
How to create a cryptocurrency exchange: Ultimate Guide

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Picture of Elena Sadovskaya, Managing Partner, Inteliumlaw

Elena Sadovskaya, Managing Partner, Inteliumlaw

Elena Sadovskaya, Managing Partner at Inteliumlaw: Your Trusted Legal Advisor. With years of expertise, Elena leads our team in delivering top-notch legal solutions

Table of contents

What is a cryptocurrency exchange?

Cryptocurrency exchanges are essential platforms in the digital asset ecosystem, enabling users to trade various cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Tether. Like traditional stock and commodities exchanges, crypto exchanges operate as platforms where users can buy, sell, and trade digital assets.

Accessible through mobile apps or desktop interfaces, these exchanges function akin to e-brokerages, offering users a diverse array of trading and investment tools to navigate the dynamic crypto market.

As the popularity of cryptocurrency continues to surge, with over 295 million users worldwide and approximately 33 new cryptocurrencies created every week, the demand for crypto exchanges is on the rise. Binance, a leading exchange platform, witnesses users trading over $14.39 billion worth of cryptocurrency daily, highlighting the substantial trading volume in the crypto market. Moreover, with Bitcoin reaching a record-high closing price of $69,044.77 and crypto investment funds managing assets exceeding $59.6 billion, the crypto landscape presents vast opportunities for investors and businesses alike.

Despite the rapid growth and adoption of cryptocurrencies, less than 1 in 5 Americans currently own any form of crypto, indicating significant room for expansion. While adoption rates are particularly high in Southeast Asia, cryptocurrencies face regulatory challenges in over 20% of countries worldwide. Nevertheless, the global cryptocurrency market holds over $1 trillion in value, underscoring its growing significance in the global financial landscape.

With the increasing interest in cryptocurrencies and the need for seamless conversion between crypto and fiat currencies, “how to start a crypto exchange” has become as an important question. Starting a crypto exchange is emerged a lucrative venture. Entrepreneurs keen on entering this burgeoning market often seek guidance on how to start a cryptocurrency exchange and capitalize on the burgeoning crypto economy.

Types of cryptocurrency exchanges

Prior to considering “how to create a crypto exchange” it is important to know that there could be different types of these platforms.

Centralized, Decentralized, and Hybrid are the three primary types of cryptocurrency exchanges, each with its unique characteristics and functionalities.


Centralized Exchanges (CEX): Centralized exchanges (CEX) are the most common type of cryptocurrency exchange and operate on a centralized platform owned and managed by a single entity. These exchanges act as intermediaries between buyers and sellers, facilitating trades through order matching and providing liquidity. Users on centralized exchanges deposit their funds into the exchange's wallet, allowing the platform to manage the trading process. While centralized exchanges offer high liquidity, user-friendly interfaces, and advanced trading features, they are also susceptible to hacking, security breaches, and regulatory scrutiny due to their centralized nature.


Decentralized Exchanges (DEX): Decentralized exchanges (DEX) operate on decentralized blockchain networks, allowing users to trade directly with one another without the need for intermediaries. DEX platforms utilize smart contracts to automate order matching and execute trades in a peer-to-peer manner, ensuring greater security, privacy, and control over funds. Users retain custody of their assets at all times, reducing the risk of hacking and theft associated with centralized exchanges. However, decentralized exchanges often suffer from lower liquidity, slower transaction speeds, and less intuitive user interfaces compared to their centralized counterparts.


Hybrid Exchanges: Hybrid exchanges combine elements of both centralized and decentralized exchanges, offering users the benefits of both models. These platforms typically feature a centralized order book and matching engine for fast and efficient trading, while also incorporating decentralized elements such as non-custodial wallets and decentralized settlement mechanisms to enhance security and user control. Hybrid exchanges strive to strike a balance between liquidity, security, and user experience, catering to a wide range of traders and investors.

Each type of cryptocurrency exchange has its advantages and drawbacks for building a crypto exchange, and the choice between them depends on factors such as trading preferences, security priorities, and regulatory considerations. As the crypto market continues to evolve, new types of exchanges may emerge, providing innovative solutions to meet the needs of users and stakeholders in the digital asset ecosystem.

