
Romania Company Formation

Inteliumlaw » Business registration abroad » Romania Company Formation

Romania is known for its rich history and tourism, but many people don’t know its trading achievements. Romania is one of the fastest-growing industries in the European Union, and its growth has been tremendous in the past few years.

One of the contributing factors to that is opening of new businesses in Romania. Especially considering that Romania company formation is an easy process due to its seamless regulations in company registration. Whether you're a resident of Romania or a foreign investor, rest assured that the country’s laws are applied equally to all.

Let’s delve into the process of registering a company in Romania, its advantages, and more.

Advantages of Company Registration in Romania

There are many benefits to establishing a business in Romania. The highlight, on the contrary, is the lowest corporate tax rate in Europe, a positive image of jurisdiction, company ownership, and many more.

Let's have a look at the advantages of company registration and setting up a business in Romania in detail.

Low Taxation In Europe

Romania offers the most favorable corporate tax among the countries in the European Union. Romanian Fiscal Code provides lots of tax incentives for companies involved in technology enhancement activities. You can find numerous double-taxation treaties to reduce the tax burden and offer of a turnover tax of 1% for micro-enterprises.

Flexibility In Company Owning

Romania company formation offers to register sole proprietorship over the company. As per the corporate law reform in 2020, you can manage more than one company while being a sole shareholder. There is no need to have local citizens as your business partners, which encourages flexibility for the business owner.

Friendly European Jurisdiction

As a member of the EU, Romania offers the opportunity to sell products or services to almost 500 million consumers. It is also a promising location, and it has a friendly trade relationship with other countries. This geographical advantage makes it ideal for foreign investors to open a company in Romania.

Skilled Workforce

Almost 80% of Romanian schools incorporate foreign languages like English in their curriculum. This initiative helps to provide a highly skilled workforce and graduates experts. You can find professional employees with better communication skills to run your business.

Strategic Business Location

Romania shares a border with friendly EU and non-EU countries like Ukraine, Serbia. Since it has agreed to be part of the European Union in 2007, it has the power of free movement of goods and services within these countries. This makes it one of the best Romania company formation locations.

Solid Banking Sector

Romania has a robust banking sector, which provides favorable financial support for businesses. It offers one of the lowest non-performing loans (NPL) rates in Europe. You can easily get a business loan in the name of your company and have exponential growth.

Good Urban Infrastructure

Due to its rich history and the popularity of the tourism sector, people around the world love to migrate here. It also has good urban infrastructure with reliable accommodation, fast internet speed, and many more. All these advantages offer a great place for company formation and attract ideal customers.

Strong Growth Potential

Romania has been one of the leading countries in Europe in terms of GDP growth since 2014. It has a strong industrial and automotive sector with a flexible urbanism culture. With such potential growth, company formation in Romania is an ideal choice for you.

Essential Considerations Before Company Formation in Romania

Though Romania is one of the ideal places to set up your business in Europe. Still, you need to understand various regulatory aspects that come into play. Additionally, it is crucial to get familiar with local labor laws.

These steps are mandatory to follow when you want to establish your company in Romania. You can consult a professional Romania company formation firm to deal with liability and legal issues. These companies help to opt for the right licensing from the official government authorities.

Company Type in Romania

Romania offers similar rules for local and foreign investors, where you don’t need to follow specific criteria. Romania company registration offers 6 types of companies, the most common of which are Limited Liability Companies (SLR) and Joint Stock Companies (SA).

Let’s understand the type of company in Romania and how to open a company in Romania in detail.

Limited Liability Company (SRL)

Limited Liability Company (SRL) is the most common type suitable for small and medium enterprises. This Romania company formation structure contains two or more shareholders in a single entity. Shareholders can enjoy limited liability protection which helps safeguard their business assets.

Joint Stock Company (SA)

Joint stock companies or public limited companies are mostly registered by big businesses. Companies under SA can raise capital by selling their shares where shareholders can hold the minimum liability. Companies need to pay corporate tax on their profits, and stakeholders need to pay their income tax.

General Partnership (SNC)

General Partnership (SNC) splits equal shares of the company among partners. It is registered under the Romanian Trade Register, and the procedure may vary depending on local regulations. Under Romania company formation of the partnership, tax is applied at a partner level.

Limited Partnership (SCA)

The Romanian company, which is registered under Limited Partnership, has multiple partners. Among them, some hold limited liability, and others may have entire liabilities. They are also registered under the Romanian Trade Register following the local regulation.

