legal communities as well other Malta company formation agents and that is a significant advantage, facilitating smoother business operations for clients

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How much does it cost to set up a company in Malta?

Malta company formation cost can vary depending on several factors such as the type of company being registered, its share capital, and the services used for the registration process. Generally, the Malta company registration fees paid to the Malta Business Registry are based on the company's authorized share capital. Contact us and we will provide you with a fee quote.

What other fees do I need to consider except for Malta company formation fees?

When forming a company in Malta, you should anticipate several additional costs beyond the initial formation fees. These include legal and professional fees if you engage in services like lawyers, accountants, or corporate service providers. If you lack a physical presence in Malta, there will be expenses for a registered office service. Opening a corporate bank account might involve certain bank charges. For businesses requiring specific licenses or permits, there will be associated fees. Ongoing compliance with Maltese corporate law, such as filing annual returns, also entails certain costs. Regular expenses for auditing, accounting, and operational activities like rent, utilities, and salaries (if you're setting up an office or hiring staff in Malta) are additional considerations. Insurance costs, depending on your business type, may also add to your overall expenses. It’s crucial to budget for these aspects to ensure the smooth operation and compliance of your business in Malta.

Why do companies set up in Malta?

Companies are drawn to set up in Malta due to its strategic Mediterranean location, serving as a bridge between Europe and North Africa. As an EU member, Malta provides access to the European single market. The country offers a favorable tax regime with potential for significant reductions in effective tax rates, supplemented by a wide network of double taxation treaties. English being an official language simplifies international business communications. Malta's skilled, multilingual workforce is attractive, particularly in sectors like technology and finance. The business-friendly environment, bolstered by a robust legal and regulatory framework, is conducive to sectors such as financial services and iGaming. Additionally, Malta's high standard of living and stable economy make it an appealing destination for businesses seeking growth and stability within the EU.

Can a foreigner start a business in Malta?

Yes, a foreigner can start a business in Malta. The country is known for its business-friendly environment and offers a straightforward process for foreigners to establish a company. Malta's entry into the European Union and its strategic location in the Mediterranean make it an attractive location for international business operations

What are the documents required to incorporate a company in Malta?

An application form for the company needs to be completed, accompanied by necessary due diligence documents such personal identification documents.

How long does it take to incorporate a company in Malta?

A few days after the submission of the documents to the authority.

Is it possible to proceed with the Malta company formation online?

it is possible to proceed with Malta company formation largely online. The Malta Business Registry offers online services that allow for the electronic submission of documents required for company registration. However, some stages still require interaction with physical documents.

What is the minimum share capital for a private company in Malta?

The minimum share capital for a private company in Malta is €1,165. However, it's important to note that only 20% of this amount needs to be paid up at the time of incorporation. This means that the actual minimum paid-up capital required at the time of setting up the company is €233

Do I need to have a local address to register a company in Malta?

Yes, to register a company in Malta, it is required to have a local registered office address within the country. This address serves as the official legal address of the company and is used for all formal communications and legal notices. The registered office address does not necessarily need to be the place where the company conducts its business activities, but it must be an address in Malta where official documents can be legally served. For businesses without a physical presence in Malta, it's common to use the services of a local corporate service provider who can offer a registered office address.

Are there any special requirements for non-EU residents to form a company in Malta?

Non-EU residents can form a company in Malta, but there are a few additional considerations and requirements compared to EU residents such more complicated due diligence requirements

Is it mandatory to have a local bank account for a Maltese company?

Crucially, Maltese companies are not legally bound to open bank accounts exclusively with banks that are licensed in Malta. They have the flexibility to set up bank accounts in any jurisdiction.

How many directors and shareholders are required in a Maltese company?

In a Maltese company, at least one director and one shareholder are necessary.

What is the corporate tax rate in Malta?

The corporate tax rate in Malta is set at 35%. However, due to Malta's unique tax system, the effective tax rate can be significantly lower for shareholders, particularly foreign shareholders, who can benefit from Malta's tax refund system. This system often results in an effective tax rate that is considerably lower than the nominal rate of 35%.

Is Malta an offshore?

Malta is not considered an offshore jurisdiction in the traditional sense. It is a member of the European Union and adheres to EU regulations and standards, particularly in financial services, taxation, and anti-money laundering measures. Unlike typical offshore jurisdictions, Malta has a more transparent and regulated financial system, and it actively complies with international tax laws and cooperation agreements.