Key features and functions of a cryptocurrency exchange

A cryptocurrency exchange serves as the foundation of the digital asset ecosystem, enabling seamless trading of cryptocurrencies for users globally. These platforms offer an array of features and functions, enhancing user experience, ensuring market integrity, and providing liquidity access. It is very important to consider these features when you wish to build a cryptocurrency exchange. From user onboarding and trade matching to advanced trading options and portfolio analytics, each feature plays a substantial role in shaping the exchange’s performance and user satisfaction. In this section, we’ll explore the essential features and functions of a cryptocurrency exchange, analyzing their significance and impact on the trading landscape for each who is interested in creating a cryptocurrency exchange.

  • User Onboarding Process: The user onboarding process is crucial for attracting and retaining users on a cryptocurrency exchange platform when you create a cryptocurrency exchange. It involves seamless account creation, email verification, and KYC (Know Your Customer) verification to ensure compliance with regulatory standards. A user-friendly onboarding process enhances user experience and encourages active participation in trading activities. Do not miss this point when you start a crypto exchange.
  • Trade Matching Mechanism: The trade matching mechanism is the core functionality of a cryptocurrency exchange platform. It matches buy and sell orders from users in real-time, ensuring efficient and accurate order execution for you. A robust trade matching mechanism is essential for maintaining market integrity, liquidity, and fair trading conditions for users. So, please take this into account when build a crypto exchange.
  • Secure Crypto Wallet Integration: A secure crypto wallet integration allows users to store, send, and receive cryptocurrencies safely on the exchange platform. It provides users with secure storage for their digital assets and enables seamless fund management. Advanced security features such as two-factor authentication (2FA) and cold storage integration enhance the safety of crypto wallets, providing users with peace of mind.
  • Interactive Trading Charts: Interactive trading charts are essential tools for technical analysis and decision-making in cryptocurrency trading. They display price movements, trading volume, and various technical indicators to help traders analyze market trends and identify trading opportunities. Interactive charts with customizable features empower traders to perform in-depth analysis and execute trades effectively. You may consider this feature integration when you create a crypto exchange.
  • Order Book Display: The order book display visualizes all buy and sell orders for a specific cryptocurrency pair on the exchange platform. It provides users with valuable market depth insights, including order quantity and price levels. A transparent and updated order book enhances price discovery, liquidity, and trading efficiency on the exchange.
  • Liquidity Providers Integration: Liquidity providers integration connects the exchange platform with multiple markets and liquidity sources to ensure sufficient liquidity for trading activities. By integrating with various liquidity providers, exchanges can offer competitive pricing, reduce slippage, and improve order execution quality for users. Liquidity providers may include market makers, institutional investors, and other exchanges. You need them for creating a crypto exchange.
  • Intuitive User Interface: An intuitive user interface (UI) is essential in “how to create a cryptocurrency exchange” strategy. It provides a seamless and user-friendly trading experience on the exchange platform. It includes responsive design, easy navigation, and customizable settings to cater to users of all levels. An intuitive UI reduces the learning curve for new users and enhances overall accessibility and satisfaction.
  • Transaction History Tracking: Transaction history tracking provides users with a comprehensive record of their past trades and transactions on the exchange platform. It includes detailed information such as transaction date, type, amount, price, and status. Users can review their transaction history to monitor their trading activities, track portfolio performance, and facilitate tax reporting and compliance. This is a must for your product to have when you make your own cryptocurrency exchange.

Portfolio Performance Analytics: Portfolio performance analytics tools enable users to analyze the performance of their cryptocurrency portfolios comprehensively. They offer insights into portfolio composition, asset allocation, historical performance, and risk metrics. Portfolio analytics empower users to make informed decisions about portfolio management, asset allocation, and risk mitigation strategies. Having this might be an advantage of your project. Thus, consider it when you create your own crypto exchange.

Advantages of starting a crypto exchange

Before you decided to start of a cryptocurrency exchange it is essential to analyze advantages of this product. With the exponential growth of cryptocurrencies driven by blockchain technology, the demand for efficient and secure trading platforms has surged dramatically. Entrepreneurs and investors exploring avenues in crypto exchange development are met with a landscape ripe with opportunities for platform development, customer engagement, and market expansion. In this section, we delve into the strategic advantages of initiating a cryptocurrency exchange venture, exploring its potential for high profitability, scalability, and innovation.

