
The most popular question in the sphere of gambling: “Where I can operate legally?”

Inteliumlaw » Gambling » The most popular question in the sphere of gambling: “Where I can operate legally?”
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Gambling regulations all around the world are quite complex. When answering this question lots of factors should be considered. First of all, you need to take into account regulation in the country where your business is licensed and then go to the analysis of foreign regulation in each particular country you plan to target.

For our brief review we propose to apply the above approach based on the example of Curacao as one of the most demanded “licensing” jurisdiction, among the gambling start-ups. For the simplicity of understanding we will divide the analyzed markets into groups.

Group 1

The Curaçao’s legislation itself does not provide for a list of markets where you can operate. Instead, you have a list of prohibited countries, which we allocate to the Group 1. These markets are completely closed by Curacao’s license rules: USA, Netherlands, France, Dutch West Indies and Curacao itself. It means that in no case should your web-site be accessible from these countries, otherwise you might lose your license and become subject to fines.

Group 2

 Here we include the list established based on practical developments. We put here so called “not recommended” countries. These countries are more active than others with their claims against illegal gambling addressed to Curacao authorities and master license holders. As recent examples we can name here Australia and Turkey. Your license might be under the risk in case Curacao master license holder tracks your activity there.

Group 3

It is worth to mention here such category of countries as “closed by a particular provider”. Each provider of gaming content, gambling technology (platform provider) has its own list of prohibited or restricted jurisdictions – Evolution has one, Pragmatic has other, Nuxgame has the third and so on. You can see these lists in the respective agreements.

Group 4

Other countries: upon discretion of the operator (its management and legal department) on case-by-case basis. One should rely on both local legislation of targeted market and enforcement practice. There could be many possible variants:

  • The jurisdiction can have legislation allowing all forms of gambling and not preventing foreign entities to operate within.
  • The jurisdiction can have legislation either regulating only land-based gambling (leaving online gambling unregulated) or not regulating gambling at all so the legality of online gambling is under question mark. Countries in this section are often considered as “grey markets”.
  • The jurisdiction could formally ban all gambling activities by its law but takes no action to actually prevent illegal gambling activity or punish players/operators (especially when the offshore operator is concerned). Such jurisdiction also could be referred as “grey markets”.
  • The jurisdiction could ban only certain types of gambling activities and actively enforce the such bans. We believe an example is the US, with its state-wide legislation on gambling.
  • The jurisdiction can require a local license to operate within the country and, in the meantime, ban any foreign businesses trying to reach the market (for example, by blacklisting unauthorized domains). The most common example in this category is the UK – you can only operate in this market if you have a local UK license (or its equivalent officially recognized by the UK under special procedure). Otherwise, the website domain is to be eventually found by UK Gambling Commission and blocked.

It is important to note that in some countries, where any gambling or locally unauthorized gambling is prohibited, criminal legislation could be interpreted in a way formally making any person, either individual or business, wherever located, subject to criminal penalties if such person organizes of offers illegal gambling services in the country concerned. Although it is not yet widespread practice for countries (where gambling is prohibited) to initiate cross-border criminal procedures aiming to somehow make foreign persons subject to criminal investigations and penalties, these risks could not be fully excluded and shall be analyzed prior to entering any markets.

To summarize, case-by-case legal analysis is required with regard to each market in this category to keep you business in compliance and avoid any legal troubles. Specialists of Inteliumlaw will be happy to assist you with your requests in this regard and dispel your concerns. Please open our web-site and leave your inquiries on the raised topic there.


