
Cryptocurrency Exchange Compliance

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Understanding the Regulatory Landscape

Throughout the development of the first cryptocurrency till the creation of the entire crypto world, cryptocurrencies have faced a lot of different challenges. The most critical challenge faced by cryptocurrencies is their status since different jurisdictions created their own regulatory framework, hence there is a worldwide trend of increasing institutional adoption of crypto.

Making cryptocurrencies publicly available, transferable, liquid, manageable and freely tradeable is one of the main functions of cryptocurrency exchange. More precisely, cryptocurrency exchanges serve as intermediaries that greatly simplify access to cryptocurrencies for different individuals and legal entities and make it easy to buy and sell with low fees and strong security features.

In that matter, let’s have a more exact glance at cryptocurrency exchange as a business.

A cryptocurrency exchange is an online platform hosted by companies or other entities that make it convenient for users to purchase and sell cryptocurrency.

In general, cryptocurrency exchange can be classified as centralized (“CEX”) or decentralized (“DEX”). Below we provide a short overview of the differences between them:

  • Operate under the control of a central authority or intermediary. Token listing on CEXs typically involves a centralized decision-making process. Management of such crypto exchange normally evaluates and approves crypto projects considering their compliance’s level, legal and financial documentation etc.
  • Operate on decentralized networks, utilizing smart contracts to enable peer-to-peer trading. Token listing on DEXs is often more open. Crypto projects can be listed by developing smart contracts that integrate with the exchange protocol. Listing decisions are often driven by community governance instead of centralized authority. Typically, DEXs do not require user verification or adherence to AML regulations.

At the same time, due to the complexity of such a type of business, there is a necessity to establish and configure a great number of processes, thus different aspects of such a business become subject to a great number of regulations. Hence, the survival and prosperity of crypto exchange business depend on regulatory crypto compliance in the ever-changing world of cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrency exchange must satisfy compliance with numerous standards established by regulatory authorities both separately developed for the cryptocurrency market and established for other essential aspects of cryptocurrency exchange’s product. Those regulations include rules regarding consumer safety, security, and transparency.

Essential Compliance Practices for Cryptocurrency Exchanges

Whereas not all jurisdictions have adopted sophisticated legislation that set forth clear rules of managing and carrying out a crypto business, it is worth analyzing the position and interpretation of effective laws issued by the relevant financial services regulators (if there is no separate crypto regulator). Also, in light of possible oncoming massive adoption of different laws regulating different crypto-related matters, there will be a need for monitoring applicable legislative changes and in advance preparation of your cryptocurrency exchange for such changes.

The most important issue for cryptocurrency exchange is implementing the following crypto compliance practices:

AML and KYC requirements:

KYC is a fundamental compliance requirement. Exchanges must verify the identity of their users to prevent fraud, money laundering, and other illegal activities. This involves collecting personal information such as name, address, date of birth, and government-issued identification, etc.

AML regulations require exchanges to monitor transactions for suspicious activities and report any that may indicate money laundering. Under these regulations, cryptocurrency exchange must have in place and implement robust transaction monitoring systems, procedures, and processes of maintaining records of large transactions and conducting regular audits of its systems and monitoring processes.

Licensing and Registration Requirements:

Throughout the existence of cryptocurrencies different jurisdictions established some rules for providing services related to operations with cryptocurrency. Depending on jurisdiction these rules vary and can include anything from authorization for AML purposes like in several EU countries (under the current regulatory framework) to payment licenses (for example, in Singapore) and money services company registration. Adhering to these standards is vital to run your cryptocurrency exchange lawfully and keep its credibility.

Data Protection and Privacy Regulations

Guaranteeing privacy and protection of user data is one of the cornerstones of crypto exchange business, as respecting and following local privacy laws, such as GDPR, CCPA, PIPEDA and others, and implementing strong and advanced security protocols, user permission for data processing, and open data handling procedures shall increase client confidence and strengthen asset security by fostering trust and lowering the danger of data leaks.

Consumer Protection Regulations:

Customer protection is of utmost importance in the realm of cryptocurrency exchange security. Consumer protection laws set forth requirements related to fair trade practices, fraud prevention, and dispute resolution. Provision of timely information, clear fee schedules, and channels for user input are all necessary for crypto compliance.