  • Heightened Demand in the Market: With the escalating interest in digital assets, there’s a surge in demand for robust trading platforms. Build your own cryptocurrency exchange offers a prime opportunity to meet the burgeoning demand for secure and efficient trading solutions in the crypto market.
  • Profit Potential: Crypto exchanges present a lucrative avenue for generating revenue through transaction fees. As trading volumes soar, thus there’s considerable potential for substantial profitability, enhancing returns on investment for your crypto exchange.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Unlike traditional financial institutions, crypto exchanges boast low entry barriers and swift scalability. Leveraging cutting-edge technology and strategic alliances, your exchange can swiftly expand operations to accommodate growing user bases and market demands.
  • Diversified Business Horizons: Operating a crypto exchange opens doors to diversified revenue streams beyond trading fees. Integrated services such as crypto wallet solutions, margin trading, and token launch platforms bolster the ecosystem, providing users with a comprehensive suite of financial offerings
  • Enhanced ROI Opportunities: Investing in the start of your own crypto exchange venture promises a higher return on investment compared to conventional avenues. Amidst the global crypto boom and exponential market growth, a well-executed exchange venture holds the potential for significant returns.
  • Adaptability to Market Dynamics: Crypto exchanges thrive in dynamic market landscapes, adeptly navigating technological advancements and regulatory shifts. Exchange’s ability to swiftly adapt to industry changes positions you crypto exchange as market leaders, ensuring sustained success and resilience.
  • Community Engagement and Expansion: Building your crypto exchange fosters community engagement and collaboration within the crypto ecosystem. By serving as a hub for traders, developers, and blockchain enthusiasts, it contributes to the growth and innovation of the crypto community.

Options for creating a crypto exchange

When you consider “to start a cryptocurrency exchange” you need to go through a strategic decision-making regarding the approach to development and deployment. Several options exist, each presenting unique advantages and considerations tailored to the entrepreneur's objectives and resources.

Start a crypto exchange from scratch

Launching a cryptocurrency exchange from scratch entails engaging with a development team to craft a bespoke solution tailored to specific requirements. This approach is mostly related to a question “how to build a crypto exchange”, because you will need to put meticulous attention to quality and security and will have your own product at the end. The process typically involves several key stages:

  • Contract with a development team: Collaborate with the development team to outline the project’s concept, establish technical specifications, define timelines, costs, and key performance indicators (KPIs) to make your own crypto exchange, and formalize the partnership through a comprehensive cooperation agreement.
  • Platform Prototyping: Conceptualize the exchange’s design framework, refining it iteratively in collaboration with designers, business analysts, and stakeholders to achieve an optimal user experience.
  • Interface Design Creation: Translate wireframes into visually compelling interface designs, offering insights into the platform’s user interface for traders and administrators.
  • Direct Encoding: Skilled programmers transform designs and technical specifications into functional code, encompassing front-end, back-end, blockchain integration, and mobile development.
  • Product Testing: Rigorous quality assurance (QA) testing ensures the software’s integrity and functionality, identifying and rectifying errors to guarantee a seamless user experience.
  • Deployment and Support: Upon completion, deploy the exchange software, launching a targeted marketing campaign to attract traders. Foster visibility through business listings, social media outreach, and ongoing support to sustain operational excellence.


Now, you have key points in “how to build a cryptocurrency exchange” if you decided to go with your own-developed product. Here you will have lots of benefits, because you will decide how the product will look like and you have an opportunity to create something that is the best on the market.

White Label solutions

White label crypto exchange solutions offer pre-configured software ready for deployment within days, requiring minimal customization to align with unique business requirements. This Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model expedites market entry, enabling entrepreneurs to swiftly establish their digital asset exchange ventures. There are several providers that offer a comprehensive software package equipped with advanced features, facilitating seamless account management, fiat-to-crypto exchanges, crypto transfers, investments, and card issuance for private and business clients. White label solution will make your journey of “how to make a crypto exchange” much faster and easier.

Open source platforms

Open-source crypto and bitcoin exchanges furnish entrepreneurs with customizable frameworks, fostering transparency and accessibility in platform development. These platforms will be helpful when you think to “start your own bitcoin exchange” or make your crypto exchange for many other crypto currencies. They are predominantly employed for launching decentralized exchanges, leveraging community-driven collaboration and knowledge sharing. Entrepreneurs can modify and enhance open-source solutions to align with specific business objectives, reducing development costs and expediting deployment.

