
How to open an IT company abroad?

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Information technology is one of the leading business sectors today. Each person actively uses dozens of different services every day. The need for new affordable IT services is growing year by year. Therefore, starting a business in the IT field is a very productive decision. Many entrepreneurs are interested in how to open an IT company in 2022, avoiding typical mistakes and bureaucratic problems.

How To Open An IT Company?​

First you need to solve a number of key issues. Your company must have a unique name. This requirement is relevant regardless of the country in which you plan to do business. If it is not fulfilled, the system will indicate plagiarism and the entrepreneur will be denied registration.

Our company performs business registration abroad on optimal terms. Professionals will analyze your company’s activities and select the state with the best conditions. At the same time, they necessarily take into account all the wishes of the customer and the peculiarities of local legislation.

How to choose a jurisdiction for an IT company?

The countries of the European Union and the USA are the most popular among those wishing to open their own business today. Each state offers its own advantages for IT companies. The entrepreneur makes the final decision, taking into account all the nuances of work and personal preferences. First, you should decide on the key features of the activity:

Operating conditions in different jurisdictions

When it comes to opening your own company in one of the EU countries, you need to take into account that investors prefer cooperation with local companies. First of all, an entrepreneur needs to know about tax rates and the availability of benefits for IT business.

Jurisdiction comparison for IT

How to open an IT company in Ukraine?

Technologies are quite widespread in Ukraine, because it is considered an IT hub. Therefore, opening should begin with thorough analysis of competitiveness and creation of unique offers.

From a legal point of view, starting a company is not difficult. It is enough to decide on the registration form. The most popular are FOP and LLC. The last option is suitable if the involvement of several founders and high turnover are expected. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the pitfalls of this form of ownership. For example, the need to create a charter and documents regulating the rights of share owners and options for exit.

Ukraine now offers a special mode of operation for Diya City IT companies. The regime provides preferential rules for the taxation of labor remuneration with personal income tax and social contribution, the possibility to choose a system of corporate taxation – ordinary income tax of 18% or tax on withdrawn capital of 9%. The main requirements: income from a qualified activity of at least 90%, no negative factors, the average number of employees and gig specialists of the company is at least 9 people, the average monthly remuneration of the employees and gig specialists of the company is at least 1,200 euros in hryvnia equivalent.

How to open your IT company easily and quickly?

The registration procedure is quite complicated and involves many nuances. Not every entrepreneur can go the entire process and to Open It Company Abroad without making mistakes. Especially if he does not have the necessary skills. The only way to simplify this procedure is to contact qualified lawyers. Our lawyers specialize in this area as well. We will carry out a thorough analysis of the planned business activity, take into account all your requirements and priorities and select the most favorable jurisdiction.

Our specialists are able to perform all the necessary actions for incorporation, in particular, prepare the relevant documents and organize the entire process. As a result, you will have a company registered under the current legislation of the chosen country, which will meet all the goals and requirements you have set.