Strategies for Navigating Regulatory Compliance

Navigating the complex regulatory landscape for cryptocurrency exchanges requires a proactive and comprehensive approach. Hence, below you may see general tips implementation of which can help crypto exchanges manage and ensure regulatory crypto compliance:

Establish a Dedicated Compliance Team

  • Hire Experts: Form a team of seasoned professionals with expertise in financial regulations, cryptocurrency laws, cybersecurity, and risk management. It is highly recommended to include in this team experienced compliance officers, legal advisors, and internal auditors.
  • Continuous Training: Implement an ongoing training program to keep staff updated on new regulations, emerging threats, and best practice. This ensures that the team is always prepared to handle compliance challenges.

Develop and Maintain Comprehensive Policies and Procedures

  • Compliance Manual: Draft detailed manuals in each compliance field outlining all relevant compliance requirements, operational procedure, and regulatory guidelines.
  • Regular Updates: Update policies and procedures regularly to reflect changes in the regulatory environment and industry best practices. Engage with legal expert to receive consultation on interpretation of new regulations and the ways you may incorporate necessary changes.
  • Documentation: Maintain comprehensive records of all compliance activities, including, but not limited to, transaction histories, audit trails, communication logs with regulators, training sessions, security breaches history and measures used to overcome it, etc.

Establish Strong Internal Controls and Governance

  • Governance Framework: Develop a comprehensive governance framework that clearly defines roles and responsibilities, and accountability for compliance management. This framework may include compliance committees and regular reporting structures.
  • Risk Management: Implement a risk-management program to identify, assess and mitigate compliance risks. Regularly update the risk management strategy to address new threads and regulatory requirements.

Conduct Regular Compliance Reviews and Audits

  • Internal Audits: Conduct regular internal audits to evaluate crypto exchange’s compliance with regulatory requirements and internal policies. These audits must cover all aspects of operations.
  • Third-Party Audits: Engage independent auditors to perform third-party assessments of compliance practices. These audits provide an objective view and help identify potential issues that internal teams might overlook.
  • Continuous Improvement: Use results and findings of audits to continuously improve blockchain regulatory compliance Implement recommendations promptly, review and assess the effectiveness of these improvements regularly.

Stay Informed on Global Regulatory Developments

  • Monitoring: Continuously monitor global regulatory development and assess their impact on the exchange’s operation.
  • Adapting Strategies: Be prepared to adapt cryptocurrency exchange compliance strategies to meet new regulatory requirements in different jurisdictions.

The Importance of KYC and AML Compliance in the Cryptocurrency Industry

Since cryptocurrency popularity raises more and more every day, it has become a great tool for money laundering and terrorism financing. Hence, many countries to eliminate and mitigate risks of using funds for illegal activities have established KYC and AML frameworks for crypto operations.

Nonetheless, building a strong crypto compliance program requires a lot of investment in it, such investment will bring crypto exchanges the following benefits:

Enhancing Security and Trust

By verifying user identities and monitoring transactions, exchanges can significantly reduce the risk of fraudulent activities, such as identity theft and financial scams. This, in turn, builds trust among users and encourages broader adoption of digital assets.

Protecting Consumers

Complying with KYC and AML regulations are crucial for protecting consumers from fraud and financial crimes.

Fostering Regulatory Compliance

As the crypto industry grows, so does regulatory scrutiny. Governments and financial regulators worldwide are increasingly focused on ensuring that cryptocurrency exchanges adhere to the same standards as traditional financial institutions. Implementing robust KYC and AML measures is essential for meeting these regulatory requirements and avoiding legal penalties.

Promoting Industry Growth

By adhering to KYC and AML regulations, cryptocurrency exchanges can foster a more stable and transparent market environment. Such efforts for crypto compliance, in turn will attract institutional investors and large-scale participants who are often wary of engaging in markets perceived as unregulated or high-risk.

Regulation of Cryptocurrency Exchanges in Different Countries

European Union

Considering the regulation of crypto exchanges’ activity in different parts of the world, the most progressive and advanced framework has been recently adopted in the EU. Regulations on Markets on Crypto Assets (MICA) require crypto exchanges to be authorized to conduct their activities, as well as establish certain rules regarding managing risks, annual audits, and etc.