Hybrid approach

A hybrid approach to “how to start a crypto exchange” combines elements of custom development and open-source solutions, offering a versatile framework adaptable to diverse business models and requirements. This approach capitalizes on the flexibility of customization while harnessing the collaborative ethos of open-source development. By blending proprietary features with community-driven innovations, hybrid exchanges strike a balance between security, functionality, and scalability, catering to the evolving needs of the crypto market. It will be favorable for sure when you consider to start your own bitcoin exchange or crypto exchange in general.

How to build a crypto exchange. Step by step guide

Choosing a jurisdiction

Selecting the right jurisdiction is very important to ensure regulatory compliance, legal protection, and operational stability. Evaluate various jurisdictions based on their regulatory frameworks, tax policies, political stability, and market opportunities to determine the most suitable location for establishing your crypto exchange. Inteliumlaw can assist you with analysis of different jurisdictions and with the licensing process.

Define the target audience and user personas

This is a very important part when you think on “how to start a bitcoin exchange“ or “how to make a cryptocurrency exchange”. Understand the needs, preferences, and behaviors of your target audience to tailor the exchange's features and functionalities accordingly. Create detailed user personas representing different segments of your target market, encompassing traders, investors, and institutional clients, to guide the development process effectively.

Get acquainted with the legal requirements and obtain a crypto license

With this part you can rely on Inteliumlaw specialists. We will provide you with the necessary information regarding the legal requirements governing cryptocurrency exchanges in your chosen jurisdiction. We will assist you with obtaining the necessary licenses and permits to operate legally, ensuring compliance with anti-money laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC) regulations, as well as data protection and financial licensing requirements.

Development of a cryptocurrency exchange

As discussed above to start your own bitcoin exchange or build a crypto exchange collaborate with a reputable development team or engage in-house experts to commence the development process. Design a robust architecture, incorporating essential features such as order matching, trading pairs, user authentication, and wallet integration. Leverage cutting-edge technologies such as blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT) to enhance security and scalability

Ensuring security measures

In discovering the process how to build your own bitcoin exchange or crypto exchange implement stringent security protocols and best practices to safeguard user assets and data against cyber threats, hacking attempts, and fraudulent activities. Employ multi-layered security measures, including encryption, two-factor authentication (2FA), cold storage solutions, and regular security audits to mitigate risks effectively.

Testing a cryptocurrency exchange

Thoroughly test the exchange's functionality, performance, and security measures through rigorous testing procedures. Conduct comprehensive testing scenarios, including unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing, to identify and rectify any bugs or vulnerabilities before the platform goes live.

Start a Crypto exchange

Once the development and testing phases are complete, start a bitcoin exchange or crypto exchange by making it available to the public. Implement a strategic marketing and promotional campaign to attract traders and investors, foster liquidity, and establish your exchange's reputation in the market. start a bitcoin exchange

Constantly monitor and optimize your crypto exchange

Continuously monitor the exchange's performance, user feedback, and market trends to identify areas for improvement and optimization. Regularly update the platform with new features, enhancements, and security patches to ensure a seamless user experience and maintain competitiveness in the dynamic crypto market landscape.

Monetization Strategies and Cost Analysis

In the realm of “how to start a crypto exchange” a very important part is monetization. Here, several standard revenue-generation strategies are commonly employed to ensure sustainability and profitability.

A primary method for generating revenue is through trading fees and commissions. These fees typically range from 0% to 1.5% per trade, as reported by Nasdaq. By levying a small percentage on each transaction conducted on the platform, a consistent revenue stream can be established. However, finding the right balance between competitive fees and profitability is crucial. Conducting thorough market research to gauge competitor fee structures can aid in devising an optimal pricing strategy for your exchange.

Another effective approach involves offering premium features and subscription plans. By providing additional perks such as advanced trading tools, real-time market data, or priority customer support, you can entice users willing to pay for enhanced services. To identify the most valuable features for inclusion in premium plans, it’s essential to conduct user surveys and analyze customer feedback meticulously.

Cost Analysis and Financial Considerations

While revenue generation is vital, understanding the associated costs and financial considerations is equally crucial for the sustainability of a crypto exchange venture.