Obtaining A Gambling License: Key Challenges That May Arise

Table of contents Online gaming has become very popular. It attracts millions of players and generates significant revenue. Statistics show it will grow to over USD 426.02 billion by 2029.   Given these high stakes, regulatory bodies now mandate that gaming operators obtain licenses. This is to guarantee fair, transparent, and secure games. However, getting a license can be an uphill battle if you do not have the right information.   This blog will delve into the challenges you might face and help you better prepare to get your permit. Keep reading. What Is A Gambling License? A gambling permit is permission to operate gambling legally in an area. It ensures that gambling is done responsibly and sets standards for permit holders. These standards include measures to safeguard players and prevent crimes like money laundering. They also uphold the integrity of the gambling industry. Why Do You Need An Online Gaming License? Business Legitimacy Operating an online gaming business without a permit is illegal in many countries. A permit indicates that the gambling operation is legitimate. This builds trust and credibility with players, partners, and financial institutions. Protection From Legal Risks Obtaining a gaming permit involves meeting specific regulatory requirements and standards. This helps make sure that your business operates ethically by the law. Running a gambling business without a permit has legal consequences. They vary from getting fined, penalized, or even facing criminal charges. Player Protection Licensing authorities set rules that protect players. Examples include fair play, conflict resolution, and putting in place measures to encourage responsible gambling. Financial Transactions Many payment processors and banks require businesses to have a valid gambling permit. No transaction can be handled before this is produced. Market Access In many countries, having a valid permit is essential for entering the online gambling business. Growing Demand For Gambling Permits in Different Countries Many countries have seen the importance of licensed gambling. Because of that, there is a rush of applications. These are coming from investors who have seen the potentially profitable industry. Despite economic fluctuations, the gambling sector remains strong. A combination of factors fuels the growing demand. They include: Legalization Campaigns Many countries are legalizing or expanding gambling activities. They want to generate revenue and regulate an existing industry. Economic Benefits Governments are now seeing gambling’s economic potential. This includes job creation, boosting tourism, and increasing tax revenue. Player Protection Licensing protects the players. It ensures fair and responsible gaming. It also safeguards players from fraud and exploitation. Social Acceptance Gambling has gained social acceptance. This is happening the world over. It contributes to the greater demand for legal and regulated gambling options. Different types of online gaming permits   Online gaming licenses can vary in type and scope. This depends on the jurisdiction and the nature of the gaming activity. Here are some common types: Game Type Permits Casino This permit allows operators to provide various online casino games, such as Slots Table Games Live Dealer Games. Sports Betting Players place bets on various sports events and outcomes. This permit is used for online fantasy sports contests and competitions. Poker Players can participate in virtual cash games. Bingo These cater to traditional bingo variations and other bingo-related products. Lottery Used for the sale of lottery tickets and participation in lottery draws. Social Gaming Used for online games that promote social interaction and gameplay. Activity Type Permits Business To Business (B2B) They are given to companies that provide services and products to other gaming companies. Business To Customer (B2C) For companies that provide services and products directly to the customer. Gambling B2B Support Services For services supporting gambling operations. Key Challenges in Obtaining a Gambling Permit Getting a gambling permit is difficult. It involves careful planning, spending money, and following rules. Difficult Regulations Navigating tough regulations is like untangling red tape. It drains resources. The impact is high on smaller players. Each jurisdiction has its challenges. Bureaucratic processes move slower than molasses. With the help of experts like InteliumLaw, the process can be smooth. Strict Requirements To get a permit, you must meet strict rules set by regulators. This includes checking your background and financial records. It ensures you follow rules to stop money laundering and protect players. Meeting these rules can take a lot of time and money, especially for smaller businesses. Funding Getting a gambling permit costs a lot of money. You must pay fees to apply for the permit and spend money to ensure you follow the rules. This can be expensive, especially in places where the rules are strict or the fees are high. Legal and Compliance Risks The gambling industry is risky due to frequently changing regulations. Operators need to stay informed and comply with these rules to avoid legal issues. Reputation Management Having a good name is important in gambling. Operators must show they care about players and follow the rules to maintain a good reputation. Competition In the online gambling world, many operators are fighting for customers. However, getting one in popular places is tough because so many people want it. Limits Based on Location Operators might find it hard to get permits in certain areas because of the rules. How To Get A Gambling License Getting your gambling permit involves several steps. The process is different in every country. It also differs according to activities. Here is a general overview of the steps you might need to take: Step 1: Research the Rules Start by checking the regulations for getting a gambling permit where you want to operate. Look into the laws and procedures that apply to your type of gambling. Step 2: Choose the Right Country Decide where to apply for your permit. Some countries have tougher rules or higher costs. Consider factors like: Rules and regulations Licensing costs, Tax rates Market potential. Step 3: Develop a Business Plan Create a detailed business plan outlining Proposed Operations Types of games Target market Marketing strategies Financial projections Compliance measures. Step 4: Establish Your Company