In the most capitalized market, namely the USA, there are no adopted federal acts that directly set forth the rules for conducting crypto exchange business. Nonetheless, the President of the USA issued the Executive Order (EO) on Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets which defines the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), among other regulators, as authorities that shall aggressively pursue investigations and enforcement actions against unlawful practices in the digital assets space.


The second economy of the world, specifically China, has prohibited any business with cryptocurrencies.


For crypto exchanges, that provide crypto trading services, Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) and the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) are required to be registered with provincial regulators.

In addition, some types of crypto businesses are classified as money service businesses (MSBs) then will be required to register with the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC) and follow relevant AML/CFT laws and regulations.


Japan has recognized cryptocurrencies as legal property under the Payment Services Act (PSA).

According to the Payment Services Act (PSA), cryptocurrency exchange platforms in Japan must be registered within the Financial Services Agency (FSA) and adhere to AML and CFT regulations. In 2020, Japan formed the Japanese Virtual Currency Exchange Association (JVCEA), of which all cryptocurrency exchanges are members.

Impact of Regulation on Companies and Investors

Establishing crypto regulations in separate countries will have the following effect on the crypto exchange business:

Enhancing Operational Costs

Regulatory crypto compliance often comes with significant costs for companies. Implementing KYC and AML, data protection, and consumer protection procedures requires investment in technology, staff training and legal counsels.

Market Access and Legitimacy

Regulated companies are more likely to gain access to broader markets and traditional financial systems. Compliance with regulatory requirements can lead to partnerships with banks, payment processors, and other financial institutions.

Innovation and Adaptation

While regulation can pose challenges, it can drive innovation. Companies must adapt to new rules and find solutions to comply efficiently. This can lead to the development of advanced compliance technologies.

Simultaneously, the existence of the crypto regulations will have the following impact on investors activity within the crypto field:

Reduced Risk

Regulation can significantly reduce the risks associated with cryptocurrency investments. Regulatory frameworks aim to protect investors from fraud, market manipulation, and other malpractices.

Market Stability

Regulation can lead to increased market stability. By curbing illegal activities and ensuring fair practices, regulatory measures can reduce volatility and create a more predictable investment environment.

Broader Investment Opportunities

As regulation legitimizes the cryptocurrency market, it opens the door for institutional investors and traditional investment firms. This influx of capital can drive market growth and offer more diverse investment opportunities, benefiting both retail and institutional investors.

Tips for Navigating the Regulatory Landscape from InteliumLaw

In addition to general strategies for navigating the regulatory landscape, legal team of IntelliumLaw highly recommends using the following practical tips that can simplify the management of your compliance program:

Engage with Regulators and Industry Groups

  • Open Communication: Establish and maintain direct communication channels with regulatory bodies. Regularly report bitcoin compliance status, discuss regulatory expectations, and seek guidance on complex issues.
  • Industry Collaboration: Join industry associations and participate in forms to stay informed about regulatory changes, share best practices, and collaborate on blockchain regulatory compliance
  • Advocacy: Engage in advocacy efforts to influence policymaking. Work with other industry players to present a unified voice to regulators and help share fair and effective regulatory frameworks.

Use Advanced Technology Solutions

  • Tech Solutions: Utilize regulatory technology to automate and streamline compliance processes. Tech tools can handle tasks like transactions monitoring, risk assessment, and regulatory reporting, etc. efficiently.
  • Data Security: Invest in state-of-art cybersecurity measures, multifactor authentication, and intrusion detection systems, to protect user data and comply with data protection laws.

Inform Users

  • Transparency: Provide clear, transparent information about the exchange’s compliance policies and procedures on your website and other communication channels.
  • Customer Support: Maintain a dedicated customer support team to handle bitcoin compliance related queries and issues. Ensure that they are well-trained and capable of providing accurate information and proper assistance.


Therefore, making your cryptocurrency exchange compliant with different regulations will bring it a lot of reputational benefits and will favor your business in investment attractiveness. Additionally, if you want to find out about the full process of starting a crypto exchange and requirements for receiving one of the most popular crypto licenses in the EU, namely Bulgaria crypto license, you may find out relevant information by the links.


Cryptocurrency exchange compliance can be defined as a bunch of legislative requirements applicable to different aspects of a crypto exchange’s activity to follow which a crypto exchange should configure its processes in way that satisfies the legislative requirements.