  • Development Costs: The initial building of a crypto exchange platform entails significant costs, encompassing everything from software development to user interface design. Hiring experienced developers, designers, and blockchain experts is essential to ensure the creation of a robust and user-friendly platform. Additionally, ongoing maintenance and updates incur further expenses.
  • Legal and Compliance Expenses: Searching and monitoring the regulatory landscape and obtaining the necessary licenses are imperative steps that come with their own set of costs. The legal counsel and compliance experts will assist you with adherence to regulatory requirements. They can be costly but is essential for operating within legal boundaries and maintaining trust with users.
  • Security Investments: Given the inherent risks associated with the cryptocurrency space, prioritizing security measures is paramount. Investing in state-of-the-art security protocols, encryption technologies, and robust cybersecurity infrastructure helps safeguard user funds and data, mitigating the risk of security breaches and cyberattacks.
  • Marketing and User Acquisition: Promoting the exchange and acquiring a user base necessitate substantial investment in marketing and advertising efforts. Implementing targeted marketing campaigns across various channels, including social media, search engines, and industry-specific platforms, can help raise awareness and attract potential traders to the platform.


By carefully balancing revenue-generation strategies with prudent cost management practices, a crypto exchange can strive for long-term viability and success in a competitive market landscape. At Inteliumlaw, we offer comprehensive support in navigating the complexities of jurisdiction selection, licensing processes, and regulatory compliance, empowering entrepreneurs to embark on their crypto exchange journey with confidence and clarity.

Pitfalls and challenges when creating a crypto exchange

While the prospect of launching a crypto exchange holds immense potential for profitability and innovation, it’s essential to be mindful of the various pitfalls and challenges that can arise along the way. Understanding and addressing these challenges proactively is key to navigating the complexities of the crypto landscape effectively.


  • Regulatory Uncertainty: One of the most significant challenges in how to start a crypto exchange is navigating the ever-evolving regulatory landscape. Cryptocurrency regulations vary widely across jurisdictions and are subject to frequent changes and updates. Ensuring compliance with local laws and regulations while staying abreast of regulatory developments can be daunting and resource-intensive.
  • Security Vulnerabilities: Security breaches and cyberattacks pose significant risks to crypto exchanges and their users. Safeguarding the platform against hacking attempts, phishing attacks, and unauthorized access requires robust security measures and constant vigilance. Implementing industry best practices in encryption, multi-factor authentication, and cold storage solutions is essential to mitigate security vulnerabilities effectively.
  • Technical Complexity: Developing and maintaining a crypto exchange involves grappling with intricate technical challenges, especially for decentralized exchanges (DEXs). Overcoming scalability issues, ensuring high-speed transaction processing, and optimizing user experience require advanced technical expertise and continuous innovation. Additionally, interoperability with blockchain networks and smart contract functionality adds another layer of complexity to the development process.
  • Liquidity and Market Depth: Achieving sufficient liquidity and market depth is critical for the success of a crypto exchange. Low liquidity can lead to wide bid-ask spreads, price slippage, and diminished trading activity, undermining user confidence and hindering growth. Building liquidity partnerships, incentivizing market makers, and fostering active trading communities are essential strategies to address liquidity challenges effectively.
  • Customer Trust and Reputation: Establishing and maintaining trust with users is paramount for the long-term viability of a crypto exchange. Any instances of security breaches, operational downtime, or poor customer service can tarnish the exchange’s reputation and erode user trust. Upholding transparency, promptly addressing user concerns, and adhering to ethical business practices are essential for building a strong and loyal user base.
  • Market Competition: The crypto exchange landscape is highly competitive, with numerous platforms vying for market share and user attention. Standing out amidst this crowded marketplace requires differentiation through innovative features, superior user experience, and strategic partnerships. Staying attuned to market trends and evolving user preferences is crucial for remaining competitive in the dynamic crypto ecosystem.


Considering these pitfalls and challenges requires a combination of strategic planning, technical expertise, regulatory compliance, and a steadfast commitment to customer satisfaction.


In conclusion, starting a cryptocurrency exchange requires careful planning, significant investment, and adherence to regulatory standards. From choosing the right jurisdiction and obtaining licenses to developing a secure and user-friendly platform, each step demands attention to detail and expertise. Despite the challenges and complexities involved, the growing demand for crypto trading platforms presents lucrative opportunities for entrepreneurs. By addressing pitfalls, leveraging monetization strategies, and staying abreast of market trends, aspiring exchange owners can position themselves for success in this dynamic industry.


How much does it cost to start a cryptocurrency exchange

The cost of starting a cryptocurrency exchange can vary significantly based on several factors, including the platform's complexity, size, and desired features. Understanding these cost considerations is crucial for entrepreneurs looking to build a crypto exchange venture.