Branches and Subsidiaries of a Foreign Company

Romanian law welcomes foreign companies to open branches or subsidiaries in the country. InteliumLaw cooperates with a team of experts to establish branches in Romania.

Sole Proprietorship (PFA)

A sole proprietorship (PFA) in Romania is a business structure that is owned by a single person. It is one of the cost effective and straightforward ways to company registration in Romania. The biggest problem is, the owner holds the maximum liability of the company’s debts, which is at high risk.

Our Assistance in Establishing a Romanian Company

The main focus of any enterprise in Romania is to develop a business structure. InteliumLaw offers successful solutions for clients looking for Romania company formation. We also provide team of experts who help businesses to understand how to open a company in Romania.

Romania welcomes foreign enterprises to open their company with special breakage. We can help you with a hassle-free registration process by following the notes below.

You have to agree that implementing these tasks on your own can be difficult. So, our team can provide expert assistance at each step of registering your company. Hiring us can make this process quick and easy and you will be able to enjoy a remote online company registration in Romania.

Timeline for Establishing a Business in Romania

Setting up a company in Romania can take several weeks. This is because Romania company formation regulations differ for each type of activities. You need to go through various legal procedures, registration paperwork, and obtaining necessary permits.

In such cases, you can engage InteliumLaw who can help to tackle such regulators. We have a team of specialists and contractors who help to collect all the documents needed for company registration. With us, you can get your business registered in Romania in a short span of time.

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Procedure for Registering a Romanian Company

Registering a company in Romania can be complex and time-consuming. With the right guidance, you can solve this problem simply with InteliumLaw. Let’s examine the steps required for Romania company formation and registration.

Step 1: Deciding Business Structure

The initial step is to choose the business structure for the Romanian jurisdiction. For example, local enterprises can choose limited liability companies and foreign companies can choose branches and subsidiaries.

Step 2: Registration Of Company Name

The next step is to decide on a distinctive company name with a local trade registry. Make sure to choose a name that doesn’t belong to any venture as you can face any legal trail.

Step 3: Submission Of Required Documents

The third step is to collect and compile the required documents for Romania company formation. This documentation may include the Articles of Association and affidavits of the specimen with the signature of stakeholders. In addition, the signature of the director is also required.

Step 4: Formal Registration Of The Company

After registering the name and final submission of documents, you have to go through formal registration of the company. Here, you have to note that the process can take 10 working days to get the final approval.

Step 5: Engagement Of the Company's Accountant

Now, we have to come to the last stage, where you have a company ready and your company’s accountant manages your financial records. Therefore, it is essential to choose a reputable accountant to ensure compliance with fiscal regulations. Following these steps to open a company in Romania can help to lay a solid foundation for your business.

New Regulations Concerning the Romanian Micro-Company

The fiscal code went through a series of reforms for micro-companies in Romania in the 2023 and 2024. These reforms comprise various changes in Law 296/2023 and Emergency Ordinance 115/2023.

Under the new regulation, you have a limitation for shareholdings in micro-companies. To get classified in this category, you could have only one micro-company owned by you as a shareholder with more than 25%. Previously, such ownership was allowed in at least three companies with micro status. Now, in case you have more than one company that is enjoying this regime till 31 March you need to choose only one that will remain with this benefit.

Two taxation rates have been imposed on micro-businesses. Micro-companies with an annual turnover below EUR 60,000 will be allowed to apply 1% tax on their turnover. The requirement to have a minimum nu,ber of employees for such companies was abolished. These Romanian micro-companies should not belong to HoReCa, medical, IT, and dental fields.

3% tax of the total income is mandatory for a firm that has an annual turnover between EUR 60,000 to EUR 500,000 or operates within the spheres excluded for companies that can apply 1% tax.

The regulation for micro-companies changes often in Romania. Thus, it is important to monitor the legislation and keep yourself updated. In such cases, you can engage InteliumLaw, we will provide you with overview of the recent changes that will help you to structure your business properly.

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What are the fees for company incorporation in Romania?

Company formation in Romania may start from EUR 1800 for the initial formation.  These expenses may increase depending what services you require for establishing of your business.

Who is the regulatory body for company registration in Romania?

All the companies are registered at ONRC (Oficiul Național al Registrului Comerțului/ National Trade Register Office) in Romania. It is a public institute that keeps a statistical record of economic activities in the country.

Can non-citizens establish businesses in Romania?

The government of Romania always welcomes foreigners to invest and start a business. They can use their passport and other required documents to start the process.

What are the yearly obligations for Romanian companies?

The Romanian companies need to organize and prepare annual financial statements, as well as audit (except several exemptions). 