Africa’s Online Gambling Markets: Licensing, Prices, Legality

Table of contents Africa is growing rapidly since the availability of high-speed internet connections in even rural areas. Due to this, many companies are showing interest in investing in online gaming in Africa. Many African countries have legalised online gambling and incorporated their own gaming laws for their economic growth.   You can contact the Betting and Licensing Board Kenya, the Gaming Board of Tanzania, etc., to get a license in these African countries. Here, we will explore licensing, prices, and legality to get involved in Africa’s online gambling markets. Africa Gaming Market Analysis The Africa gaming market is expected to generate more than $2 billion in 2024, and the CAGR is estimated at 9.43 % for the 2024-2029 period. The market of gaming in Africa is reaching a broader audience base, and both local and foreign operators are available in this region. According to the United Nations, the number of young people in Africa is rising. Many players are getting involved in gaming in Africa to have fun from betting. Also, countries like South Africa, Nigeria, and Tanzania are providing gambling licences to operate freely in the region. Let’s analyse Africa’s gaming market in a bit more detail. Closed Markets Many African countries have prohibited gambling in their countries, especially Muslim-majority countries. Some countries like Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia allow land-based gambling in certain hotels. However, only foreigners are allowed to participate in online gaming in Africa in these countries, not the local players. Tunisia runs state-owned sports betting to support local communities. Also, Morocco and Egypt do not regulate online gambling, which means foreign operators can enter the market, but they cannot get a valid license. Markets Lacking Regulatory Oversight Some countries lack regulatory oversight in online gaming in Africa, which poses several risks. Somalia and Sudan are examples of countries that lack regulatory oversight. If you operate online gambling in these markets, you may face problems in payments. Also, you cannot take legal action because there are no relevant authorities. Markets Offering Licenses Certain countries offer licenses for operating online gaming in Africa, however they do not regulate it properly. Also, you may have to pay different amounts depending on whether you are a local or foreign operator. For example, the gambling license cost in Kenya is around 460,000 KSH for local applicants and 910,000 KSH for foreign applicants. Uganda and Zambia are also examples of countries that offer land-based gambling licences and do not regulate online gambling. However, the Betting and Licensing Board Kenya offers the same license to both online and offline gambling operators. Even though these countries do not regulate online gambling, you should get a license to avoid legal issues and make profits from your investment. There are also countries which provides full-fledged online gambling licenses such as Nigeria, South Africa and Tanzania. In Which Country Can You Obtain A License For Online Gambling? Several African countries, such as Nigeria, South Africa, and Tanzania, offer valid licenses for online gambling. If you follow the process and pay the required fees, you can obtain a license for online gaming in Africa. The charges include application fees, license grant fees, investigation fees, etc. Let’s take a detailed overview of how to get a gambling license in South Africa, Nigeria, and Tanzania. Nigeria Gambling License Nigeria is a wonderful country and provides the utmost infrastructure for running a gambling business. You can obtain a Nigeria gambling license from the National Lottery Regulation Commission (NLRC) and the Lagos State Lotteries and Gaming Authority (LSLGA). You can also get a license in different categories, such as casino games, sports betting, poker, etc. To obtain a license for online gaming in Africa, you must submit your application with the required documents and a fee of 2,000,000 Naira to the NLRC. If you want to operate online gambling from outside Nigeria, you can get a remote permit. Online Gambling Licensing In South Africa South Africa allows online sports betting, and it is an awesome place for operators. You can get your South African online gambling license from the Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board (WCGRB). You have to submit the required documents and an application fee to get a bookmaker license. Also, you have to follow the betting laws when you get an online gambling license South Africa to renew the license after specified validity.   Online Gambling Licensing In Tanzania Tanzania is also a great country to operate online gaming in Africa. The Gaming Board Of Tanzania (GBT) provides licenses for online gambling, whether it is for casinos or sportsbooks. Also, you have to make an investment in Tanzania in order to get an online gambling licence. The minimum investment amount for a local company is $300,000 and a foreign company is $500,000. Moreover, the application fee for online casinos is TZS 1,000,000, and for online sports betting, it is TZS 500,000. Additionally, you have to pay a 25% income tax from the revenue of your online gambling. What Assistance Does InteliumLaw Offer? InteliumLaw offers legal solutions for operating your business in different countries. Understanding the different rules in different countries can be challenging for you. You can consult experts from InteliumLaw to get specific solutions to meet your requirements. It can help you get a valid license in countries that regulate online gaming in Africa. It can also help you comply with the rules of the local government. It can also provide you with tax consultation services according to local or international laws. You can get a valid license and operate online gambling in Africa without any hassle with the assistance of InteliumLaw. FAQ Which African countries offer online gambling licensing? African countries that offer online gambling licensing are Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania. Uganda, Kenya etc. What are the key considerations for obtaining online gambling licensing in Nigeria, South Africa and Tanzania? The key considerations for obtaining online gambling licensing in Nigeria, South Africa, and Tanzania are reaching out to the relevant authorities and paying application fees