For a centralized exchange with advanced features akin to popular platforms like Binance, the initial investment typically ranges between $300,000 to $350,000. This investment covers the development of a robust infrastructure, integration of sophisticated trading functionalities, and implementation of stringent security measures.

Alternatively, entrepreneurs seeking a more budget-friendly solution may opt for a decentralized exchange (DEX), which typically costs around $50,000 for development alone. DEXs offer advantages in terms of decentralization and security, making them an attractive option for cost-conscious entrepreneurs.

The specific cost of crypto exchange development depends on the modules and functions integrated into the platform. For instance, a basic spot exchange with essential trading features, user accounts, and a simple admin panel may range from $20,000 to $30,000. Additional features such as cold wallet integration, liquidity solutions, and anti-phishing measures may incur extra costs.

How long does it take to create a cryptocurrency platform?

The timeline for creating a cryptocurrency exchange platform varies depending on several factors, including the project's complexity and the desired features. Generally, the process can take anywhere from several months to over a year, particularly for advanced platforms aiming to rival established exchanges like Binance or Bittrex.

For entrepreneurs aspiring to build a comprehensive platform equipped with advanced tools for professional traders and investors, the development timeline is likely to extend beyond six months. These projects require meticulous planning, extensive development work, and rigorous testing to ensure functionality, security, and user experience meet industry standards.

Conversely, simpler cryptocurrency exchange websites with basic trading functionalities may have a shorter development timeline, typically ranging from a few months to half a year. However, it's essential to recognize that even seemingly straightforward projects require careful consideration of features, user interface design, and security measures.

Ultimately, the duration of cryptocurrency platform development hinges on the project's scope, complexity, and the expertise of the development team. Working with experienced developers and adopting efficient project management practices can help streamline the development process and expedite the launch of your cryptocurrency platform.

Do you need a license to start a crypto exchange?

Yes, obtaining a license is essential if you intend to operate your cryptocurrency exchange in accordance with global compliance standards. Acquiring a license not only enhances the credibility of your exchange but also facilitates partnerships and the integration of payment solutions.

What do you need to start a crypto exchange?

In short words to start a crypto exchange, you need:

  • A clear business plan outlining your goals and strategies.
  • Sufficient capital for development, operations, and compliance.
  • Legal counsel to navigate regulatory requirements and obtain necessary licenses.
  • A reliable development team with expertise in blockchain and exchange technology.
  • Robust security measures to protect user funds and data.
  • Market research to understand user needs and preferences.
  • Effective marketing and customer acquisition strategies.
  • Ongoing maintenance and support to ensure smooth operations and compliance.
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Сould I open account with a foreign bank?

Table of contents Сlients are becoming more and more  interested in opening an individual accounts with foreign banks. Someone could tell it can be done quite simply, while others claim that this process is very complicated. Both will be right. The fact is that each of the clients choose a bank in their own way. Someone knows from the beginning what financial organization he/she needs, while others need more time to decide, because they want quick, convenient procedure, and the reliable bank. The bank can open an account in different ways – remotely or upon personal visit of the client. In most cases, the client asks for assistance with account opening from a company that represents the client’s interests, or tries to do everything on his/her own that might lead to many mistakes, which then have to be corrected. In the first case, no special efforts are required from the client and as a result, he/she does not have any difficulties. In the second case, the procedure becomes really complicated and long. Why do you need a foreign bank account? If you have an account in a foreign bank, it will give you the opportunity to purchase real estate in this country, to receive salary and dividends, to pay for foreing  accommodation during the trip, etc. However, usually, the purpose of obtaining a foreign account is much simpler – to save and increase client’s own capital. Before opening an account in a foreign bank, you should determine the purpose. A representative of a financial organization will definitely ask about it. If a person lives and works in another country and needs a bank account there only to receive a salary, then there may not be any additional questions. If a person has other plans, he will have to answer various related questions: In addition, it will be necessary to provide a package of documents (tax declaration, documents confirming that the person is the owner of the company, contract for the sale of real estate and other property, etc.). What jurisdiction to choose? Banks opening accounts for non-residents are divided into four types: What bank to choose? The choice depends on the goal and desire of the client, in particular, on the primary reason for which the account is needed, e.g.:  There are many options for opening an account in a foreign bank by an individual. And not only for a businessman, but also for an investor and for an ordinary person. Also, it is necessary to study bank’s requirements and conditions: All above points are important, so you need to consider them well. If you don’t want to go through all these subtleties, you can give the process  to the specialists. What types of personal accounts exist? Based on the purpose of bank account, they could be classified as follows:  Not all foreign banks offer the opening of current bank accounts for transactions on a daily basis. Two types of accounts are more common – investment and savings accounts. Opening an account in a foreign bank with assistance of Intellium Law The specialists of our company know the specifics of banks worldwide and the list of conditions and requirements in most institutions. Our most professional tax consultants and lawyers will be happy to assist you during the process. The process of account opening will go in the following way:  Our company works closely with banks of Slovakia, Serbia, Georgia, Switzerland, Hungary, Armenia, Portugal, Macedonia, Austria, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Bulgaria, Hong Kong, payment systems of Latvia, Lithuania, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Singapore and Spain. Our lawyers will do our best to reach the required target. Working with us, you will easily achieve your goal. Conclusions You can open an account in a foreign bank yourself, but it is usually a very complicated process. Many people have difficulties already at the initial stage, when it is necessary to analyze the banks in different jurisdictions. The difficulties might appear later, at the stage of documents preparation and passing bank compliance. So, it is better to use professional assistance to achieve the desired results.