Other services

Ongoing Legal Support

The activities of any company must comply with the current legislation. It is difficult to imagine all processes without legal business support. The specialists of Intellium Law know all the peculiarities of work and legal regulation of various areas of business and have extensive experience in legal support of IT, gambling, e-commerce, cryptocurrency business, production, trade, restaurant business, telecommunications business, investment business, real estate business and other areas. This allows our specialists to provide high-quality business legal support services to companies of any size and form of ownership. Legal support and business protection: what is it? Complex legal support of business involves a whole series of measures aimed at supporting business in compliance with the necessary regulations. It also allows you to prevent and reduce legal and tax risks, protect the capital and interests of the owners of the company/group. The procedure involves legal management of operational activities, verification of counterparties, agreements and documentation. By agreement, legal support may include participation in the company’s litigation, which, in most cases, is not included in the usual package. Many business owners prefer to have an in-house lawyer. But subscription legal business support from law firms offers more advantages. Here are the most famous of them: Cost reduction. Usually, the services of a third-party firm are cheaper than paying the salary of an in-house lawyer on an ongoing basis. Collective support. One specialist will not be able to perfectly understand all the nuances of each process. A team of professionals will cope with any tasks much better. Diligence. One lawyer cannot always cope with a high workload and keep track of all changes in legislation. Speed. The team will be able to cope with a much larger volume of work in a shorter period of time than one specialist. Quality. Usually, in law firms, any task goes through several levels of review from a junior to a senior specialist and final approval by partners. In what cases are business legal support services required? Running a business without subscription legal service and support is a very risky activity. After all, the company carries out activities with a constant risk of violating the current law and is legally unprotected. Therefore, it should be emphasized that legal support of small businesses, medium and large enterprises is a daily necessity. The service of legal support for business purchase and sale agreements and investment projects is also very popular. In this case, the buyer has confidence that the company’s activities comply with the current laws and the criteria stated by the seller, and that the investment asset is properly registered and will not create any legal/tax risks for the investor. Leave Us A Message And we wil get back to you Contact Us Other services Leave a request for a service The accumulated experience and tracking of future changes in this area allow us to be proactivefor our clients and develop the most adapted business structures to modern conditions. By submitting this form, you hereby authorize Inteliumlaw to process your information for the purpose of addressing your inquiry. You retain the right to revoke this consent at any point. For further details, please review our Privacy Policy.

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International Corporate Structuring

International Structuring

International structuring is of great importance for any business, both already functioning and planning to enter the international market. The correct organization of the legal structure and rational tax planning is the initial and basic guarantee of successful business development in the future. Given the current global trends, among the rest of the automatic exchange, counteracting the erosion of the tax base, the shift of profits, and other measures to combat tax evasion, the competent structuring of business in world markets becomes even more important. The support of professionals in this area will be of great importance for the adaptation of businesses to various innovations, ensuring their continuous operation and protecting interests in the new realities. The most optimal solution is to entrust the planning to a specialized law firm. Key factors International structuring is an extensive set of legal processes. All of them contribute to protecting business assets, minimizing legal and tax risks, using the most rational ways in the field of taxation, and solving other tasks set by the client. The necessary solutions are developed using legally acceptable mechanisms and tools. Specialists use the available tools in such a way as to ensure the maximum effectiveness of the measures taken to protect and optimize the business of clients. A full international structuring in most cases consists of the following steps: First, a meeting or call is scheduled with the client. During it, we discuss the initial data, as well as determine the goals and objectives. Our experts analyze the provided description, work out all the preliminary options and possibilities. Further, communication with the client continues to clarify the details and features, preliminary agreement on possible jurisdictions and mechanisms for their further more detailed consideration by professionals. A memorandum is being prepared outlining the structuring options. Next, the specialists present the options developed in the memorandum to the management of our client. After that, we further discuss and agree on the most suitable options. At the final stage, our company provides full support for the implementation of the structuring option, and individual restructuring elements chosen by the client. Benefits A number of positive factors influence the demand for the services of our lawyers. Our specialists have significant experience in international planning, they know the practical features and all the possible difficulties that may arise in this area. Inteliumlaw constantly monitors current trends, planned transformations and innovations in the field of international taxation. Thanks to the accumulated experience and monitoring of upcoming changes in this area, we work proactively for our clients and develop structures for businesses that are most adapted to modern conditions. Our offer Our specialists provide full support for the process of international corporate structuring. Inteliumlaw provides a wide range of services in this area. Specialists conduct preliminary consultations on optimizing the structure of groups of companies. At the request of our client, we prepare legal opinions on the peculiarities of the work of jurisdictions and taxation in certain countries. Our company develops optimal business structures according to customer requests. We take into account the peculiarities of the business and the priorities set. We also analyze the current structures of groups of companies and their restructuring. Inteliumlaw provides full legal support for the implementation of the developed business structure, as well as the inclusion of individual companies in the group structure. In addition, our client can receive a complete implementation of the international business structuring project with professional support at every stage – from consulting to the full implementation of the project. Other services Leave a request for a service The accumulated experience and tracking of future changes in this area allow us to be proactivefor our clients and develop the most adapted business structures to modern conditions. By submitting this form, you hereby authorize Inteliumlaw to process your information for the purpose of addressing your inquiry. You retain the right to revoke this consent at any point. For further details, please review our Privacy Policy.