Cryptocurrency Exchange Compliance

Table of contents Understanding the Regulatory Landscape Throughout the development of the first cryptocurrency till the creation of the entire crypto world, cryptocurrencies have faced a lot of different challenges. The most critical challenge faced by cryptocurrencies is their status since different jurisdictions created their own regulatory framework, hence there is a worldwide trend of increasing institutional adoption of crypto. Making cryptocurrencies publicly available, transferable, liquid, manageable and freely tradeable is one of the main functions of cryptocurrency exchange. More precisely, cryptocurrency exchanges serve as intermediaries that greatly simplify access to cryptocurrencies for different individuals and legal entities and make it easy to buy and sell with low fees and strong security features. In that matter, let’s have a more exact glance at cryptocurrency exchange as a business. A cryptocurrency exchange is an online platform hosted by companies or other entities that make it convenient for users to purchase and sell cryptocurrency. In general, cryptocurrency exchange can be classified as centralized (“CEX”) or decentralized (“DEX”). Below we provide a short overview of the differences between them: Operate under the control of a central authority or intermediary. Token listing on CEXs typically involves a centralized decision-making process. Management of such crypto exchange normally evaluates and approves crypto projects considering their compliance’s level, legal and financial documentation etc. Operate on decentralized networks, utilizing smart contracts to enable peer-to-peer trading. Token listing on DEXs is often more open. Crypto projects can be listed by developing smart contracts that integrate with the exchange protocol. Listing decisions are often driven by community governance instead of centralized authority. Typically, DEXs do not require user verification or adherence to AML regulations. At the same time, due to the complexity of such a type of business, there is a necessity to establish and configure a great number of processes, thus different aspects of such a business become subject to a great number of regulations. Hence, the survival and prosperity of crypto exchange business depend on regulatory crypto compliance in the ever-changing world of cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency exchange must satisfy compliance with numerous standards established by regulatory authorities both separately developed for the cryptocurrency market and established for other essential aspects of cryptocurrency exchange’s product. Those regulations include rules regarding consumer safety, security, and transparency. Essential Compliance Practices for Cryptocurrency Exchanges Whereas not all jurisdictions have adopted sophisticated legislation that set forth clear rules of managing and carrying out a crypto business, it is worth analyzing the position and interpretation of effective laws issued by the relevant financial services regulators (if there is no separate crypto regulator). Also, in light of possible oncoming massive adoption of different laws regulating different crypto-related matters, there will be a need for monitoring applicable legislative changes and in advance preparation of your cryptocurrency exchange for such changes. The most important issue for cryptocurrency exchange is implementing the following crypto compliance practices: AML and KYC requirements: KYC is a fundamental compliance requirement. Exchanges must verify the identity of their users to prevent fraud, money laundering, and other illegal activities. This involves collecting personal information such as name, address, date of birth, and government-issued identification, etc. AML regulations require exchanges to monitor transactions for suspicious activities and report any that may indicate money laundering. Under these regulations, cryptocurrency exchange must have in place and implement robust transaction monitoring systems, procedures, and processes of maintaining records of large transactions and conducting regular audits of its systems and monitoring processes. Licensing and Registration Requirements: Throughout the existence of cryptocurrencies different jurisdictions established some rules for providing services related to operations with cryptocurrency. Depending on jurisdiction these rules vary and can include anything from authorization for AML purposes like in several EU countries (under the current regulatory framework) to payment licenses (for example, in Singapore) and money services company registration. Adhering to these standards is vital to run your cryptocurrency exchange lawfully and keep its credibility. Data Protection and Privacy Regulations Guaranteeing privacy and protection of user data is one of the cornerstones of crypto exchange business, as respecting and following local privacy laws, such as GDPR, CCPA, PIPEDA and others, and implementing strong and advanced security protocols, user permission for data processing, and open data handling procedures shall increase client confidence and strengthen asset security by fostering trust and lowering the danger of data leaks. Consumer Protection Regulations: Customer protection is of utmost importance in the realm of cryptocurrency exchange security. Consumer protection laws set forth requirements related to fair trade practices, fraud prevention, and dispute resolution. Provision of timely information, clear fee schedules, and channels for user input are all necessary for crypto compliance. Strategies for Navigating Regulatory Compliance Navigating the complex regulatory landscape for cryptocurrency exchanges requires a proactive and comprehensive approach. Hence, below you may see general tips implementation of which can help crypto exchanges manage and ensure regulatory crypto compliance: Establish a Dedicated Compliance Team Hire Experts: Form a team of seasoned professionals with expertise in financial regulations, cryptocurrency laws, cybersecurity, and risk management. It is highly recommended to include in this team experienced compliance officers, legal advisors, and internal auditors. Continuous Training: Implement an ongoing training program to keep staff updated on new regulations, emerging threats, and best practice. This ensures that the team is always prepared to handle compliance challenges. Develop and Maintain Comprehensive Policies and Procedures Compliance Manual: Draft detailed manuals in each compliance field outlining all relevant compliance requirements, operational procedure, and regulatory guidelines. Regular Updates: Update policies and procedures regularly to reflect changes in the regulatory environment and industry best practices. Engage with legal expert to receive consultation on interpretation of new regulations and the ways you may incorporate necessary changes. Documentation: Maintain comprehensive records of all compliance activities, including, but not limited to, transaction histories, audit trails, communication logs with regulators, training sessions, security breaches history and measures used to overcome it, etc. Establish Strong Internal Controls and Governance Governance Framework: Develop a comprehensive governance framework that clearly defines roles and responsibilities, and accountability for compliance management. This