All good work requires self-revelation. Shot of a young mixed race businesswoman using tablet while

How to choose a good lawyer?

Table of contents Who is a lawyer? Lawyer is a Latin word. It means “to call for help”. The first lawyers, or rather orators who defended people, appeared during the time of the ancient Romans. They had stronACg oratorical skills and the ability to convey their thoughts to others. They were not paid for their work, but they had popularity and general recognition. For the first time, the term “lawyer” in the current sense of this word began to be used in the 18th century. Today, in general a lawyer is a person who has a higher legal education, the right to practice law and who is practising law. How to choose the right lawyer? Since the lawyer is needed when the disputes or other issues appears, the choice of such a specialist should be made very responsibly and carefully. It is not recommended to make a hasty choice based solely on publicly available information. An experienced lawyer can even during the first meeting gain the client’s trust, and the client may decide do not look for another specialist. Correct and convincing speech is a guarantee that the necessary information will be conveyed clearly and competently from a legal point of view when defending client’s interests. First, meet with your potential lawyer personally, because a telephone conversation will not allow you to get a full impression of a specialist. There should be a relationship of trust and mutual understanding between the client and the lawyer. Only in this case you can expect a positive result. If during the first meeting the lawyer instilled trust in you, descrive him what your problem is. Provide him with all the details without hiding anything. Then listen to his response: What do the ratings show? It worths to review the rating and reviews of the chosen lawyer. If there is not much information about the specialist on the Internet, on the one hand, it might raise doubts. On the other hand, this may indicate that the career of this lawyer is just starting or the lawyer does not need to promote his services. You could address the question about the ratings and experience to your lawyer directly, and then consider the information provided by him. If a lawyer is not within the rating lists, this does not mean he is unprofessional. Many competent specialists are just starting their careers or simply do not have time to submit relevant applications. If your lawyer is not in the ratings, his services may be cheaper and more accessible but at the same professional level or even better than from the lawyers in the ratings. When might you have doubts? You need to leave the lawyer’s office in the following cases: Conclusions In order not to look for a reliable lawyer for a long time, you can contact IntelliumLaw. Only the best lawyers and tax consultants work here. They provide services to both individuals and companies. Our specialists provide full legal support: Intellium Law specialists do their best to get your desired result. FAQ What is the cost of services? The final price depends on a number of factors, including the details of the case and the complexity of the problem, the availability of documents, and much more. Please contact us to receive a fee quote for your particular case.