Are there supplementary services offered aside from registration?

Among the additional services, you can choose assistance with the bank accounts opening, obtaining of licenses/ permits, drafting of special terms and conditions,  etc.

How long does it take to register a company in Romania?

The company registration in Romania could take around 2 weeks and more depending on the type of your business.

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International Corporate Structuring

International Structuring

International structuring is of great importance for any business, both already functioning and planning to enter the international market. The correct organization of the legal structure and rational tax planning is the initial and basic guarantee of successful business development in the future. Given the current global trends, among the rest of the automatic exchange, counteracting the erosion of the tax base, the shift of profits, and other measures to combat tax evasion, the competent structuring of business in world markets becomes even more important. The support of professionals in this area will be of great importance for the adaptation of businesses to various innovations, ensuring their continuous operation and protecting interests in the new realities. The most optimal solution is to entrust the planning to a specialized law firm. Key factors International structuring is an extensive set of legal processes. All of them contribute to protecting business assets, minimizing legal and tax risks, using the most rational ways in the field of taxation, and solving other tasks set by the client. The necessary solutions are developed using legally acceptable mechanisms and tools. Specialists use the available tools in such a way as to ensure the maximum effectiveness of the measures taken to protect and optimize the business of clients. A full international structuring in most cases consists of the following steps: First, a meeting or call is scheduled with the client. During it, we discuss the initial data, as well as determine the goals and objectives. Our experts analyze the provided description, work out all the preliminary options and possibilities. Further, communication with the client continues to clarify the details and features, preliminary agreement on possible jurisdictions and mechanisms for their further more detailed consideration by professionals. A memorandum is being prepared outlining the structuring options. Next, the specialists present the options developed in the memorandum to the management of our client. After that, we further discuss and agree on the most suitable options. At the final stage, our company provides full support for the implementation of the structuring option, and individual restructuring elements chosen by the client. Benefits A number of positive factors influence the demand for the services of our lawyers. Our specialists have significant experience in international planning, they know the practical features and all the possible difficulties that may arise in this area. Inteliumlaw constantly monitors current trends, planned transformations and innovations in the field of international taxation. Thanks to the accumulated experience and monitoring of upcoming changes in this area, we work proactively for our clients and develop structures for businesses that are most adapted to modern conditions. Our offer Our specialists provide full support for the process of international corporate structuring. Inteliumlaw provides a wide range of services in this area. Specialists conduct preliminary consultations on optimizing the structure of groups of companies. At the request of our client, we prepare legal opinions on the peculiarities of the work of jurisdictions and taxation in certain countries. Our company develops optimal business structures according to customer requests. We take into account the peculiarities of the business and the priorities set. We also analyze the current structures of groups of companies and their restructuring. Inteliumlaw provides full legal support for the implementation of the developed business structure, as well as the inclusion of individual companies in the group structure. In addition, our client can receive a complete implementation of the international business structuring project with professional support at every stage – from consulting to the full implementation of the project. Other services Leave a request for a service The accumulated experience and tracking of future changes in this area allow us to be proactivefor our clients and develop the most adapted business structures to modern conditions. By submitting this form, you hereby authorize Inteliumlaw to process your information for the purpose of addressing your inquiry. You retain the right to revoke this consent at any point. For further details, please review our Privacy Policy.

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Ongoing Legal Support

The activities of any company must comply with the current legislation. It is difficult to imagine all processes without legal business support. The specialists of Intellium Law know all the peculiarities of work and legal regulation of various areas of business and have extensive experience in legal support of IT, gambling, e-commerce, cryptocurrency business, production, trade, restaurant business, telecommunications business, investment business, real estate business and other areas. This allows our specialists to provide high-quality business legal support services to companies of any size and form of ownership. Legal support and business protection: what is it? Complex legal support of business involves a whole series of measures aimed at supporting business in compliance with the necessary regulations. It also allows you to prevent and reduce legal and tax risks, protect the capital and interests of the owners of the company/group. The procedure involves legal management of operational activities, verification of counterparties, agreements and documentation. By agreement, legal support may include participation in the company’s litigation, which, in most cases, is not included in the usual package. Many business owners prefer to have an in-house lawyer. But subscription legal business support from law firms offers more advantages. Here are the most famous of them: Cost reduction. Usually, the services of a third-party firm are cheaper than paying the salary of an in-house lawyer on an ongoing basis. Collective support. One specialist will not be able to perfectly understand all the nuances of each process. A team of professionals will cope with any tasks much better. Diligence. One lawyer cannot always cope with a high workload and keep track of all changes in legislation. Speed. The team will be able to cope with a much larger volume of work in a shorter period of time than one specialist. Quality. Usually, in law firms, any task goes through several levels of review from a junior to a senior specialist and final approval by partners. In what cases are business legal support services required? Running a business without subscription legal service and support is a very risky activity. After all, the company carries out activities with a constant risk of violating the current law and is legally unprotected. Therefore, it should be emphasized that legal support of small businesses, medium and large enterprises is a daily necessity. The service of legal support for business purchase and sale agreements and investment projects is also very popular. In this case, the buyer has confidence that the company’s activities comply with the current laws and the criteria stated by the seller, and that the investment asset is properly registered and will not create any legal/tax risks for the investor. Leave Us A Message And we wil get back to you Contact Us Other services Leave a request for a service The accumulated experience and tracking of future changes in this area allow us to be proactivefor our clients and develop the most adapted business structures to modern conditions. By submitting this form, you hereby authorize Inteliumlaw to process your information for the purpose of addressing your inquiry. You retain the right to revoke this consent at any point. For further details, please review our Privacy Policy.