For instance, under KYC/AML regulations crypto exchanges are required to establish the identity of a user before commencing business relations with him, hence, the crypto exchange must establish procedures that allow it to receive some information about individuals.

For crypto exchanges maintaining compliance is an important task since it has an effect on the investing attractiveness of the exchange and helps to prevent possible negative consequences derived from the absence of measures to prevent money laundering, fraud, and data protection, like the massive leak of personal data or fraudulent activities of separate individuals, that may spoil the reputation of the exchange.

Navigating throughout the cryptocurrency compliance process requires the use of some sum of funds and involvement of additional qualified human resources. Starting from licensing the crypto exchange and during its activity the exchange should implement some measures from creating an independent dedicated team responsible exclusively for compliance to regular compliance checks and monitoring of compliance. A set of measures to implement to manage compliance issues depends on the size of your exchange and on the volume of transactions and users that the crypto exchange serves.

The biggest challenge for cryptocurrency exchange compliance is the cost of maintaining it since for smaller businesses and startups, these costs can be particularly burdensome, potentially hindering innovation and growth.

KYC or Know Your Customer is a fundamental cryptocurrency compliance requirement under which exchanges must verify the identity of their users to prevent fraud, money laundering, and other illegal activities by collecting some volume of personal information such as name, address, date of birth, and government-issued identification, etc.

AML or Anti Money Laundering regulations require exchanges to monitor transactions for suspicious activities and report any that may indicate money laundering by implementing robust transactions monitoring systems, procedures and processes of maintaining records of large transactions, and conducting regular audit of its systems and monitoring processes.

The lack of cryptocurrency compliance may lead to administrative or even criminal proceedings initiated by relevant authorities. In addition to that violation of compliance requirements may lead to some economic consequences like the leak of valuable data to the wrongful person or the destruction of the whole system that will entail massive damage, etc.