What is online gaming license and how much does it cost

Table of contents What constitutes an online gambling license? An online gambling license typically constitutes a formal document or certificate issued by a regulatory authority, granting permission to an organization or, in rare cases, individuals, to operate remote gambling activities legally. Who is required to possess an online gambling license? An online gambling license is required by any individual or organization that wishes to legally operate an online gambling platform. This includes entities involved in various forms of online betting and gaming activities, such as: Online Casinos: Operators that offer virtual casino games, including slots, table games, and live dealer games. Sports Betting Websites: Companies that provide online betting options for various sports and events. Online Poker Sites: Platforms that host online poker games and tournaments for real money. Bingo Sites: Online venues offering bingo games. Lottery Operators: Entities that manage online lotteries, including traditional lotteries and instant win games. Game Developers: In some jurisdictions, developers who create gambling software or games may also require a license or certification, particularly if their games involve real-money wagering. Affiliates with Revenue Share Models: In certain jurisdictions, affiliates who promote gambling services and earn a revenue share from it may also require a license. Payment companies: In some countries, companies specializing in processing payments for gambling businesses might need to obtain a gaming license. This license serves as an assurance of their trustworthiness and a measure to safeguard their clientele. Benefits of holding a Gaming License 1. Legality: It ensures that the gambling operation is legal and compliant with the laws of the jurisdiction. 2. Credibility: A licensed operation is seen as more credible and trustworthy by players, partners, and financial institutions. 3. Market Access: The license allows for legal access to target markets and can be essential for advertising and promotion. 4. Banking and Payment Processing: It facilitates smoother banking relationships and access to a wide range of payment processing services. 5. Player Trust: Players are more likely to trust and deposit funds with a licensed gambling platform. 6. Investor Confidence: Investors and stakeholders are more likely to support a licensed and regulated business. 7. Responsible Gambling: The license often comes with guidelines to promote responsible gambling, enhancing the overall industry reputation. Criteria for Obtaining a Gaming License The general requirements and criteria for obtaining an online gambling license typically include: 1. Incorporation: Establishing a legal entity in the jurisdiction where the license is sought. 2. Business Plan: Presenting a comprehensive business plan detailing operations, target markets, and financial projections. 3. Financial Stability: Demonstrating financial stability, often including proof of capital or financial reserves. 4. Background Checks: Undergoing rigorous background checks for owners, directors, and key personnel to ensure no criminal links. 5. Software and Technical Compliance: Ensuring that gambling software meets technical fairness standards and security requirements. 6. Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Policies: Implementing effective AML measures and Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures. 7. Responsible Gambling Measures: Establishing practices to promote responsible gambling and player protection. 8. License Fees: Paying applicable licensing fees and ongoing regulatory charges. 9. Operational Readiness: Demonstrating the operational capability to run the gambling platform efficiently. 10. Regulatory Compliance: Adhering to the specific laws and regulations of the licensing jurisdiction. What are the general steps of the process of acquiring an online gaming license? Acquiring an online gaming license typically involves the following general steps: 1. Research and Selection: Research and select a suitable jurisdiction based on business needs, target markets, and regulatory requirements. 2. Legal Entity Formation: Incorporate a legal entity in the chosen jurisdiction, if required. 3. Gather Documentation: Collect and prepare necessary documents, including personal and financial information of owners and key personnel, business plans, and proof of capital. 4. Technical Compliance: Ensure that gaming software and platforms meet the technical standards of fairness, security, and responsible gaming as required by the licensing authority. 5. Apply for the License: Submit a formal application to the regulatory authority along with the required documentation and application fees. . Undergo Vetting: Participate in a due diligence process, where the regulatory body conducts background checks and financial audits. 7. Meet Compliance Requirements: Implement necessary policies and infrastructure, including AML, KYC, and responsible gaming measures 8. License Approval and Payment: Upon approval, pay the licensing fee and any other required charges. 9. Operational Setup: Set up operational aspects like banking, payment processing, and customer support. 10. Launch and Ongoing Compliance: Launch the gaming platform and ensure ongoing compliance with the licensing terms and regulations. How to correctly select a jurisdiction for an obtaining of online gambling license? Selecting the right jurisdiction for obtaining an online gambling license requires careful consideration of various factors. It’s crucial to assess the reputation and credibility of the jurisdiction in the online gaming industry, as well-respected jurisdictions enhance trust among players and business partners. Consider where your target audience is located; some licenses are more suitable for specific markets. Understanding the regulatory requirements is essential, as some jurisdictions have stricter regulations than others. Evaluate the taxation structure and licensing fees, as some jurisdictions offer favorable tax rates or incentives for gaming businesses. Ensure the jurisdiction has a robust banking infrastructure and allows for easy access to payment processing services, which are crucial for gambling operations. Choose a jurisdiction with a stable legal and political environment to ensure long-term operational security. Consider the timeframe for licensing, as some jurisdictions offer faster processing times. Check the technical and operational standards required by the jurisdiction and ensure your platform can comply with these standards. Availability of local service providers like lawyers and consultants can be beneficial, as some jurisdictions offer better support and have more expertise in the gambling sector. Finally, think about your long-term business goals and potential market expansion. The chosen jurisdiction should align with your growth strategy. Consulting with legal and industry experts who can provide insights and guidance Types of gaming licenses The types of online gambling licenses vary across the world, and they are often categorized based on the types of gaming