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Incorporation of Companies Abroad

Business registration abroad

The main task of every entrepreneur is the development of his business. And the main condition for the realization of this goal has always been an increase in sales. A successful solution will be to increase profitability thanks to entering the foreign market. And for this, an entrepreneur must understand how to open his own company abroad so that it fully meets the requirements of the local legislation. Advantages of registering a company abroad Registering an enterprise in another country has many advantages. Many states care about attracting entrepreneurs from other countries. Therefore, the local government introduces special privileges and creates the most loyal conditions for the activities of foreign companies. The modern market dictates new conditions to entrepreneurs. One of the main trends in it is a very high level of competition. Therefore, company owners are often forced to enter foreign markets in order to be able to continue business development and increase profitability. Sometimes the choice of a foreign jurisdiction for conducting business may be determined by the specifics of the business itself and its regulation in the relevant state (for example, obtaining licenses). Among the main benefits for entrepreneurs, the following can be noted: selection of a jurisdiction with optimal conditions and legal basis for the company; an opportunity to attract more investors; increasing the number of buyers and clients; the ability to find markets with minimal competition; the opportunity to use benefits from the state; favorable taxation systems. When a business owner chooses a jurisdiction, it is important for him to consider all the nuances of the company’s activities. For some, the most important are the registration deadlines and the absence of bureaucratic complications. For others, the most important thing is a wide range of registration forms. Some businessmen are looking for opportunities to remotely manage and open virtual offices. For some, a loyal taxation system is a priority. Most often, favorable competitive conditions are offered in Asian countries. Incompletely developed markets make it possible to bring the company to a fairly high level of profitability in a short period of time. Also, in Asian countries, you can count on the provision of various grants and loans on preferential terms. Each Asian country offers different conditions. For example, in Malaysia, entrepreneurs will have the lowest costs for establishing and developing a business. In general, the costs of maintaining a company here are among the lowest. The markets of European countries are already fully developed. But businessmen in this region are most attracted by the stability of the country’s economy, protection by local legislation, as well as the jurisdiction’s reputation in the eyes of potential partners. How to quickly and easily open a company abroad? It is quite difficult to implement this task on your own. Help will be needed even at the initial stage – during the selection of a jurisdiction. After all, how efficiently your company will work in the future depends on this. Our company performs Incorporation of Companies Abroad on optimal terms. Professionals will analyze your company’s activities and select the state with the best conditions. At the same time, they necessarily take into account all the wishes of the customer and the peculiarities of local legislation. Our experienced lawyers know all the nuances of this procedure. Therefore, business owners do not have any problems with the preparation of documents or obtaining the necessary permits. By contacting our company, you will not only get a great opportunity to scale your business, increase profits and reduce costs, you will relieve yourself of troubles when performing these tasks. Our specialists will provide professional support and help you achieve the desired result. Leave Us A Message And we wil get back to you Contact Us Our cases Other services Leave a request for a service The accumulated experience and tracking of future changes in this area allow us to be proactivefor our clients and develop the most adapted business structures to modern conditions. By submitting this form, you hereby authorize Inteliumlaw to process your information for the purpose of addressing your inquiry. You retain the right to revoke this consent at any point. For further details, please review our Privacy Policy.

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The accumulated experience and tracking of future changes in this area allow us to be proactive
for our clients and develop the most adapted business structures to modern conditions.

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The accumulated experience and tracking of future changes in this area allow us to be proactive
for our clients and develop the most adapted business structures to modern conditions.

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