What is online gaming license and how much does it cost

Table of contents What constitutes an online gambling license? An online gambling license typically constitutes a formal document or certificate issued by a regulatory authority, granting permission to an organization or, in rare cases, individuals, to operate remote gambling activities legally. Who is required to possess an online gambling license? An online gambling license is required by any individual or organization that wishes to legally operate an online gambling platform. This includes entities involved in various forms of online betting and gaming activities, such as: Online Casinos: Operators that offer virtual casino games, including slots, table games, and live dealer games. Sports Betting Websites: Companies that provide online betting options for various sports and events. Online Poker Sites: Platforms that host online poker games and tournaments for real money. Bingo Sites: Online venues offering bingo games. Lottery Operators: Entities that manage online lotteries, including traditional lotteries and instant win games. Game Developers: In some jurisdictions, developers who create gambling software or games may also require a license or certification, particularly if their games involve real-money wagering. Affiliates with Revenue Share Models: In certain jurisdictions, affiliates who promote gambling services and earn a revenue share from it may also require a license. Payment companies: In some countries, companies specializing in processing payments for gambling businesses might need to obtain a gaming license. This license serves as an assurance of their trustworthiness and a measure to safeguard their clientele. Benefits of holding a Gaming License 1. Legality: It ensures that the gambling operation is legal and compliant with the laws of the jurisdiction. 2. Credibility: A licensed operation is seen as more credible and trustworthy by players, partners, and financial institutions. 3. Market Access: The license allows for legal access to target markets and can be essential for advertising and promotion. 4. Banking and Payment Processing: It facilitates smoother banking relationships and access to a wide range of payment processing services. 5. Player Trust: Players are more likely to trust and deposit funds with a licensed gambling platform. 6. Investor Confidence: Investors and stakeholders are more likely to support a licensed and regulated business. 7. Responsible Gambling: The license often comes with guidelines to promote responsible gambling, enhancing the overall industry reputation. Criteria for Obtaining a Gaming License The general requirements and criteria for obtaining an online gambling license typically include: 1. Incorporation: Establishing a legal entity in the jurisdiction where the license is sought. 2. Business Plan: Presenting a comprehensive business plan detailing operations, target markets, and financial projections. 3. Financial Stability: Demonstrating financial stability, often including proof of capital or financial reserves. 4. Background Checks: Undergoing rigorous background checks for owners, directors, and key personnel to ensure no criminal links. 5. Software and Technical Compliance: Ensuring that gambling software meets technical fairness standards and security requirements. 6. Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Policies: Implementing effective AML measures and Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures. 7. Responsible Gambling Measures: Establishing practices to promote responsible gambling and player protection. 8. License Fees: Paying applicable licensing fees and ongoing regulatory charges. 9. Operational Readiness: Demonstrating the operational capability to run the gambling platform efficiently. 10. Regulatory Compliance: Adhering to the specific laws and regulations of the licensing jurisdiction. What are the general steps of the process of acquiring an online gaming license? Acquiring an online gaming license typically involves the following general steps: 1. Research and Selection: Research and select a suitable jurisdiction based on business needs, target markets, and regulatory requirements. 2. Legal Entity Formation: Incorporate a legal entity in the chosen jurisdiction, if required. 3. Gather Documentation: Collect and prepare necessary documents, including personal and financial information of owners and key personnel, business plans, and proof of capital. 4. Technical Compliance: Ensure that gaming software and platforms meet the technical standards of fairness, security, and responsible gaming as required by the licensing authority. 5. Apply for the License: Submit a formal application to the regulatory authority along with the required documentation and application fees. . Undergo Vetting: Participate in a due diligence process, where the regulatory body conducts background checks and financial audits. 7. Meet Compliance Requirements: Implement necessary policies and infrastructure, including AML, KYC, and responsible gaming measures 8. License Approval and Payment: Upon approval, pay the licensing fee and any other required charges. 9. Operational Setup: Set up operational aspects like banking, payment processing, and customer support. 10. Launch and Ongoing Compliance: Launch the gaming platform and ensure ongoing compliance with the licensing terms and regulations. How to correctly select a jurisdiction for an obtaining of online gambling license? Selecting the right jurisdiction for obtaining an online gambling license requires careful consideration of various factors. It’s crucial to assess the reputation and credibility of the jurisdiction in the online gaming industry, as well-respected jurisdictions enhance trust among players and business partners. Consider where your target audience is located; some licenses are more suitable for specific markets. Understanding the regulatory requirements is essential, as some jurisdictions have stricter regulations than others. Evaluate the taxation structure and licensing fees, as some jurisdictions offer favorable tax rates or incentives for gaming businesses. Ensure the jurisdiction has a robust banking infrastructure and allows for easy access to payment processing services, which are crucial for gambling operations. Choose a jurisdiction with a stable legal and political environment to ensure long-term operational security. Consider the timeframe for licensing, as some jurisdictions offer faster processing times. Check the technical and operational standards required by the jurisdiction and ensure your platform can comply with these standards. Availability of local service providers like lawyers and consultants can be beneficial, as some jurisdictions offer better support and have more expertise in the gambling sector. Finally, think about your long-term business goals and potential market expansion. The chosen jurisdiction should align with your growth strategy. Consulting with legal and industry experts who can provide insights and guidance Types of gaming licenses The types of online gambling licenses vary across the world, and they are often categorized based on the types of gaming