How to start an online Casino: Step-by-Step Entrepreneur’s Guide

Table of contents The global casino industry has experienced exponential growth in recent years, especially with the advent of online gambling platforms. With a rich history tracing back to centuries-old establishments, modern-day casinos have evolved into digital landscapes that attract millions of players worldwide. As the digital realm continues to shape the gambling landscape, starting an online casino has emerged as a promising entrepreneurial avenue. However, the success of own online casino hinges on meticulous planning, adherence to legal frameworks, and comprehensive understanding of the intricate process involved. In this step-by-step entrepreneur’s guide, we delve into the essential elements, considerations, and strategic steps required to navigate the path of how to start an online gambling business. From licensing and platform selection to marketing strategies and regulatory compliance, every facet demands meticulous attention and strategic planning to ensure a thriving and compliant venture in the online casino business. Let’s explore the fundamental aspects that underpin the process of starting an online casino and navigating this dynamic and lucrative business landscape. Understanding the Online Casino Industry When you consider how to start an online casino please note that deep understanding of the igaming industry matters. A gambling business involves offering games of chance, betting, or wagering on events with the primary intent of obtaining monetary winnings. This form of entertainment involves various games such as poker, roulette, slot machines, sports betting, and other games that incorporate an element of chance. The online gambling business is subject to stringent regulations and oversight from national and international regulatory bodies. These regulations ensure fair play, prevent illegal activities, protect consumers from exploitation, and uphold the integrity of the industry. Compliance with licensing requirements, responsible gaming practices, and adherence to anti-money laundering (AML) laws are crucial aspects of running a gambling business. The licensing and regulatory procedures differ based on jurisdictions and may require obtaining specific permits to operate legally. A profound understanding of the gambling industry helps in identifying market trends, player preferences, and gaming habits, crucial for creating a competitive and engaging online casino platform. By grasping the intricacies of the industry, entrepreneurs can strategize effectively, mitigate risks, and craft business plans that align with legal requirements and market demands, thereby increasing the chances of a successful venture. Thus, learning is a key way to your success when you start an online casino. It is not necessary to be a specialist in all parts, i.e. operational, marketing, legal, etc. You can engage professionals to this end. However, having a whole picture of “how to make a casino business” is a pivotal for any gambling businessman.     Is it legal to create an online casino? Let’s start from a legal side. First question that could come to a mind when you think to “open online casino” is “whether it is legal to run online gambling business”? The simple answer is “YES”, but as we mentioned already above “start an online casino” involves navigating a complex legal landscape that varies across jurisdictions. The legality of starting a gambling business online depends on the jurisdiction where the business intends to operate. Some countries have embraced online gambling, implementing clear regulations and offering licensing frameworks. In contrast, others strictly prohibit online gaming activities or impose stringent restrictions, making it illegal to operate an online casino within their borders. Understanding the legal framework and obtaining necessary licenses are crucial steps in ensuring compliance and legitimacy when starting an online casino. This process often involves adhering to specific criteria, fulfilling regulatory requirements, and obtaining the requisite permits to operate legally. We highly recommend here to consult your lawyer prior to start your own online casino. Inteliumlaw gambling lawyers can professionally assist you on this matter. Is it profitable to start an online casino? For entrepreneurs contemplating entering the online gambling sphere, an important question often arises: “Is start an online casino financially rewarding?” Recent industry statistics affirm the significant growth and profitability of the online gambling sector. In 2019, the global gambling industry amassed $45.7 billion in revenue, which surged to $55.1 billion a year later. Remarkably, the industry has displayed an average annual growth rate of 20% over the past four years, culminating in an astonishing $95 billion revenue in 2023. Online casinos, in particular, have experienced exponential growth, with revenues skyrocketing from $16.6 billion in 2019 to a staggering $34.8 billion in 2023. In conclusion, the gambling industry demonstrates huge online casino business opportunities for entrepreneurs seeking profitable ventures. Recent statistics reveal an exponential rise in revenues, with projections soaring to a staggering $117.6 billion by 2025. These figures highlight the sector’s immense growth, driven by technological innovations and an expanding user base of over 176 million globally. For aspiring entrepreneurs exploring the realms of “how to start online casino,” this flourishing landscape presents lucrative opportunities. The industry’s sustained growth, coupled with the introduction of cutting-edge technologies like Generative AI, continues to redefine user experiences, enhancing the profitability of online casinos. As the digital sphere evolves, these advancements move the online gambling sector toward a promising future, ensuring sustained growth and profitability for those venturing into this thriving business arena. Steps for opening your own online casino Further we outline key steps with crucial insights to help you initiate and successfully start your online casino web-site. These carefully curated steps encompass the fundamental aspects required to enter the dynamic and lucrative realm of online casinos. Choose your market The first critical stride in “how to start online casino venture” is to select the market where you aim to perform your operations. This initial phase necessitates in-depth research to identify the most profitable demographics and regions for your online casino. Conduct Comprehensive Demographic Analysis Understanding the demographics becomes paramount. Undertake detailed research into potential target audiences, examining age groups, preferences, spending habits, and geographic locations. This detailed demographic analysis serves as the bedrock for customizing your casino platform to align with the specific interests and inclinations of your target market. Extensive Market Analysis Perform a detailed market analysis