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How to choose a good lawyer?

Table of contents Who is a lawyer? Lawyer is a Latin word. It means “to call for help”. The first lawyers, or rather orators who defended people, appeared during the time of the ancient Romans. They had stronACg oratorical skills and the ability to convey their thoughts to others. They were not paid for their work, but they had popularity and general recognition. For the first time, the term “lawyer” in the current sense of this word began to be used in the 18th century. Today, in general a lawyer is a person who has a higher legal education, the right to practice law and who is practising law. How to choose the right lawyer? Since the lawyer is needed when the disputes or other issues appears, the choice of such a specialist should be made very responsibly and carefully. It is not recommended to make a hasty choice based solely on publicly available information. An experienced lawyer can even during the first meeting gain the client’s trust, and the client may decide do not look for another specialist. Correct and convincing speech is a guarantee that the necessary information will be conveyed clearly and competently from a legal point of view when defending client’s interests. First, meet with your potential lawyer personally, because a telephone conversation will not allow you to get a full impression of a specialist. There should be a relationship of trust and mutual understanding between the client and the lawyer. Only in this case you can expect a positive result. If during the first meeting the lawyer instilled trust in you, descrive him what your problem is. Provide him with all the details without hiding anything. Then listen to his response: What do the ratings show? It worths to review the rating and reviews of the chosen lawyer. If there is not much information about the specialist on the Internet, on the one hand, it might raise doubts. On the other hand, this may indicate that the career of this lawyer is just starting or the lawyer does not need to promote his services. You could address the question about the ratings and experience to your lawyer directly, and then consider the information provided by him. If a lawyer is not within the rating lists, this does not mean he is unprofessional. Many competent specialists are just starting their careers or simply do not have time to submit relevant applications. If your lawyer is not in the ratings, his services may be cheaper and more accessible but at the same professional level or even better than from the lawyers in the ratings. When might you have doubts? You need to leave the lawyer’s office in the following cases: Conclusions In order not to look for a reliable lawyer for a long time, you can contact IntelliumLaw. Only the best lawyers and tax consultants work here. They provide services to both individuals and companies. Our specialists provide full legal support: Intellium Law specialists do their best to get your desired result. FAQ What is the cost of services? The final price depends on a number of factors, including the details of the case and the complexity of the problem, the availability of documents, and much more. Please contact us to receive a fee quote for your particular case.