Obtaining A Gambling License: Key Challenges That May Arise

Table of contents Online gaming has become very popular. It attracts millions of players and generates significant revenue. Statistics show it will grow to over USD 426.02 billion by 2029.   Given these high stakes, regulatory bodies now mandate that gaming operators obtain licenses. This is to guarantee fair, transparent, and secure games. However, getting a license can be an uphill battle if you do not have the right information.   This blog will delve into the challenges you might face and help you better prepare to get your permit. Keep reading. What Is A Gambling License? A gambling permit is permission to operate gambling legally in an area. It ensures that gambling is done responsibly and sets standards for permit holders. These standards include measures to safeguard players and prevent crimes like money laundering. They also uphold the integrity of the gambling industry. Why Do You Need An Online Gaming License? Business Legitimacy Operating an online gaming business without a permit is illegal in many countries. A permit indicates that the gambling operation is legitimate. This builds trust and credibility with players, partners, and financial institutions. Protection From Legal Risks Obtaining a gaming permit involves meeting specific regulatory requirements and standards. This helps make sure that your business operates ethically by the law. Running a gambling business without a permit has legal consequences. They vary from getting fined, penalized, or even facing criminal charges. Player Protection Licensing authorities set rules that protect players. Examples include fair play, conflict resolution, and putting in place measures to encourage responsible gambling. Financial Transactions Many payment processors and banks require businesses to have a valid gambling permit. No transaction can be handled before this is produced. Market Access In many countries, having a valid permit is essential for entering the online gambling business. Growing Demand For Gambling Permits in Different Countries Many countries have seen the importance of licensed gambling. Because of that, there is a rush of applications. These are coming from investors who have seen the potentially profitable industry. Despite economic fluctuations, the gambling sector remains strong. A combination of factors fuels the growing demand. They include: Legalization Campaigns Many countries are legalizing or expanding gambling activities. They want to generate revenue and regulate an existing industry. Economic Benefits Governments are now seeing gambling’s economic potential. This includes job creation, boosting tourism, and increasing tax revenue. Player Protection Licensing protects the players. It ensures fair and responsible gaming. It also safeguards players from fraud and exploitation. Social Acceptance Gambling has gained social acceptance. This is happening the world over. It contributes to the greater demand for legal and regulated gambling options. Different types of online gaming permits   Online gaming licenses can vary in type and scope. This depends on the jurisdiction and the nature of the gaming activity. Here are some common types: Game Type Permits Casino This permit allows operators to provide various online casino games, such as Slots Table Games Live Dealer Games. Sports Betting Players place bets on various sports events and outcomes. This permit is used for online fantasy sports contests and competitions. Poker Players can participate in virtual cash games. Bingo These cater to traditional bingo variations and other bingo-related products. Lottery Used for the sale of lottery tickets and participation in lottery draws. Social Gaming Used for online games that promote social interaction and gameplay. Activity Type Permits Business To Business (B2B) They are given to companies that provide services and products to other gaming companies. Business To Customer (B2C) For companies that provide services and products directly to the customer. Gambling B2B Support Services For services supporting gambling operations. Key Challenges in Obtaining a Gambling Permit Getting a gambling permit is difficult. It involves careful planning, spending money, and following rules. Difficult Regulations Navigating tough regulations is like untangling red tape. It drains resources. The impact is high on smaller players. Each jurisdiction has its challenges. Bureaucratic processes move slower than molasses. With the help of experts like InteliumLaw, the process can be smooth. Strict Requirements To get a permit, you must meet strict rules set by regulators. This includes checking your background and financial records. It ensures you follow rules to stop money laundering and protect players. Meeting these rules can take a lot of time and money, especially for smaller businesses. Funding Getting a gambling permit costs a lot of money. You must pay fees to apply for the permit and spend money to ensure you follow the rules. This can be expensive, especially in places where the rules are strict or the fees are high. Legal and Compliance Risks The gambling industry is risky due to frequently changing regulations. Operators need to stay informed and comply with these rules to avoid legal issues. Reputation Management Having a good name is important in gambling. Operators must show they care about players and follow the rules to maintain a good reputation. Competition In the online gambling world, many operators are fighting for customers. However, getting one in popular places is tough because so many people want it. Limits Based on Location Operators might find it hard to get permits in certain areas because of the rules. How To Get A Gambling License Getting your gambling permit involves several steps. The process is different in every country. It also differs according to activities. Here is a general overview of the steps you might need to take: Step 1: Research the Rules Start by checking the regulations for getting a gambling permit where you want to operate. Look into the laws and procedures that apply to your type of gambling. Step 2: Choose the Right Country Decide where to apply for your permit. Some countries have tougher rules or higher costs. Consider factors like: Rules and regulations Licensing costs, Tax rates Market potential. Step 3: Develop a Business Plan Create a detailed business plan outlining Proposed Operations Types of games Target market Marketing strategies Financial projections Compliance measures. Step 4: Establish Your Company

Where is Gambling Illegal?