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Legal Due Diligence

Due Diligence and Transaction Structuring

Legislation in the country is constantly changing. New concepts are added, existing norms are changed and obsolete ones are removed. Businesses do not always have time to keep track of changes. After all, it is important for entrepreneurs to carry out activities strictly in the legal field. Keeping an experienced lawyer on staff who monitors the compliance of the company’s activities with changes made to the legislation is not always profitable and expedient. It is often much more efficient to entrust this procedure to third-party companies. Our experts perform a legal due diligence with the following recommendations to address the identified issues. What does a legal audit examine? A legal audit of an enterprise is a set of measures that allow checking the compliance of a certain company’s activities with the current legislation of the country in which it operates. During the inspection, the following is studied: Why do you need legal business consulting? A legal audit of an enterprise is a set of measures that allow checking the compliance of a certain company’s activities with the current legislation of the country in which it operates. During the inspection, the following is studied: availability of necessary documents and their correctness; compliance of the legal side of the activity with the legislation; probability of bringing employees to justice for improper documentation; document flow. Due Diligence is complicated However, the legal audit of the company is not limited to the research of only one area. This is a large-scale system audit that covers all aspects of the company’s operations. Specialists analyze compliance of each aspect with legal norms and established corporate standards. The key purpose of this procedure is to identify errors, inconsistencies, inaccuracies and deficiencies. In addition, lawyers develop recommendations to eliminate identified shortcomings. All actions are aimed at eliminating the risks of unplanned losses. Due to the timely conduct of a legal audit of a business, it will be possible to avoid fines and sanctions from the tax service and other regulatory bodies. The audit minimizes the risks of losses associated with incorrect actions of counterparties. It also allows you to avoid the possible costs of court proceedings in the case of prosecution of employees or managers of the company. When are legal audit services needed? Usually, Legal Due Diligence is conducted before the merger of two companies. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to assess the legality and truthfulness of the information provided by partners. It is also important to carry out the procedure for attracting investors. This makes it possible to understand the expediency of investing funds and significantly improves the company’s reputation. This procedure is often carried out before the sale of the company. In this way, the real state of affairs in the company is shown to the potential buyer. The best option is to conduct an audit from the time the company was founded. And you need to do it regularly. After all, thanks to this, the entrepreneur will be able to avoid possible penalties from the regulatory authorities. Depending on the customer’s requirements, a complex audit or an inspection of a separate field of activity is carried out. Our company provides legal audit services in the following areas: checking the corporate situation; audit of commercial activity; management and personnel systems; contractual activity; real estate and assets of the company. During the audit, specialists perform extensive and painstaking work. In addition to primary analytics, they perform a review of each area of activity. They have to check literally every document and business process. The audit involves studying the following: company assets; financial flows; sources of funds; requirements for partners; tax issues; statutory documentation. Legal audit services Our company offers services for conducting legal audits of businesses/projects in various countries of the world. Highly qualified specialists will carefully and quickly perform all the necessary analytics. At the same time, our work will in no way interfere with the activities of your company/project. That is, the customer/object of inspection will not have to lose his profit during the inspection of the business. Trusting our specialists, you invest in the future of your business and its stable operation. Leave Us A Message And we wil get back to you Contact Us Other services Leave a request for a service The accumulated experience and tracking of future changes in this area allow us to be proactivefor our clients and develop the most adapted business structures to modern conditions. By submitting this form, you hereby authorize Inteliumlaw to process your information for the purpose of addressing your inquiry. You retain the right to revoke this consent at any point. For further details, please review our Privacy Policy.

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The accumulated experience and tracking of future changes in this area allow us to be proactive
for our clients and develop the most adapted business structures to modern conditions.

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The accumulated experience and tracking of future changes in this area allow us to be proactive
for our clients and develop the most adapted business structures to modern conditions.

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