CountryTax rateAvailability of benefits for ITAlternative modesOpening cost
CyprusIncome tax — 12,5%. VAT — 19%. For the payment of dividends — 0%2,5% according to IP Box rules.NoAverage
BulgariaIncome tax — 10%. VAT — 20%. For the payment of dividends — 5%.NoNoBelow average
RomaniaIncome tax — 16%. VAT — 19%. For the payment of dividends — 5%.NoA preferential tax rate applies to revenues of less than 1 million euros. 1% if there are employees and 3% if there are no employees.Below average
LithuaniaIncome tax — 15%. VAT — 21%. For the payment of dividends — 5%.5% according to IP Box rules.If the annual income is less than 300,000 euros, and the number of employees does not exceed 10 people, the tax is not charged in the first year. In the future, it will be 5%.Low
LatviaTax on withdrawn capital — 20% VAT — 21%.NoNoBelow average
EstoniaTax on withdrawn capital — 20%. VAT — 20%. For the payment of dividends — 0% (but there are exceptions).NoNoAverage
PolandIncome tax — 19%. VAT — 23%. For the payment of dividends — 5% (under certain conditions).5% according to IP Box rules.For newly created companies and those with an annual turnover of less than 2 million euros, a rate of 9% is applied. The company can switch to payment of tax on withdrawn capital at the rate of 20% or 10%Average
GeorgiaTax on withdrawn capital — 15%. VAT — 18%. For the payment of dividends — 0% (under certain conditions).With the status of an international company, the income tax will be 5%. Firms with Virtual Zone status are exempt from VAT and income tax.NoAverage