Table of contents Gambling, up to now, is an enormous industry that brings a great number of profits to the business engaged in it. But on the other hand, it is a risky industry that can get out of control and cause gambling addiction among players, that can influence the latter’s productivity, wellbeing, health conditions, etc. Consequently, certain jurisdictions recognized gambling activities unbeneficial for their population and prohibited them justifying it for different social, cultural and religious, or political reasons. In this article, our legal team will give some insights on separate countries where gambling is illegal. Trends in gambling legislation Globally, the gambling industry brings a lot of economic value to different countries since an enormous funds flow creates growth of state economy through increasing volume of paid taxes. In that matter, many states have prohibited gambling activities on their territory without local license and have implemented a set of tools which strive to overcome illegal gambling service provided by foreign operator without such license. Also, there are many countries that plan to ban gambling without local license since the economic effect of such restriction is huge. On the other hand, gambling has a negative impact on countries’ population, like gambling addiction, significant deterioration of players’ welfare, etc., and countries strive to address measures that may lessen such impact.  In order to lessen the negative impact gambling industry poses on individuals, different states issue licenses and establish regulations governing gambling activities. A key focus for governments still remains the protection of users – particularly children – against online harms. Many jurisdictions either have adopted or would plan to enact different regulations, laws, etc., that obligates gambling businesses to establish different mechanisms for identification of individual, preventing uncontrolled gaming, security measures for proper functionating of the platform. Additionally, different jurisdictions can impose some requirements regarding the advertising of separate gambling products, that concern its content, target auditory, etc. In that matter, gambling businesses need to invest now in compliance to ensure they can keep up with the new expectations regulators are placing on them across the world. Largely, it means that gambling companies need to map laws and regulations that apply in different jurisdictions and continue to build and refine their frameworks to meet the requirements of regimes they operate in. At the same time, there are many jurisdictions that may simply prohibit gambling to avoid the possible negative impact, like public condemnation of breaching religion core principles, etc. Countries where gambling is illegal There are approximately 70 states that partially or wholly banned gambling activities. Nevertheless, some of them allow players to visit offshore platforms (or don’t bother prosecuting them if they do), and others punish players who are caught visiting foreign gambling sites (players can face prosecution). In that matter, let’s have a glance at some countries where online gambling is illegal. Japan Japan is one of the world’s leading economic, but, at the same time this jurisdiction generally prohibits gambling activities. Penal Code of Japan criminalizes gambling, habitual gambling, running a place for gambling and sale of lottery tickets. But on the other hand, this jurisdiction has an exclusion from this general rule, as there is a mechanism of granting a license for land-based casinos under the Integrated Resort (IR) Promotion Law and the IR Implementation Law. United Arab Emirates Since the United Arab Emirates is an Islamic country, that has strong anti-gambling legislative approach and, consequently, bans and penalizes all forms of gambling. The Federal Law by Decree No. (31) of 2021 Promulgating the Crimes and Penalties Law contains punishments for playing gambling and for who opening, running a place for gambling or organizing any game of gambling in a public place or a place opened for the public. At the same time, the government of UAE can in the near future legitimize some types of the gambling activities, as millions of tourists that visits this country may bring an enormous amount of profit to the UAE budged. Qatar Since Wahhabi Sunni Islam is the official state religion of Qatar, and sharia is defined as “a main source” of legislation, sharia instructions forbid all kinds of gambling, and consequently that influenced the ratification of the country’s anti-gambling laws. Qatar’s Law No. 11 of 2004 make gambling a criminal activity. Under articles 274 and 275, any form of gambling is punishable by 3 months of imprisonment and a 3,000 Qatari Riyals fine. If the offender gambled in public, imprisonment is extended to 6 months. They will also be fined 6,000 Qatari Riyals. Iran Since the Republic of Iran is an autocratic Islamic theocracy, the rules of the Shia Islam religion determine the country’s rules as divine guidance. This religion recognizes gambling as one of the major sins. Consequently, any gambling activities is generally prohibited in Iran. Gambling and betting are explicitly stated as void and illegal. Gambling and betting are presented as void transactions in Section 12 Article 654 of the Civil Code of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Causes and consequences of gambling bans In most cases, the countries that ban gambling justify it for different social, cultural and religious, or political reasons. Let’s have a more precious glance at these reasons. Social: There is a high risk that the person will become gambling addict that may end up developing alcohol and substance dependence. Also, once a person becomes addicted to gambling, they are prone to gambling harms like: racking up debts; reduced budget on essentials like food; decreased productivity for work or school; selling belongings to fund their betting habits; The above ultimately contributes to a higher incidence of criminal activities, risking citizens’ lives. To protect the residents from these damages, authorities make gambling illegal.  Cultural and religious reasons: Most anti-gambling laws are driven by morality and religion. Those societal institutions and norms consider gambling a sin, for instance Quran condemns gambling because it is unnecessary and causes harm to society.  When a country is highly religious and conservative, doing activities that oppose beliefs is shameful.