Curaçao Gambling Іndustry 2024

Table of contents Overview of the Curaçao gambling industry Curaçao, a Dutch Caribbean Island operating as an integral country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, has been and till now remains a popular choice for startups and other companies to receive online gambling license due to it accessible regulatory thresholds, cost-efficiency, and simpleness of establishing a business. Nevertheless, this jurisdiction also cannot be apart from the need of legislative developments and up to now Curaçao’s government is in process of revising its gambling laws, encompassing online gaming, to meet global standards and combat unauthorized gambling activities. This revision entails the creation of the Curaçao Gaming Authority, an independent supervisory entity, and an overhaul of existing licensing classifications. Curaçao as a hub for online gambling operators Throughout the years Curaçao has approved itself as a premier hub for online gambling operators, drawing businesses around the globe seeking favorable regulatory conditions and operational flexibility. This jurisdiction has all chances to remain a premier hub for online gambling operators since the latter can receive the following benefits from existing licensing regime: All-in-One License: Curaçao offers a single that covers all forms of online gambling, including casinos, sports betting, and lotteries. However, this might change after enactment of National Ordinance on Games of Chance, as separate licenses for B2C and B2C activities are expected to be introduced. Cost-Efficient: The Curaçao gaming license is relatively affordable in terms of application, issuance, and maintenance fees. Global Reach: With a Curaçao gaming license, operators can cater to a global audience, although certain jurisdictions may be restricted. Tax Benefits: Curaçao boasts a beneficial tax regime for online gambling operators, typically offering a zero-tax rate on gaming revenues. Flexible Technical Requirements: While it is essential to ensure fairness and security, Curaçao’s technical requirements for gaming systems are more lenient than in some stricter jurisdictions.   Licensing of online gambling in Curaçao To understand the Curacao gaming license changes in full it is worth having insight on how licensing functions were transmitted among different Curaçao authorities and entities throughout near time periods. Preconditions to regulatory shift Before the commencement of the recent regulatory changes, Curaçao gambling licenses came in two forms: the master license and the sub-license. Holders of the master license had the authority to both offer a broad range of gambling services and bestow sub-licenses to others private companies. The license issuance is governed by the National Ordinance on Offshore Games of Hazard (Landsverordening buitengaatse hazardspelen, P.B. 1993, no. 63) (NOOGH). The sub-license allowed its holders to engage in a comprehensive suite of gambling activities, encompassing sports betting, slot machines, table games, and RNG-centric games. Its validity extends as long as the linked master license remains valid. There were, and currently are, four master license holders, who, since 1996, have received the government’s authorization to grant licenses:   Antillephone N.V. License #8048/JAZ Curacao Interactive Licensing N.V. (CIL) License #5536/JAZ Cyberluck Curacao N.V. (also known as Curacao-eGaming)License #1668/JAZ Gaming Curacao License #365/JAZ   The current state of Curaçao’s online gambling license Existing license framework can be named transitional between previous license conditions and renewed and strengthened license framework. This period can be described as preparation for the creation of the Curaçao Gaming Authority and new license requirements. Under this transitional framework gaming licenses can be issued only by Curaçao Gambling Control Board (GCB) and not by four master licenses holders as it was before. From November 15, 2023, the GCB started accepting and processing online gaming license applications from operators that wish to conduct their business under Curaçao offshore gaming license. Simultaneously, a significant number of operators – in practice referred to as sub-licensees – are currently operating under one of the licenses granted to four of the master license holders on the basis of the NOOGH and in order to continue their business under such license such operators must be registered through GCB portal. Any sub-licensee wishing to continue operating in Curacao but has not applied for a direct license prior to established period, can only continue operating under their sub-license until the master license expires or when the new license framework enters into force, whichever date is sooner. New license framework The government of Curaçao is currently in the process of realizing a complete reform and modernization of its (online) gambling legislation through a new law that will be named the National Ordinance on Games of Chance (Landsverordening op de kansspelen (LOK)). In anticipation of the entry into force of the LOK, the gaming license function were transferred to the GCB under condition that if operator obtained a direct license from the GCB under the current law, prior to the LOK entering into force will, according to the current draft of the LOK, such license will automatically be converted to a provisional license when the law enters into force. It is planned that the GCB will be granted some new powers and will continue to exercise its powers under a new name: the Curaçao Gaming Authority. Up to now LOK has been drafted and is at the stage of consideration and discussions within the legislative authority. Simultaneously, the Curaçao government is considering the possibility to temporarily exempt from the new legislation operators who, at the time that the new law enters into force, offer remote gaming under a license granted under the NOOGH so that they can temporarily continue to operate during this period without needing to apply for a license immediately. Regulatory framework Currently, the main Curacao gambling laws that establish rules for receiving a gambling license and conducting a gambling business under such a license are as follows:   National Ordinance on Offshore Games of Hazard (Landsverordening buitengaatse hazardspelen, P.B. 1993, no. 63) (NOOGH): NOOGH generally set forth the necessity of licensing to conduct offshore games of hazard business and defines the main state body responsible for issuance of gaming license or/and delegation of this function to other authorities. National Decree supervisor identification when rendering services gaming sector (Landsbesluit toezichthouder identificatie bij dienstverlening kansspelsector,